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john65pennington's avatar

If you could turn back the hands of time, what would you choose and why?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) May 6th, 2012

Question: if you have had a better time in your life and could turn back the hands of time, what would you choose and why?

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7 Answers

linguaphile's avatar

Umm… I’d turn the clock back on my health, back to when I was 20 and in terrific shape—I miss having that level of fitness, strength, flexibility and speed.

However, I wouldn’t go back to any time in my life because those phases were valuable for that time but their lessons are over and done with. Every phase had it’s good and bad—and I like who I am now more than ever so I’m more interested in what’s coming next!

I’d love to re-experience some of the most breathtaking moments again, though, then come back to today :D

Sunny2's avatar

There are many moments I would enjoy experiencing again for nostalgic reasons. Here’s one: Leaving on a boat from Piraeus back to Italy, feeling deeply happy and sad at the same time and watching the sun set twice. The perspective of the Parthenon had made me keenly aware of my own place on the earth and I was at peace. And I was sad to leave. You can’t turn the clock back, but you can shut your eyes and remember.

mazingerz88's avatar

I’ll come back the day before or during day of the lottery drawing two days before the next lottery drawing where the 600 million lottery was won. : )

ratboy's avatar

Two hours and seventeen minutes ago was a great time for me. I still remember it fondly and I’d go back if I could.

ucme's avatar

Strangle Cher

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’d choose to go back in time physically to before I had a car accident that’s left me with more damage than I ever imagined. There’s not much else I’d change though unless I could take my current knowledge with me and then it would also mean giving up what I’ve got now. That’s not a gamble I’d take just to lose the pain.

wundayatta's avatar

I’m wondering why we ask these kinds of questions. What does this tell us about ourselves? We’ll never be able to move back to other parts of our lives, so what do we learn from these answers.

What does it mean if someone mentions another time of life? Does that mean they don’t like this time in their life as much as a past time? Or does it just mean they are telling a story about the past?

There are things I would like. I’d love to have they body I had when I was younger. The body that could spend all day raking and shoveling as I did this weekend, and not feel a single bit of soreness. On the other hand, I love being sore, because it reminds me I can still do these things and not get muscle spasms.

I might like to go back to a time in my life when I was getting lots of sex, but I also really enjoy being a father and husband and the head of the household. How the hell did that happen? A feminist for life and yet still, I act the way my father did when I was growing up.

My life has treated me well despite the fact it has thrown some serious problems in my way. I’ve had to cope with a mental illness that made me want to seriously kill myself. But I didn’t, and now my life is in a much easier phase. My kids are doing all right. My wife can afford to retire, albeit temporarily. Life has given me much to be grateful for.

In the last few days, women have even given me unsolicited compliments on my looks. That’s about as crazy as it has ever gotten in my life. I’m gonna try not to let it get to me, though. It’s better to feel small and hungry, I think. That way, whatever I accomplish makes me feel good. If I get cocky and big for my britches, I am surely headed for disaster.

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