Did you see the "Super Moon"?
I was surprised it looks that much larger. It’s still nice this AM.
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We did, but it honestly didn’t look that much bigger to me. It was still a lovely full moon, though. :)
It’s still visible here. If the clouds would cooperate.
They did and it’s turning red with the rising sun. This is cool.
I just tried to look for it again, but I can’t see it now. :(
Yes. Around 9PM while driving. It was massive and (from my perspective) looked like it was hovering fifty feet off the ground. This “Super Moon” was also very bright and a yellow-orange.
I saw it, it was beautiful. It looked much larger to me especially when it was just rising on the horizon.
Yes, I saw it peeking in and out of the clouds. Beautiful.
I went out twice with the camera around 11 pm and 11:30 pm and both times it was obscured by clouds. Then I fell asleep.
I saw it rising faintly through the mist, a very large textured orange ball. As it got higher, the color was more clear, but it gradually faded to its usual off-white. It stayed larger (well, it was closer, wasn’t it) high into the sky. Many people with cameras were running around trying to find the right angle to shoot. Worth getting out there.
I was able to see it, on and off, from my deck during the course of the evening. My house sits on a hill that blocks the NE horizon so I missed moon rise.
It did look slightly brighter and bigger and it was a clear night when the wispy clouds broke. Balmy, too.
Milo couldn’t seem to focus his 12” telescope and was very cranky, particularly since he had to do it inside.
No, I was probably on fluther.
I did, from Southern California. It didn’t look any different to me than any other full moon.
No, but I did see the simply marvellous sun.
Yes! And then I saw ET and Elliot flying on that bike. Lol.
Yes, it was rising over the trees around 11:30 last night and I went out to my hot tub after my guests went home from a little party. It was very bright and golden, and the leaves on the trees were back lit defining them perfectly. The light and shadows in my pasture surrounding the trees were stunning!
I missed it. :( I forgot to look. Is it still going to be bigger than average tonight?
I’m going to look at it tonight and see if it’s still big.
I can’t see it tonight, but I can see the stars. Strange. And I can always see it by this time of night, 9:30 p.m.
Oh shit. The moon is GONE. Obama did it.
A friend of mine told me he just saw it near my house. I’m going to wait until a bit later, like around 11 pm, when it’s high up.
I saw it near your house too @jca. RUN!
@Dutchess_III: I remember when my little sister was about 4, I was driving her home from nursery school (I was a lot older) and there was a full moon, visible the whole trip, and she said “The moon is following me home.”
Moonrise last night was breathtaking. I watched the Moon come up while standing on the Sundial Bridge in Redding. Very beautiful.
@filmfann Guess us Californians got mooned better than some.
I’m going for an encore tonight, 7:26 pm now, only 4 hours to go.
Tonight (as of 11PM), the moon was much higher in the sky than last night, but still very bright and larger than normal.
@cprevite: The moon does have that annoying habit of orbiting the earth every 28 days or so, doesn’t it?
Seeing it now (11:30 p.m.) and it is very bright and pretty.
@cprevite: I love it when two bodies attract one another.
I did and it was very yellow and looked bigger as soon as it came up.. but then it seemed to look like an ordinary moon.
This is a picture I took. Not a great setting but we were out on the road and this was a good spot to pull in.
The moon, when viewed as it rises and sets will always look reddish or orangish because the light is shining through the longer wave lengths of our atmosphere, particularly if you live in a heavily-populated area with lots of pollution.
Astro geometry for Dummies
I hope to see it tonight. Last two nights it was cloudy where I live.
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