What were your parents' occupations and what is yours?
Asked by
Charles (
April 27th, 2012
If you feel comfortable, you can also mention your and their ages or age ranges.
At the least this should be interesting but also, maybe we’ll see a correlation between parents’ occupation and child’s occupation, like ours.
My dad (1921) was an electronics engineer and my mom (1923) was a medical technologist in a hospital. I (1961) am also an engineer.
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28 Answers
My mom was apartment management, a bartender, and waitress for most of her life. She just recently became a nurse and makes more money than she ever expected. I think she’s 45 or 46 now.
I barely know my dad, but he was a Sonar technician in the Navy, and I’m a junior meteorologist in the navy.
My mom, 54, is a homemaker, used to work a little bit in real estate before she had kids, and she hasn’t had a full-time job since. My dad, 54, is a venture capitalist.
I am heading in the direction of becoming a teacher or professor. My mom did study to be a teacher at first and then changed fields after a year of college. So I can’t really say my intended occupation has much to do with my parents.
MY father (1906 -1980) had a law degree and practiced for a while. He then took over as CEO of my grandfather’s umbrella frame and outdoor furniture business which morphed into a large Co. on the Amex under my father’s reign.
My mother (1914–2011 was a stay-at-home mom, an active volunteer in the suburban Jewish organizations like Hadassah and B’nai Brith and a social and cultural butterfly. She got her BA when she was in her fifties as a commuter at The New School in NYC.
I (1937) was an Astronomical researcher, a French teacher and then the Director of College Placement at an Independent Quaker day school. Retired now.
My mother (1959) is a histotechnologist, my father (1957) is a 5* chef by education/experience, but is basically a regional manager for a chain of grocery store “fancy restaurants” right now.
I am an analytical chemist, aspiring to be a forensic scienist.
My father was a physician and my mother was an artist. I was an occupational therapist. I chose it partially because it was a double major of art and science and I thought that was what I was meant to be. I later became a teacher because the opportunity came up and I found the classroom was much preferable to the hospital room. I taught science and art among other things.
Firefighter father + mom who worked odd jobs (during school hours to be with the kids) => I’m a software engineer/developer.
My dad was in the Navy for years but has worked in Tennis (as an umpire, referee and now organising tennis events/tournaments) since retiring from service. He’s 55 years old.
My mum was also in the Navy for a few years but left to raise my brother and I. Since then she’s had a number of jobs, mostly reception/secretarial types. She’s 50 years old.
My full time (pays the bills) job is admin support in the sports department of a university but I also work for a dog training/animal care company part time which I am hoping will eventually turn into a full time career. I am 25 years old.
My dad worked in aviation. Supplier of airplane parts and accessories.
My mother worked in customer service. Phone support.
I an a graphic designer and a college instructor.
My mother was a translator for the UN, speaking French, Spanish and German fluently, she was also a legal secretary and a concert pianist at different times.
My father was an Architect for the Bureau of Indian Affairs and built schools and hospitals across the south western U.S.
I am a Jill of all trades, including real estate, customer service, interior design and numerous other fortes that come and go. I never could commit to just ONE thing!
I like to have lots of irons in the fire to keep life sparky and prefer multiple jobs for the diversity. Don’t fence me in or I get edgy and am likely to bolt. lol
Mama worked in a bakery, papa was a rolling stone & i’m a locksmith.
My dad was a pilot in the Air Force, then an electrical engineer. My mom was a one-room school teacher, then a stay-at-home mom. She’s finishing up a degree in Art. Both of them are in their late 60’s.
I studied architecture and art. Ended up working with grade school children at an industrial arts college.
BONUS: My grandfather (who passed away before I was born) was an architect. And I recently found out that my dad used to be quite the painter.
My mother worked in a clinic. My father worked for the railroad. I am a freelance legal consultant and investigator.
Mom was a realtor (now retired), Dad was a chemical and civil engineer, I am in public health. My dad was an engineer, my stepfather was a conductor (symphony) and neither worked on trains.
My father was a college professor (philosophy and theology) and an ordained minister. My mother was a college instructor (English, rhetoric, ESL). No matter how poor we were (and we were), we always had books.
I majored in English but began my career in the late sixties as a so-called “gal Friday” and then as a computer programmer. Technology was ramping up in the workplace, and there were no jobs in my field. Later I moonlighted as a freelance editor until I’d built up some experience and then switched to full-time editorial work.
Dad was a pilot, nuclear engineer, then civil engineer.
I have been a stockbroker, financial analyst, technology project manager and consultant.
Mom was a waitress, then homemaker, then waitress. I over-tip waitresses.
Hey, we could do some serious networking here!
I better control my impulse to crack a few jokes that might result in the secret police being called in to investigate. haha
My Dad (1921) was a dentist. My Mom (1922) was a nurse. I’m (1951) am a medical technologist.
My mom has had several different jobs. She’s worked at a nutrition coordinator in a hospital, various retail jobs, and is currently working in the billing office at a doctor’s office.
My dad is an over-the-road truck driver.
I’m a nurse.
@Coloma Did I mention my Dad’s stint with the secret police? I am not allowed to tell you of my secret activities!
@Kayak8 Shhhh, spy dog is on a mission ;-)
My Mom (61) was a nurse until she injured herself. Now she teaches in nursing school. She’s been a nurse for at least 30 years.
My dad (52) was in the Navy for 26 years. He retired, and now he does something with safety precautions for parts for nuclear weapons; I’m not exactly sure what.
I’m (23) currently a student, but I plan to become an entrepreneur.
My father was a mechanical engineer and my mom was a seamstress making curtains with my fathers mother.
I went to school for economics but ended up fixing computer stuff for food after I graduated.
My mom (1948) started out working in the theater/concert field, then worked in many other fields, always in administrative positions, mostly office management. The largest part of her career was spent working at NIH. My step-dad (1948) also started out working in the theater/concert field (that’s where they met), and is a lifelong student, who earned his master’s degree in his 50s, and is now the director of human resources for a large public utility company. My bio father (a few years older than my mom) was an entrepreneur who owned his own AC & Heating company and a pool shark (or is it sharp?). As for me (1967) I’ve pretty much followed the career path of my mother, working in accounting and administrative management in several fields, though I took 14 years off to be a stay-at-home mom. Right now, I manage Fluther.com. :)
My grandfather was a salesman (anything and everything, mostly cars, mostly limos and hearses to be precise) and a fireman and my grandmother was head of grants management for NIH.
Are we going far back? Most of the men of my family were soldiers who married women above them in station.
Most of the women in my family were brilliant and kept detailed diaries of their lives but never published anything,
My aunt has documentation that if I went to France I would be a Count.
That would be a helluva handle….“Count Imadethisupwithnoforethought”!
Both of my parents were raised dirt poor. Mom was the child of immigrants from Holland. They farmed the Kent Valley (where Boeing now has a plant. I think somebody made some money off of that deal!)
Dad’s mom died when he was 13. His dad was a Sheriff in Sunray Texas. However, Dad went on to college (Texas Tech) got a EE Degree and was was a high level manager at Boeing, Wichita.
My mom was a stay-at-home Mom. When we were teenagers she got a job as a teacher’s aid at a kindergarten on McConnell Air Force Base. Then after she and my dad divorced and she moved to Seattle and got on as an executive secretary at Boeing, Seattle.
I’m a teacher.
My dad’s been a student, a real estate broker, a home builder/designer, a home inspector and now a part time teacher of cabinetry at a community college.
My mom worked in mgt. for electronics companies and then as a floral designer for 20+ yrs.
Both of my parents are in their early 60’s.
Me, I’ve worked in restaurants, as a jewelry designer, an office clerk for a school district, a car salesperson, a jr. title officer for a mortgage title co. and also a receptionist. I’m in my early 40’s.
My father was a cabinet maker and my mother stayed at home with us until I was 14. She then went on to become an insurance agent and was one until she died.
I started my professional life as an insurance agent but for the last 14 years I’ve been a stay at home mom and for the last 7 years I’ve home schooled my three children.
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