Is there no more Lurve?
Asked by
ETpro (
May 3rd, 2012
OK, so I know points are pointless. But something seems to have gone wrong with the points system of late. For the last 6 days, I’ve managed to gain just 1 point per day—the one you get for visiting two days in a row. I’ve been getting lots of great question and great answer awards according to the right-column display on the home page, but not a one of them has actually gotten credited to me.
Are you getting points as usual? Is it just me the system hates, or are points broken for all of us?
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63 Answers
Nope, I’ve gotten lurve. I guess nobody lurves you.
Probably you are just too well-known in the Flutherverse. Perhaps most users are maxed out on you. (Each user can only give another user 100 pts. before they stop being counted.)
I’m getting plenty… I would say @marinelife‘s right. Lots of peeps are probably just maxed out on you.
@marinelife has it, too many of us around here already gave you all our lurve.
It’s most likely what @marinelife said, everyone giving you GAs has just maxed out on you already.
You need to meet newbs and answer their questions if you must gain lurve.
What is the normal amount of lurve you get each day? Ask this question yesterday, and I’d say that there was no one left to give me lurve. I think I only got ten lurve, and that was all overnight when I wasn’t doing anything.
It’s not as if people weren’t GAing me. It’s hard to track how many GAs you get, but it seems like people were GAing me as much as they usually do. But not lurve yesterday.
Today was a different story. I think I get around 30 lurve a day, as a rough average. I’ve gotten that much already.
But I do think there are fewer people around, and those that are around are people who have been here forever. We’re all maxed out on each other. How could we not be?
There may be lurkers who hand out lurve but never say anything. I have no idea how to tell if they are there. But people do show up—uh, sign up, and then read but not write. That’s nice, but I always wonder about them. Why don’t they write? I think there are some people who don’t feel like they are good enough. Maybe it’s the moderation. They try to write and can’t do it well enough. Or maybe they just feel like they don’t have anything to say that anyone else would be interested in. Given the stuff we see here, it’s hard for me to credit that. Unless they feel like they don’t want to deal with what happens to people who write badly or who garner the disrespect of other jellies.
Dunno. But I can say that it seems slower lately. But that may just be a temporary thing. It’s exam season at colleges. Some of our younger jellies may be a bit busy catching up on all the studying they didn’t do while fluthering.
@ETpro I must have gotten all the lurve that was suppose to go to you then. I got 3. I bestow 2 points back to you.
In the last hour, someone new just went through the free association game, and lurved every answer I gave (8 of them). I don’t know who and I don’t know why. But it seems like a concerted effort to give me lurve.
Fluther is funny. Or should I say, funny things happen on fluther.
Thank you, whoever you are. Although if you like those answers… or on second thought, maybe not. Maybe someone is trying to encourage me to keep them short?
But that would never work. It would be no fun here if I could only give one word answers. But wouldn’t that be weird if people who gave one word answers got all the lurve?
I throw lurve your way all the time, but I think it just doesn’t count any more. You should have spread out your insightful comments so my GAs would still count for you.
I always give you points, in case it matters. You do a good job on Fluther.
But I know what you mean. I have lots of questions that draw lots of comments, but very little lurve. Oh well. I guess there is not as much give and take on Fluther as some jellies would like to imagine. Keep up the good work.
Yeah – it’s that maxed out business. I go for days getting GAs and no budge in total points.
@ETpro I’ve noticed this, and being that my lurve flow is fairly slow, it’s easy to notice when it doesn’t update. A while back I was stuck on one number for a few days despite what was really happening with the GA’s. Either way, my paycheck still comes in from work, so I’m happy.
I always send lurve your way, except I rarely get involved in the political Q.s so, my lurve does not have a regular seat in your senate. lol
I really don’t pay much attention, most of the time, so I don’t know of I have been lurve starved lately. I’m more about laughs than lurve.
OK, I know about the maxed out thing. And lots of us are up against that hard limit. I am with most of you. But I was going along getting 10, 20 or 30 points a day. On a good day I might even get 50. Then 6 days ago, it stopped. One point a day and that’s all. I can see the +3 for Great Question and +5 for Great Answer awards I’ve gotten on the home page. In some cases, they are from new users who can’t possibly be maxed out. Three or four new users have added me to their Fluther in that time, and the Lurve Report on the home page showed the +2 for that, but it didn’t credit.
So something is was busted. Funny, whatever it was just came unstuck. I got 13 points since this afternoon. Go figure. Maybe it pays to kvetch.
@digitalimpression I like that way of looking at it. Put 10 million points with a buck, and you can buy a coffee at Mickey D’s.
@josie Points to all who answered. I generally do that, even though I know I’m maxed out on most of you. Even if it doesn’t add to your point total (and we all agree points ain’t money) it makes an answer look nicer if it gets a few GA votes.
I’m finding the same thing. The maxing out thing was explained to me and I guess that’s what is going on, but it can be frustrating if you’re competitive (even if only with yourself.) I’m sure it gets harder as you acquire as many points as you have. You may have to stop caring so much. I hate saying that, but it may be true
@Sunny2 Ha! Since I “have to stop caring so much” I’ll start by not giving you points for telling me that. :-)
mine is still going up, although much slower since I have cut back on my time here.
@YARNLADY Mine just kicked back in after I asked this. Coincidence? :-)
If there was a problem, I didn’t know about it and it was fixed without me knowing about it, either. I should take a day off more often. ~ Lurve you guys!
@augustlan You know I;m not ragging on you. I Lurve you and the Fluther staff points or not.
I know. We lurve you, too. :)
@ETpro, I am getting plenty of good answers and no lurve too. I think it is a combination of people being maxed out on me, not enough new users and new users perhaps not giving lurve as much as is historically the norm. I see threads with good answers and pretty much no lurve. That’s my theory anyway. You and me are going to have to stalk newbies and then shame them into clicking the GA button.
@ETpro Go ahead and protest any time you want. Got me 91 new lurve yesterday, after having very little for days.
But seriously, I doubt it had to do with your protest. These things go in fits and starts. Lurve is quite variable. And it does respond to the amount of effort I put into things. There are days when I am on—usually the days when I am more personal and less silly or dogmatic. These days people seem to respond.
I think it also has to do with the questions. Some questions are more controversial. People seem to hand out more lurve on controversial questions.
@ETpro You don’t look that mean.
@ETpro Yes, there is very little lurve left. Fluther reached “peak lurve” almost two years ago. No new deposits of lurve have been found for years and lurve reserves have rapidly dwindled to almost nothing. Auggie wanted to tell people, to prepare them, but Ben and Andrew threatened both her and her family… she tried to resist, but then, with the full weight and power of Twitter behind them, resistance became impossible. Attempts at “fracking” lurve have so far been unsuccessful. The technology is just not as far advanced in terms of wrestling lurve from the ground as it is when it comes to oil and natural gas.
A good question to ask, which I would ask if I didn’t already max out the number of questions I could ask in one day would be, should the amount of lurve for points one member can give another be abolished, in your opinion? I did not word that the best way it could be worded, but you know what I mean. When we’re old and in nursing homes, we’ll all be lurving each other and not getting any points any longer.
I understand why that rule was started. However, since many of us have been here for many years and some have earned tens of thousands of points, does it make sense to say there’s a max on the number of lurve points one can gain from another?
Here’s a few more for ya…
All your lurve are belong to us.
@WillWorkForChocolate In that case. I will “Make my time.”
@zensky If you keep being a new man, do you keep getting another carload lot of Lurve?
@jca IMHO, Love is not something the world needs to limit.
@lillycoyote James Cameron expects that his Planetary Resources project will yield a new and almost unlimited source of Lurve. I sure lurve that Planetary Resources is getting ramped up to tap the resources they find int the asteroid belt.
@ETpro Thank God for James Cameron! Auggie and her family will once again be safe and Ben and Andrew will once again be forces for good, after their very brief and completely uncharacteristic foray over the to dark side. :-)
@lillycoyote Amen and amen! :-) And free money will grow on trees. You won’t even have to harvest it. Wait till fall, then rake it up.
@augustlan You’re “saved”? Does that mean you’ll start speaking in tongues soon?
Obviously, your randomly-assigned Fluther Buddy in Charge of Lurve Assignment took a leave of absence. (You did know about that policy, right?)
S/he is back now and your points will be racking up.
@Blueroses It’s Lurve enough to see you back. Where have you been? :=)
@ETpro it’s a full time job having your back. Puhleez, a girl gets a break now and then. ♥
@Blueroses Well I sure hope you had a good one. You need a break from time to time way more than I need a constant flow of pointless points, if you get my point.
I do.
I remember that a point in every direction is the same as no point at all.
And nothing is pointless when you are in a place where everything is pointed.
That was your point? yes?
But the points don’t matter. :D
I’m sorry. I’m a bit slow on the uptake. What was she trying to say?
You missed the point. In fact, you’re so late now, that it’s pointless to try and point out what she was attempting to make a point of.
A day late and a dollar short. Yep. Maybe I should change my name to Twodayatta. Might catch the worm some time. What do you say?
I can see now that this whole exercise was pointless. But may I pointedly point out that I got the points in it. :-)
Man you should be thankful. My lurve actually decreases.
I would do anything for lurve, but I won’t do that.
I think I’ve only received around 100 lurve (actual points, not great answer votes) in the last 2 weeks, despite receiving several times that amount in GA votes. Obviously about 20 different users on here like my answers in general, or are just very giving people. I’m pretty much dependent upon newer users to give me actual lurve anymore.
Maybe the cap on lurve points from old users should be raised. Perhaps when Fluther was started, having 30k points or whatever was hard to imagine, almost unheard of. Now that it’s been around a long time, there are more questions to answer, and it’s not going anywhere, the old regulars are all “capped out.”
@jca I was actually just thinking about that. It may be time to rejigger the lurve system.
yeah – I’m dying here: dying I tell ya!
@augustlan I just wanna make it to 20k! Is that so much to ask? I’m having a conniption over the whole dern thing, ya know? Come on, come on, gimme 20k already!!!
Hey! All I want is 100K. Measly old 100K. Is that too much to ask? I mean, it’s just got a 1 and a few zeros. Not much too it. It’s not like I’m asking for 20K, which has a 2 in it. Nope. Just a 1. And some zeros. That’s all. ;-)
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