Do your kids have the same political beliefs as you do?
Did you brainwash them? Did you make an effort to expose them to other points of view?
Is your outlook similar to your parent’s view?
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22 Answers
A little, but my parents were not conservative.
I’ve similar political views to my parents. We tend to agree on most of the issues, but disagree on which are most pertinent. I’ve no kids, so I can’t account for them.
Yes. No brainwashing was required. They asked about other opinions and we explained why we think what we think, and that seemed convincing to them.
My outlook is similar to my parents although when I learned that my father was a Republican, I couldn’t understand it for years. But it seems he inherited his Republicanism from his parents, and even though he no longer supported any Republicans, he still registered Republican for decades out of habit, I guess. Apparently, he only recently left the dark side officially.
Only similar. My youngest son believes in conspiracy theories, but he isn’t a true believer, just a skeptic.
It is still too soon to tell where my kids’ political beliefs will end up. I am actively trying to brainwash them into being Mommy’s Little Liberals. In the end though if they all turn out to be Alex P. Keaton I’ll still love them the same.
I share the political beliefs my parents held as I was growing up. As my father has aged he has moved steadily to the right in his political leanings and now is a Fox News lemming. So I do not share his current political beliefs.
I never talked about politics or anything with my mother. Only recently did I decide to ask her some questions. She is a liberal and she called religion a “scam”. I was proud of my mother that day, lol.
1. I don’‘t have any.
2. N/A
3. Yes
I’m more Liberal and Progressive than my parents
And no.
I was Michael Keaton. Conservative from birth, born to very staunch Democrats. Much to their dismay.
Yes. We’re both apolitical.
My children’s are similar but not the same. Just as I was similar to my mother but not the same.
Ask an eight year old kid’s mom what religion he is and she’ll say “Catholic” or “Jewish” or whatever.
Ask her if he is a democrat or a republican and she’ll say “What? He’s too young to know his political choices.”
No kids
Yes I brainwashed husband. Needed another Democrat to talk to where I live.
What was the last question….oh, yeah. Expose to other points of view? What do you think?
I don’t have children.
I am about 80% in agreement with my parents. They don’t always agree with each other, so I guess I am like them in that I don’t go along with everything my party says. My father has become more liberal during my lifetime on several issues, my mom has always been about the same. In fact, at present, my dad who was Republican almost my entire lifetime, now refuses to vote for any Republicans. My mom, a lifetime Democrat votes for Republicans at times. Definitely no brainwashing. Politics was not discussed that much when I was younger.
They have similar views but more intense feelings. They have both demonstrated about issues they cared about and been arrested when they were in college. (Once each.)
My kids are smart, they know the vast majority of politicians are mean old liars, I concur with that.
My kids are all under 10. They don’t have political beliefs.
As for my parents and me…
My mother is basically apolitical.
My father is a fiscally and socially conservative Republican. I don’t necessarily think that his heart is in the wrong place – I just think that a few conditions led to this….
He went to Vietnam, saw some serious combat, was injured (grenade) and came home to a public he felt was calling him a “baby killer”. He tried to go to college part-time when he returned, but was suffering some severe PTSD and there was much anti-war activity on campus during that time. From what I gather, these formative years set up a strong us-vs-them mentality that has persisted. It also cemented his “college/education = liberal indoctrination” attitude.
When I was in my early twenties, I remember speaking candidly with my father about political events and things going on at the time. I was surprised that we agreed about so many things. We were talking about specific issues and concepts, however, that weren’t couched in spin and talking points. But I believe we are so far apart on these issues primarily because we are actually looking at them through different lenses. He doesn’t value education, so he is suspicious of people who look into an issue too closely.
Anyway, I’m a bleeding heart liberal, socialist, left-wing, feminist, environmentalist who came from a mother with no politics and a father with bad politics.
“My kids are smart, they know the vast majority of politicians are mean old liars, I concur with that.”
Sounds like they’ve been influenced.
Also, I wonder if it is actually true the “majority” of politicians are actually “mean” or “old” or “liars”.
@tom_g – boy, that hits home. GA. Different lenses indeed probably due to different eras and what were the Hot Topics of their day and your above discovery.
I was taught to “Vote for the Man” not the Party but if ever in doubt, vote Democrat cause their for helping people and Republicans are for people with businesses or money. He was WWII veteran and had lived through the Depression as a child to teenager. Having to wear orange Welfare overalls to school scarred him for life to overachieve.
Seems like not much has changed.
So far, my kids mostly share my political beliefs, but not their father’s (who is a registered Republican). The oldest is very passionate about politics and has been from a very young age. She plans on making a career in the field, actually. She’s going to college this fall, majoring in poli-sci/international relations. The other two (16 and 14 years old) are not as involved in politics in general, but both seem to be quite liberal. The youngest recently participated in the Day of Silence, in support of LGBT rights.
I don’t think I brainwashed them… I’ve always tried to expose them to all sorts of different points of view, in all areas of life. Of course, I could be in denial. ~
My mother was a Democrat while I was growing up, but an old-school southern Democrat. We hold very different views on things. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that she votes Republican these days.
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