General Question

occ's avatar

Good all-natural skin moisturizer?

Asked by occ (4182points) May 27th, 2008

I’ve been looking for a good moisturizer, but whenever I read the ingredients on the back I’m freaked out by the polysyllabic chemical names…and I“ve heard that many lotions have parabens in them, which can be harmful. So if I“m going to rub a moisturizer into the skin on my face, it seems like it’s probably better to find one that’s all-natural. Does anyone have a good recommendation?

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14 Answers

Les's avatar

I don’t know if they are all natural (I don’t really care), but Aveeno products are quite amazing. I just started using one of their night creams, and I love it. For me, it is about as “all natural” as I can afford. Also, there is a company called Arbonne (like Avon, but their products are natural), and they are wonderful.

delirium's avatar

Shea butter!
(You can buy really great pure stuff online, but make sure that they add some beeswax or else it’ll melt on the way to you)

(Also, sometimes they have additives of lavender oil and cocoa butter and don’t shy away from it if it has those. They’re also excellent.)

(Cocoa butter especially because it makes it melt at room temperature which makes putting on the lotion almost a zen-like experience)

(The lavender oil is just great for healing.)

SuperMouse's avatar

“Kiss My Face” you can get it at Whole Foods. I also like Philosophy, but their products are pretty pricey.

marinelife's avatar

Whole feeds and any health stores have natural products that do not have a lot of additives. I agree about the shea butter. Aloe is not, by itself, a good moisturizer.

Are you game for homemade, occ, or do you only want commercial?

occ's avatar

I think commercial – I just don’t have time right now to mess around with making my own moisturizer…unless it’s pretty easy?

marinelife's avatar

Just in case you want to give it whirl:

Olive oil, lemon and eggs are a great (mayonnaise) natural skin moisturizer. Apply and let stand for 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

babygalll's avatar

Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter work wonders!

breanne's avatar

I get a little bottle of soy-based Vitamin E oil. Lasts forever, and I rub it into things I think might scar in particular. Otherwise, you could just go to like Longs or Whole Foods or something and get some of the Jason products which I think are pretty nice, and supposedly “organic.” Not really sure what constitutes organic with cosmetics, since the ingredients lists always have some weird sounding ingredients.

hollywoodduck's avatar

Burt’s Bees products are very good and free of parabens!

wabarr's avatar

I am not a big fan of the fact that Burt’s Bees is now owned by the Clorox Company.

gooch's avatar

sheep fat…trust me

SundayKittens's avatar

Grapeseed oil is the bomb. I have sensitive skin and it is perfect.

occ's avatar

FYI – I found a great one – a small candian company called Just the Goods
all natural, and affordable too!

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