Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

[ Possibly NSFW ] Is there any difference between kissing a man and kissing a woman?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29349points) April 30th, 2012

For bisexuals, are the physical and emotional sensations of kissing a man similar to that of kissing a woman-? What are the differences if there are indeed differences-?

This question is also open to opinions and conjectures from heterosexuals and gays. Thanks.

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16 Answers

marinelife's avatar

No, there is no difference physically. One may excite one more than the other.

ragingloli's avatar

None. All sin is equal and deserving of hellfire.

Blackberry's avatar

There’s a physical difference, of course. I assume for bisexuals there are differences, but none that are different than a straight man kissing two women: he may like one, but not the other.

mazingerz88's avatar

@ragingloli Nicely put. In a Sodom and Gomorrhic way.

Ron_C's avatar

The only guy I kissed was my dad, on the cheek, and he needed a shave. No woman that I kissed ever needed a shave. They were soft and smelled better.

syz's avatar


downtide's avatar

There are differences but I think the difference is mainly in myself; whether the other person is regarding me as male or female.

Trillian's avatar

Well, the actual mechanics are the same. The places one’s hand wanders to may be anatomically different. (Or the same. HAHAHAHAHAHA!) But one kisses someone to be intimate, so the sex of the other person has little to do with it.

blueiiznh's avatar

Thak for asking the question. I will be starting a scientific experiment on this starting today.
I will get back to you in a week.

mothermayi's avatar

The women I’ve kissed do not have scratchy beards/goatees. ;)

ucme's avatar

Never having kissed a man, I couldn’t possibly comment… I won’t.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

I’ve kissed both. I’m a lesbian. Kissing a woman makes me “feel funny” in my pants.

Other than that, no difference.

Ron_C's avatar

@Mama_Cakes ”“feel funny” in my pants” that’s a good one! It makes me feel funny in my pants too.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Not to me. There are differences with kissing each person, though.

ETpro's avatar

Most ladies I’ve kissed didn’t have stubble or whiskers on their faces. And I[‘ve never had one develop a big growth in their pants that poked into my thigh. But aside from that, same.

Nimis's avatar

Girls’ lips tend to be much softer than guys. Technique varies from person to person.

Since I’m heterosexual, I’d liken kissing a girl to kissing a guy that you’re not that into. No funny feelings in the pants, so to speak. But there’s still that thrill of intimacy even if it’s not sexual. The closeness of another person.

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