Why do kids walk around with their pants falling down?
Why do young guys wear their pants hanging down below their butts? It looks ridiculous and it’s impractical. What if you have to run away from a pit bull on the loose, or you get in a fight? Your pants will restrict your movement. An attacker could just yank them down around your ankles, and then he could easily knock you over and jump on your head.
And, yes, I’m asking a question, not just ranting. Every generation seems to follow fashions that the previous generation disapproves of. But this is just lemming-off-the-cliff stupid.
[Question edited.]
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35 Answers
Well in prison it is an advertisement for a husband. Maybe the kid is just too shy to verbalize his feelings.
I agree. And those people who wear ties everywhere? What’s up with that? Don’t they know that an attacker can use it to strangle them? And what about flip-flops/sandals? Isn’t that exposing your feet to attack?
But @tom_g tourists wearing flip flops are funny, especially the ones that wave their feet at the rattlesnakes trying to shoo them away.
Here is a hint, rattlesnakes eat rabbits, your foot to a snake is about the size of a rabbit. When you wave what looks like lunch in front of a snake, don’t be surprised when the snake tries to take a bite.
Are you asking a question or what?
Hey, old dudes can have issues with their pants too. My old neighbor that looks like Santa Claus just bought himself a little motorcycle and when he rides it past my house his ass is spilling out all over the place. Too much ass for the seat. I wonder if he is a retired plumber. lol
You have no idea how many times I have wanted to say this to kids on the street.
I think my state is about to have a law passed that would forbid underwear from being exposed.
It’s about time !!!
Oh let them, I saw one kid rob a 7/11 only to trip on a bush outside the store when his pants got caught. about… 3 seconds later, the manager had him pinned and the kid landed his ass in juvie
Why do some women wear 4 inch spike heels? Or necklines that plunge with considerable exposure? Why do men wear Speedos which leave nothing to the imagination? What about tattoos? It’s “fashion”. Just because it doesn’t coincide with what is generally considered proper wear (and I don’t subscribe to any of the examples I gave) it may be the thing in other groups of people. Shrug it off.
I swim faster in a speedo
Why do you care?
You sound like my father 40 years ago berating me for having long hair.
They do it to piss people off. Apparently it works well.
Isn’t it a wonderful life to have nothing more important to worry about than how some else wears his pants?
@YARNLADY – I’m still waiting for the question. But it sounds like this.
Kids these days with their rock music and marijuana cigarettes and whatnot. Grumble, grumble, grumble.
Is there nothing else to complain about it? Geez.
@Sunny2 It’s a toss up between freestyle and butterfly
Sagging pants are an identification with Jail Culture. Prison garb never fits well.
It’s just a trend. The main reason for its prevelance is “other kids are doing it, so it is cool and I should do it to”. It also symbolizes a rebellion against society.
The real origin of the trend is thought to be prisoners who were protesting the fact that they were not allowed to wear belts. They protested by wearing their pants in an extremely rediculous fashion to be annoying. The reason that they were not allowed to have a belt is becuase it was suspected that they would try to hang themselves.
To my dang nephew, it means he’s a wannabe rapper, “gansta”.
He respects no one. He’s tryin to be cool.
But he has gotten on my last nerve.
To tell you the truth, I am just thrilled to see their underwear which is usually pretty boxers instead of bare butts like you do on old dudes when they bend over. Crazy thing is, now that hip huggers are back in fashion for females, I actually see more bare female butts than old dudes!
Because kids do silly things.
@King_Pariah My favorites to watch. You wear anything you want and grease up too if that helps. Actually I like watching the turns even better than the strokes.
I just saw one guy who took it to extremes. He was out walking his dog, and literally staggered and stumbled down the street because the dog was going too fast. When they wear their pants so low, they are supposed to walk the right walk too, slow and mean – ya!
Thanks for answering. To those who asked whether I didn’t have other things to complain about, of course I do, but those other things don’t mystify me, so they don’t lead to a question.
To those who pointed out other silly fashion trends, I say, nope, not the same. All the other examples offered either make the person look more attractive/sexy, or are functional in some circumstances, or are conventions associated with making a living. Saggy pants make you look clownish, are never functional, and make you less likely to be employed.
@ SOS (Sycophants Of Simone) : You gave her 10 lurve for that comment? Really? I guess the herd mentality really is strong, which answers my question in a way.
@CugelTheClueless – if you want to gets lots of lurve for asking a question about not overly important things, just ask a question about pancakes in a frizzer.
@CugelTheClueless Prior to editing this question, you hadn’t actually asked a question, you stated your opinion and were seeking validation.
@CugelTheClueless: ”@SOS (Sycophants Of Simone) : You gave her 10 lurve for that comment? Really? I guess the herd mentality really is strong, which answers my question in a way.”
Like @SpatzieLover said, your “question” didn’t contain a question. We (the herd) were waiting for a question to contain….well…a question. Sorry this hurt your feelings.
Note: Herd mentality is something quite different. I’d recommend you look into it further before using it again here.
Well, I was going to talk about the prison origin thing, but others beat me to it. But now the whole “Is this a question?” thing is interesting to me, because my very first question on fluther concerned the appropriateness of posting questions that were really just diatribes, and the very first response was from Simone, who said that it was ok.
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