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Blackberry's avatar

(Possibly NSFW) What's the strongest part of your body? What's the weakest part?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) May 4th, 2012

Do you have a part of your body that seems stronger or more in shape than the rest? What’s the weakest part of your body?

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33 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

My upper spinal support is a poly-alloy, designed to withstand extreme stress. My skull is composed of cortenide and duranium.

marinelife's avatar

My skeleton is strong. The weakest part of my body is my arm strength.

Blackberry's avatar

I don’t have any brute strength, but I think I have decent core strength.

thorninmud's avatar

I have a crazy strong grip. No idea why. In a college PE class, we were given a grip test using a dynamometer . I bottomed the thing out. That was 35 years ago, and I would have thought that I had lost much of it, but a physical therapist had me do the same thing not long ago and I can still pin it. If you need a jar of jam opened, I’m your guy.

My shoulders are broad, but they’re just for show. No juice.

janbb's avatar

@thorny How did you know?

My legs are – may I say it – amazing. My arm and wrist strength – not so much. (Maybe it’s ‘cause I only have flippers.)

rebbel's avatar

What the strongest part is, or the hardest?

tranquilsea's avatar

As I work out every day I know that my weakest muscles are my shoulder muscles. They handle the least amount of weight.

Coloma's avatar

My legs. I have great muscle memory and strong, shapely, legs, from years of riding horses, swimming, walking/jogging. Unfortunetly I have a weak left ankle that has been injured on numerous occasions so hardcore running is out these days. Weakest would be my left shoulder, which has a pin in it from a horse wreck years ago. I’m left handed too, some sort of left sided breakdown. lol

tranquilsea's avatar

Oh, and my strongest are my leg muscles.

Sunny2's avatar

My nose. Anyhow, it smells the strongest. sorry
Actually, my upper back is the most physically strong, I think. And my stomach. I can eat anything without upset.
My wrists are the weakest.

Coloma's avatar

Here ya go…now this is strength. Come on guys, get with it. lol

Coloma's avatar

Oh crap..error..well…google “monks that pull trucks with their penises Amazing!

fluthernutter's avatar

My uterus. That thing can push out a miniature human being.

Weakest? Probably my uterus after it’s done all that pushing.

filmfann's avatar

The strongest is probably my legs. I used to climb hills as part of my paper route, and I developed just incredible leg muscles. It’s been 40 years since, and they still are amazing.
My weakest is obviously my back. Too many injuries have left it unable to endure much. Even a random nudge by someone walking behind me can leave me unable to walk for a few days.

DominicX's avatar

Burns: There’s no muscle stronger than the human heart.
Homer: What about the wiener? I saw a guy on TV lift a paint can with his.

My answer: strongest/more in shape part is probably my arms. Weakest I’m not sure…I can’t seem to do much running, so whatever that is the result of :)

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I am pretty strong for an old lady. I always had an amazing grip – I could open jars that my husband counldn’t open, but nowadays arthritis is starting to catch up with me.

My weakest has always been my wrists. They are really tiny and I could never trust them to hold my weight. My friends could all do handstands, but I was afraid to try in case my wrists would give way and I would land on my head.

Blackberry's avatar

I may have weak wrists as well. When gaming and computers are a large portion of your life, it’s bound to happen.

GladysMensch's avatar

Strongest: shoulders/lats. I’ve always been able to to pull-ups with ease.
Weakest: legs. They’re skinny, not limber, can’t kick hard. I’m surprised they support my weight.

ucme's avatar

Strongest would be my overall fitness/stamina, I can literally partake in any strenuous exercise & keep going like the duracell bunny, the wife’s a happy gal.
Weakest would possibly be my ankles, skinny as fuck.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Strongest: brain
Weakest: ankles

Blackberry's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Start on those calf raises.

Bellatrix's avatar

My brain.

My feet and ankles.

(Snap @Simone_De_Beauvoir).

cookieman's avatar

Arms and legs are really strong. I can pick up quite a bit.

My back is pretty weak, so I have to be careful how I pick stuff up.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Blackberry Gah, no time. My work on my brain is more important to me than my work on my ankles.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My legs are the strongest. I have no upper body strength, but I can keep up with football players on the leg press machine.

majorrich's avatar

my mind is both my strongest, yet the weakest part of me

Berserker's avatar

I walk a lot, always have, probably always will, so I guess my legs? My arms are pretty wussy though. Also I’m pretty sure I could headbutt a very thin wall to death with my mondo forehead.

augustlan's avatar

Hmm. Pre-fibro days, my biceps were pretty damn good and I could beat a fair number of men at arm wrestling. Legs were strong, too. I don’t think any body part I have is very strong, now. Except maybe my heart, in the emotional sense.

Plucky's avatar

Brain is fairly strong along with my shoulders/upper back and legs.
Hmm, weakest would probably be my left wrist. It was fractured years ago.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I would go for my underarms, because they emit some of the strongest odors around when I have been exercising.

majorrich's avatar

There is another strong part of me following @elbanditoroso ‘s lead if I eat bell peppers, but I submit that mine do not stink. My wife doesn’t agree.

linguaphile's avatar

Strong—my resolve… or my legs.

Weak—my pancreas. :(

downtide's avatar

My arms are pretty strong considering my size. My weakest part is my knees, both of which are prone to giving way at inopportune moments.

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