@ragingloli All valid points, expecially “no particular ranking”. I think “no particular ranking” may be our number 1 problem, but who can say, because it doesn’t have ranking.
@digitalimpression Could you explain points 1 and 2 for me. I am not sure I follow your meaning.
@tranquilsea Amen to that one.
@syz Those 8 are great mate.
@Neizvestnaya I don’t know where those fall in the top ten, but they are certainly in play. Thanks.
@Jaxk It’s another one of those rare, magical moments. I agree with you. I was wondering when somone would face up to the fact that the debt is now roughly 100% of GDP and still rising. Some transition from local to regional and central planning is probably inevitable in today’s world. Things are quite different from the 18th century. But where local control can work, it should be allowed to.
@jerv Great list. Clearly form the many great answers I’m getting, it’s pretty difficult to keep it down to just 10 problems.
@Dutchess_III No question those are problems, but I wonder if other, more pressing problems and inequities helped create those.
@Rheto_Ric Seems to me that China is just doing what it can to look after its own people and its own interests. To the degree China is a problem to the US, don’t you think our own shortcomings made it so?
@prasad Thank you. I think that those not immersed in the problems here can often see where we are blinded by or proximity and our prejudices. I appreciate your thoughts.
@whitenoise Solid collection. Thanks.
@YARNLADY Copy 1 and 2, but, as @Dutchess_III nbotes, 3 strikes too close to hoime. :-)
@flutherother Good list. Thanks.
@whitenoise That would make a good follow-on question. Since it was your idea. feel free to ask it. @ragingloli has a valid point about some of the obstacles to thise positives saving us. As you indicate, we’d have to look at how the positive and negative are influencing society. @jerv makes that very clear.
@DaphneT I get everything else in the list, and agree they are topical problems to be included somewhere on our list. But what does “the ream of judgemental-induction advertising” mean?