Do you personally know of someone who drove their car into someone's house?
Asked by
Nimis (
May 1st, 2012
from iPhone
This would seem like an uncommon occurrence. Yet, over the weekend, I was hanging out with some friends. Between the six of us, we knew of four incidents of this. (Two of our neighbors had people drive through their house. One person’s old boss was drunk and drove through someone’s kitchen. Another person’s little sister fell asleep at the wheel and drove through someone’s house.)
Is this more common than I thought? Or do we just know really bad drivers and unfortunate individuals?
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25 Answers
@Nimis It’s more common than I’d like to think about, quite frankly.
A former maintenance man on one of our property’s drove his truck into his mobile home. It cost him a lot, as it moved the trailer off the foundation and caused the home to be out of alignment.
My dad drove through the garage twice. Both times with extremely expensive cars.
Both of these ^ men had been drinking. Another great reason to not drink & drive.
My husband drove his car into a neighbor’s house when he was a teenager.
Of course, there isn’t much my husband hasn’t done as a teenager!
I only knew one guy. He was an excellent worker in the navy, but I guess he was an alcoholic. He received two DUIs and had been on restriction on the ship. He tried to escape the ship one time and was caught, and got away the second time, went to get drunk, and crashed into a business.
I was on watch when the police came to the ship the next day to talk to his superiors. They showed us a picture of his trusk lodged into a store front. When he crashed, he ran away.
My high school buddy tried more than once to drive his truck into the school. Cops caught him the first time, the snowbanks stopped him the second, third time he popped a couple tires and bent the rims when he hit the curb.
I know of a contractor that drove a big dump truck and trailer through a woman’s house. Shes no longer with us. My cousin drove her car into our house.
I was at a small beer joint in Texas one night, listening to Texas legend Bill Neely. The back of the stage was on the wall with the street entrance. Bill had just come back from a break, and was starting to play one of his more popular songs, when suddenly, there was a giant “boom!” The wall started caving in toward the bar, and knocked Bill off his stool. Someone had pulled up to park in front, and her brakes gave out just as she was pulling into the parking space in front!
No I don’t, but I know an estate agent who drove a hard bargain on a property just outside London, In-gurr-land.
I worked at a restaurant when an older woman drove her Lincoln right through the lobby. She wasn’t drunk, she just hit the accelerator by mistake. She actually stayed and ate dinner while the cops and insurance people worked everything out.
I don’t personally know of anyone who has done that, but it’s scary to think that it’s even a somewhat common occurrence.
My grandmother hit my parents house with her car.
A kid I went to school with ran his car into his neighbors house. He had just gotten his drivers license.
Yes, a friends grandma ran into a house, right into the kitchen, nobody was hurt. She said she confused the pedals, poor grandma, time to start driving Miss Daisy.
A small pet store in my old hometown had a truck driven through it, and the 7–11 right down the block from my house recently had a car driven through the front windows. It turned out the lady driving had a special artificial leg (that she was using to drive with), and the mechanics of the leg failed, somehow, keeping the foot on the gas pedal. No one was hurt in either instance, thank goodness.
Someone drove through the front of one of the branches of the bank that I work for. Luckily, it was after hours and no one was hurt.
My friend’s uncle drove through the entrance to a Rite Aid just a few years ago. Also at a local deli a really old woman ran over and killed a man on the sidewalk and drove further into the store itself because she thought her car was in reverse, it wasn’t, and she slammed on the gas, apparently. Yikes.
I don’t know her, but this happened about 6–8 months ago near here.
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – It was back to the drawing board for one South Dakota teen who was keen to get her driver’s license after a mishap Wednesday in which she hit the gas instead of the brake.
The 16-year-old was on her way to take her driver’s exam test in Sioux Falls when she crashed the car into the Department of Public Safety building where she had been due to sit her exam.
Police Sgt. Lon Hatcher told the Argus Leader that no one in the building or the Ford Taurus was injured in the incident.
“Instead of stopping, she hit the gas instead of the brake,” he said, adding no citation had been issued to the driver.
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I knew a couple who had a fight with each other, she got in her car and intentionally drove into their house “to show him how stupid he is” then he drove his truck into the house “to show her how stupid she was”
I think they were both right
My friend was tired and didn’t want to drive her daughter’s study partner home as previously promised. She handed her 14 year old daughter the car keys (was she drinking and not just tired – probably) and the girls got in the car. The passenger was sitting sideways with her back to the door, no seat belt. They made it most of the way across town when the daughter made a left turn a little too fast (yeah, you know what is about to happen). The friend’s door popped open, she fell into the street, and the driver was so startled she drove through a low cinder block fence, across the front yard and into the kitchen. What was really amazing was that the whole incident somehow was “lost” by the police department and no one ever got into trouble.
Twenty-one first person incidents!
Holy cow!
Makes me want to put in guardrails around my house!
Hilarious @Nimis. I was just answering another question on a thread when I came across this:
One month after the renovation, a car crashed through the front door of the restaurant in the middle of the night, causing $6,000 in damages. Thanks to the generosity of friends and family, repairs were made quickly and the Pelican Grill remained closed for only eight days.
I think this is way more common than we’d like to know. I remembered two more incidents I know of:
Family member had a stroke whilst driving with two other family members in the car. He didn’t drive into a bldg, but instead drove directly into a new car lot & wiped out three new vehicles.
In the neighborhood I used to live in there was a strip mall across the street. A woman drove halfway into a printing/copy store. She was reaching down for the things she was going to copy and hit the gas when she thought she had her foot on the brake. Amazingly no customers or clerks were injured
I also recalled a family friend that had too many beers. He drove into and removed the porch clean off from his home.
We can all live together, in a crash-free zone.
When my brother and I were real little this actually happened: Some guy was teaching his wife to drive, and she turned too sharply and drove into the side of our garage. My mother got scared because the garage was were sometimes played. Lucky for us we were not in the garage at the time. Hazards of the corner house. We moved a short time later.
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