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Is there an animal on earth that moves so slowly that it could see the plants grow around it?
I’m wondering about that awhile. I saw a documentary about fast animals and there was a fly they say it moves so quick when it walks!, that it has to stop every few centimeters to let the visual information arrive to its brain. Then the fly attains back to orientation and does the next move.
I know that some plants grow half meter a day like seaweed/kelp that gets much light under the water surface. So i was thinking about the opposite of that fast fly in the documentary.
I think the fly don’t know about it’s fastness and equally that probably slowest animal has no interest in viewing all that plants grow around him, because it is looking for food or just has to survive the day. One last thing. I want to know if this animal could really see the plants grow around it, not “just” feel it like a snail or something with other comparable senses.
This is my first question friends, hope you’ll understand my point I found a link to the giant kelp but nothing about that fly, I’m sorry. If you have, please share.
All the best.
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