Social Question

zensky's avatar

Is there room for a relationship in ones life when you are on the phone with someone else every night?

Asked by zensky (13426points) May 6th, 2012

Wouldn’t it be a problem?

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9 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

Hold it, I have to take this call. : )

bkcunningham's avatar

It might depend on who you are on the phone with every night.

zensky's avatar

Someone of the opposite sex

bkcunningham's avatar

If it is not their child or their parent; I’d say without any hesitation that it would be a problem for me. I wouldn’t like it one little bit. I would be hurt and a little insulted. But, that’s just me.

mazingerz88's avatar

It could be as simple as there is no room for any stable relationship in your life, if you are on the phone with someone else every night.

Trillian's avatar

Depends on your definition of “relationship”, one supposes. It would be a problem for me.
I prefer to focus my attention on one person, and I conduct myself accordingly. But that’s only my definition of relationship, and how I choose to conduct myself.
There are others who do not see the need for those constraints.

AshLeigh's avatar

Not if they don’t let this phone call get in the way of plans they made with their significant other.

augustlan's avatar

It depends on the nature of the relationship between the callers, how long the calls are, what they talk about, why they talk every night, etc. I can think of scenarios that wouldn’t bother me, and others that would.

jazmina88's avatar

well, I think you would rather be conversing with the one you are with.

Excuse me, I have to get the phone.

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