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roundsquare's avatar

What are good political TV shows?

Asked by roundsquare (5532points) May 4th, 2012

I like both The West Wing and Battleground. I’m looking for more (somewhat) similar shows. Any suggestions?

1) I’m okay with either party being the “hero.”
2) I’d love to also find some stuff from outside the US but I’d need to have English subtitles if its not in English.

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10 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Julia Louis-Dreyfus is going to be starring in a new show this fall on HBO called Veep.

mowens's avatar

@marinelife I have never seen her in anything but comedies.

syz's avatar

Nothing will ever top The West Wing.

tranquilsea's avatar

Our family loves, Yes, Minister and, Yes, Prime Minister. They are the kind of funny that strikes close to the truth.

JLeslie's avatar

Morning Joe on MSNBC M-F 6–9 ET. I like it because Joe is former congressman, Republican, and his side kick Mika is a Democrat. They have guests on for 20 minutes or more. Really have a conversation more than an interview most of the time, and there isn’t tons of spin on the show. Plus, they don’t like crossfire outlandish arguments. You can see Republicans agreeing with Democrats and vice versa. When a guest goes on a talking point tangent, Morning Joe regulars usually call them out on it.

I like This Week with George Stephanoplous also on ABC on Sundays.

As far as shows that are fictional, West Wing was the best. I’ll be following the Q to see what other jellies suggest.

mowens's avatar

@JLeslie I think the original poster means Political Fiction. :)

JLeslie's avatar

@mowens I just edited before I saw your post. I realized that when I looked at the other answers. Thanks.

Roby's avatar

Don’t watch them. Most lean to far to the left for me.

flutherother's avatar

Yes, Prime Minister is good, but it’s a comedy.

saylo_0's avatar

Friday Fiver – TV Blog – Digital Spy -The West Wing -
“ Tube Talk ”-Party Animals

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