Is there such a thing as an innocent flirt?
Or, do you think there is always intention behind it?
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19 Answers
Now that I am an old lady, I flirt with almost everyone. It amuses us all, since there is no evil intent or actually, no intent, other than fun, behind the words.
There is always intention behind it even if the intention is just a bit of fun.
There should be an intention, or else how can it be a flirtation? The intent must be entertainment. Raising the spirits. Feeling like you’re interesting in some way.
I was told I was homely by nearly everyone when I was young.
I lost a lot of weight, started working out, and my complexion cleared. At some point, female friends started to tell me I was handsome and I should stop leading women on.
The thing is I had been treating women the same, apparently their willingness to take my advances seriously had changed. So I only innocently flirt with now with women who are too old or young for me, or who are acting like they have had a bad day, And I flirt with them in front of their girlfriends and husbands.
Women I am interested in I let come to me.
In my occupation, flirts were a dime a dozen. Some women just fall to piences over a uniform.
I took my flirts as a compliment and just carried on with my job.
Yes, I believe there is such a thing as an innocent flirt, although they are few and far between. While most cases of flirtation can be accurately tagged, others involve simply a keen interest in another person. It is labeled as flirtation by others.
Another example of what might be considered innocent flirtation is what happened in my little world the other day. While walking out to the car after shopping at the local convenience store, a delivery truck driver noticed one of my purchases which was affiliated with his job. He gave me a thumbs up and a smile. I said, “You’re my man.” He responded with, “And you’re my gal.” It may be construed as flirtation, but it was completely innocent for both of us.
It depends on the situation and the people doing it, often blown out of proportion by a third party. It’s one of those things where good use of tact is critical.
There can be innocent flirt, but you have to be careful. I have a couple of guys I flirt with, and they flirt with me, but we know the rules, we know we are not each other’s “type” and we know it is all in fun. Since this is work flirting we are careful to avoid an audience that might misconstrue what is going on.
A true flirt can be nothing else but innocent, otherwise it’s just a creepy advance & we can’t be having that.
I flirt with everyone, completely innocently. I have never cheated on anyone, nor do I ever intend to.
I believe so.
I’ve often flirted online (don’t do it in real life though; too shy). To me, it is innocent and I have absolutely no intention of going further. Most of the people I flirt with know that it is just that ..nothing else. If there is confusion, I apologize and tell them right out that I am not interested.
I flirt because it’s fun and it makes people laugh or smile. My partner is fully aware of it ..and she’s completely fine with it. If she wasn’t, I would not do it.
No. They are immoral harlots, every single one of them.
Yes, flirts can be completely innocent. I do it all the time and I am not a cheater.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
@Plucky makes an important point… my husband is fully aware of my flirtatious nature, as I am of his.
When someone is flirting i dont think the intention is always to have sex with you, but i believe that the flirter is slways imagining having sex with you and trying to get you to imagine having sex with them. But that isnt to say all flirting is about physical attraction, i know when i like a persons personallity i flirt regardless of looks, i just want to do it with awesome people.
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