How does Randy "I only want nice people to answer" keep coming back?
Asked by
chyna (
May 6th, 2012
Isn’t there a way to block him or his IP number or any name starting with Randy? He is clearly a troll.
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61 Answers
His love conquers all, Chyna.
@chyna No he’s English. You know how they are.
It seems like Fluther could put up a temporary block on any names that have Randy in them (unless there are other current members who also happen to have the name Randy, not our troll of course). Or they could put a block on any comments having to do with the Clyde Street CD Warehouse, that should do the trick.
Has this dude ever asked any other questions? For a troll, this guys seems particularly innocuous, but his persistence seems really weird and obsessive. Do any of you have any idea what’s up with this guy?
Does anbody see a really scary movie of the week with this situation? I’m seeing Robin Williams playing the troll from a locked up room in a mental institution. But then, like on twilight zone, after everybody has determined that the CD Warehouse doesn’t exist, one of the Fluther members is on vacation and SEES the place for real. When he takes a group of us back to prove it to us, the place no longer exists, then the Fluther member becomes the “new Randy” and starts obsessing about Clydes and only wants nice people to answer. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Unfortunately a newby wouldn’t know not to answer this troll’s questions, but for the seasoned Flutherites…ignore him/her and they’ll (hopefully) go away.
Ugh, I have no idea. I wish there were a way to put a block on any new user name with “randy” in it or something like that.
Can we call in Bendrew to block “randy” names?
I only want the bitchy people to answer.
I like bitchy people. You always know where you stand, in a pile of shit. :)
At present, we can’t do anything more than what we do. It’s extremely easy to remove all of his “contributions,” however, and questions like this only encourage him (reactions being exactly what a troll wants).
We do block him, but he finds ways around it (as other computer-savy trolls do). He’s a nuisance, but meh.
Ah man…I missed another one of his questions? What did he say this time? shit you son of a bitch, mods are so quick to delete things nowadays. get off your lazy balls and answer my question.
He’s hilarious. I hope he posts more often.
He was back tonight, twice.
I saw him sign in, you guys are good and quick! Great modding!
I happened to be IMing with @Fly at the time, and she spotted him first. I owe it all to her! :)
You know what? Maybe @FutureMemory is on to something. We get a big kick out of his idiocy, and keep talking about it even though his questions and accounts get snuffed almost immediately. Maybe y’all should just let him go, and his threads will provide entertainment. And will probably eventually devolve into a massive thread about food, sex, and zombies. :D
(yelling into the wind): “R a a n d y y y !”
I’m still waiting for @Adirondackwannabe to elaborate on “No he’s English. You know how they are.”
@harple & yes, you too @Bellatrix He’s done this before, deride english folk, don’t expect a response anytime soon, simply ignore.
My nephews name. I dont think he is quite bright enough to troll.
I wonder if Randy likes pie.
I wonder if Randy likes pancakes.
Do I make your feel… randy?!
I wonder if Randy prefers boxers or briefs.
My theory is that Randy lives in his parent’s basement and when he has downed all of his Mountain Dew, gets bored of World of Warcraft, Full Metal Jousting isn’t playing on Discovery, and he doesn’t feel like working on his costume for his Saturday LARPing group, he decides to head on over here to show off his mad computer skills. Unfortunately we are on to Repeating Randy so his mad computer skills are only on display for a couple of minutes.
By the way, if anyone catches another Randy thread, do me a favor and screenshot it for me, lol.
“Oh Randy, you came & you saw & you trolled me & you left me bemused…..oh Randy”
Maybe he drifted into the twilight zone that is the…...“Bermuda Triangle”
Come on everybody, sing along with me, a 1…a 2…..a 1 2 3 4…........tumbleweed
He is starting to sound like some sort of ‘Father Christmas’ figure. He brings us annoying duplicate questions as presents.
I gave him a GQ for persistence.
He’s back now, 5/16/12, 5 pm EST.
It would appear that he has expanded his horizons…it’s a radio station this time!
I got to see him!
I think I have a crush.
@chyna, here is a recent picture of Randy to print out and put under your pillow at night.
I’m just curious if this guy has ever come to a lurve party? Maybe he was there and nobody noticed him. Or worse yet, he ate all of the bean dip and one of the bouncers told him to leave : (
I bet he came, and didn’t get any lurve, and swore vengeance on all of us.
^^ Thankfully his vengeance only comes in the form of returning as another Randy. He could be squirting us with a nacho cheese gun!
@Kardamom, or cutting our pizza with a chainsaw!
@SuperMouse You guys are going to give me shit forever for that aren’t you?
@SuperMouse The thought of anyone’s kid doing it scares the shit out of me
Did that actually happen? Awesome XD
but wastefull
@adirondackwannabe, I picture it like the scene in Mr. Mom where Michael Keaton comes in with the chainsaw, goggles and overalls. Picturing my kid doing it while certainly possible is terrifying!
ooh, he’s got a new tag today… “Please answer this question like I ask nicely I will kill you if you don’t answer so stop wasting my time seriously and get a life answer me NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Serious stuff.
someone has a teeny peeny XD
Oh dude I totally missed this, next time he asks a question I’m totally going to yell “The British are coming! The British are coming!”
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