@wundayatta If they were white, and I still crossed the street, is that being sensible, but not racist?
I denno, but in the example you give with the blacks, I’d cross the street; as much as I would if those guys were wearing gang colors and talking all aggressive, but were white instead of black. There’s a lot of white people like that I avoided back in Winnipeg. Indians, too. Man I’m such a Hitler.
GA though, there is a difference between racism and perception, although I suppose perception can often lead to conviction. But if you live in a big city like I did, then you know that anything can be applied to everything.
It’s this small town here that’s a piece of shit; nobody likes blacks, and women are inferior. I don’t even know why I’m still here. :( The hatred and judgement can’t even be bothered to be diverse. Pfft.
Is everyone slightly racist? Well, everyone judges and develops mindsets and convictions, about everything. Everyone is racist as much as everyone really gives a shit about what’s better; X Box 360 or PlayStation 3. me and my dumbass examples But as @DominicX points out, I think racism has to be taken above that and solidified into a belief that follows a certain definition, and isn’t the everyday stuff people go by. Although I do believe that racism is nothing but a vessel for man’s need to hate, it is something that’s taken very lightly a lot, when it comes to judgement, and how it seems people don’t realize that it’s a natural thing to judge others. I’m not defending racism whatsoever, since what I’m saying applies to every day life and how much of an asshole your neighbor is. Hatred is everywhere, and no matter its magnitude, it cannot be escaped, whether you’re the one who hates, or are hated.
Everyone has judgements, preconceptions and shit, but not everyone applies it to a height that defines racism, as it’s currently defined. Then again I denno. Racism doesn’t have to be all hardcore and in your face to affect someone, whatever the shape it takes. Something about fear and hate, and how those subjects are so colorful that they sneak into everything, giving definitions we look at, instead of the root. Not that I know anything about any root. Everyone can hate. I can hate black people as much as much as I can hate my own family, but as far as I understand racism, besides it being a vessel for hatred, is that you have to apply it. I mean one is still racist if they really think some people or cultures are inferior. But does everyone who peddles racist shit even really believe that, or do they translate something they don’t understand into something that’s easy for them to understand? Despite what I’m saying about hatred being natural, I do think that exactly because of how racism is hucked around too much for what it really means. Although showing mankind’s history of oppression and violence towards his brother, I wouldn’t blame anyone for wanting to flame this post. o shit wat?