(NSFW) Do men like thin women...?
Asked by
JLeslie (
May 7th, 2012
Because then their dicks seem bigger when they imagine or actually have sex?
Just wondering if the thought even occurs to men.
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46 Answers
I’m never had a preference for thin or skinny women. I such hope your theory is not correct because of the implications it would have for child sexual abuse.
Can honestly say the thought has never crossed my mind until I read your question.
@Dr_Lawrence I want to stick to adult women. I dread any implication that this might be an argument for pedophilia, that creeps me out so much I dare not think it.
Skinny women makes your penis look bigger. I never heard that one. I’ve heard men prefer women with little hands though.
How did you know???? The only thing I am concerned about in life is the size of my dick. I’ve tried every dick size enhancer I could find, but nothing works like a skinny woman!
Sheesh, @JLeslie. What kind of drug made you think up this question?
I’m up for what’s available, but I generally prefer a little to a lot extra, provided there’s some proportion.
The only wishfulness I’ve ever entertained in terms of making it look bigger is losing some weight.
Since I like plus size women, I don’t, although I’ve been with thin women and I see the appeal. One can say it makes you feel like you’re “doing more damage” because you can manhandle them more or feel like your “stretching” them or whatever.
The thought has never occurred to me. I usually have my glasses off during sexy time, so I can’t see shit anyway.
LMAO! @JLeslie I’m shocked…your wild shadow side emerges! lol
Well…I like being thin because my boobs look bigger, I also like being chubbier because they ARE bigger. haha
I suppose a thin women would show off the penis better, but what if the guy has a belly, then his member will look smaller, and if he’s extra tubby maybe wouldn’t be able to see it at all regardless of the womans size.
Silly ponderings #4573
I like them skinny and flat, roasted and served with rice.
@Coloma said what I was going to say.
The fatter a man is the smaller his dick looks. Sometimes it even disappears under the fat. Now that might make for extra fun playing hide and seek, that’s up to the participants.
Skinny women might make a mans dick seem bigger in the same way that skinny women’s boobs might look bigger, even if they are the same size as a chubbier woman.
@ragingloli You like skinny flat penises…well that’s a first.
I like my women not skinny for that reason; instead I prefer them wearing +12 spectacles.
I never had a problem with my dick size. Never had trouble with bumping the cervix. How much further can you go? Not even going to entertain the skat route. Boney girls seem too hard edged and frail. It has always been what’s between the ears for me..
:: raises hand ::
Man here. Does not find skinny women attractive. Seriously… eat a cookie or something.
I heard that’s one of the tricks the porn industry is known for.. employing very skinny/petite women so that men’s penii appear larger.
the plural of penis is penes
Straight male here. Excuse me while I objectify the female form for a minute to express what is physically attractive to me…
Bones are not attractive. “Hard” is not attractive. Healthy fat distribution and a “softness” is attractive. I don’t get the whole skinny thing. Seriously. @JLeslie – men don’t like thin women. Some straight men like skin and bones, sure. I’ve never met one, but they probably exist. It’s probably some kind of necrophilia fetish or something.
I don’t understand how it looks next to her makes any difference. Isn’t she comparing to the ones she’s seen before?
I don’t get how “thin” got turned into skinny skin and bones? Women can have beautiful curvy bodies and be thin. At least I think so. I guess people have different definitions of thin.
I didn’t think men obsessed about it or anything, I was just wondering from like a porn type of an angle, watching from the narrow angle of waist down when connected together in sexual intercourse if men considered it, especially if the girl is on top, seeing men tend to be so visual. Not actual porn, just from that type of visual perspective.
@wilma Dr. Oz made some sort of statement once about every 35 pounds a man loses his penis grows an inch. I think he was dead serious, not just talking about how it appears. Not sure. I do know young men, teens, who are overweight are more likely to have small dicks and breasts the fat holds onto estrogen or produces or something.
@Coloma I have a fear of looking at myself in the mirror from the side and my stomach sticks out farther than my boobs, and I am not talking about being pregnant.
I like slim but shapely women because they make my cock go hard.
In answer to your question: very few men like thin women. I go up and down in my weight by 10–15 pounds. My husband hates small women and encourages me to gain weight. He says I “feel” better sexually when I gain the extra weight. He even went so far as to say that vaginally it felt nicer. Now I don’t know if it’s all in his head or what. But there you go. And none of his friends are with thin women either. As a matter of fact all his close friends are with some really THICK women. Maybe your looking at the wrong porn. They do have the “Big Girl” porn movies.
@Akua I’m not looking at the porn. I mean I have seen porn, but it has been years and years since I watch porn.
If I put myself in the girls position, which is where I picture myself being a girl and all, it seems more erotic to me if the girl is slim (not skin and bones, I find very skiiny girls unnatractive). If the women is very fat it’s like she obscures the man parts. Anyway, that is part of the reason why I thought of the question. When I watch sex, or think about sex, I am not really getting turned on by watching the man, as much as I am identifying with the woman and what she is experiences. I think maybe that is why women like to read erotica and men like to watch. Anyway, I would guess a heavy woman does not experience sex differently, but the visual gives me a different experience in my mind. Not because I judge her for being heavy or anything like that, again I am picturing myself as the woman in the sex scene. I probably am not explaining it well.
My dick is pretty big.
I do not think fat women are attractive.
If my dick became small, or bigger, I still would not think that fat women were attractive.
What is your point?
All this time I’ve been looking for women that engage my brain. I didn’t look for one’s that made my dick look good.
@Adirondackwannabe You have been missing out, man! One of the great pleasures of life is being a dickhead having a big dick.
Or so I hear.
I admit I have penis envy…..what WOULD it be like to have that thing swinging between your legs?
Let me be perfectly clear, I’d like the experience but only for a few minutes, like going back in time to hide in a bush for 5 minutes and see the dinosaurs. But..only a few minutes, I wouldn’t want that out of control Brontosaurus rearing up in front of me for more than a few seconds. haha
You said, ”...hide in a bush.” hahaha
@bkcunningham LOL..well, I guess I did, and that’s where those elusive penises like to hide. haha
@Coloma, I want to confess something to you. When I feel bloated and fat, I look at myself beside my husband’s gigantic penis. It makes me feel so petite.
Do you think I should hire myself out so “feeling bloated” women could look at my penis and feel anorexic?
Naw. They couldn’t afford me.
Ok, this is great material, peeps. Keep it going. Might end up with enough for three minutes at 3 in the morning!
Please. Like men don’t look at a woman’s body when she walks by, or watch her breasts bounce during sex, or her face during sex, or her ass, or whatever. Men generally are so visual I find it annoying. I would say most men check out women walking by, especially one they find attractive, and sometimes think about them in bed, get some sort of visual. Or, maybe those are just the men I know? Somehow I doubt that going by other Q’s on here. I am not talking about being in a relationship with someone.
When I see and attractive but very thin woman the first thing that I want to do is feed her a sandwich. All I feel for those size one girls is pity and hope that they will grow up. Since I am older I am attracted to women (lets say over 40). Skinny older women look sick; younger ones look underdeveloped. Give me a nice well fed cheery woman anytime!
Men are into the visual . We can’t help it.
I do not need a thin woman to make the dumbstick look larger. Thinner women are preferred because you can hold them up in your arms when you are boinking. Added bonus to that is purely visual, smoother skin without cellulite, rumples, rolls, etc. You don’t have to be afraid she will crush you if she is on top, or what she will smell like once she starts to sweat being ridden hard. You won’t need GPS to find the honey cave through valleys of fat. And a thin woman won’t look ridiculous atop 6in heels
@Hypocrisy_Central “smoother skin without cellulite, rumples, rolls, etc” I see stretched skin with no padding and bones sticking through. I want a woman that can hold me up when we’re “boinking”.
@Ron_C A couple of years ago I weighed 107 (I was 40), my mom told me that being that thin, at my height (5’7”) I looked older than I was.
Do you find that to be true as well? You mentioned that older women who are too thin look sick, so I’m curious.
@Katniss I think that is true, especially when they are deeply tanned. I just got my picture taken for a government security pass. The lady that took my picture wasn’t skinny but was deeply tanned. In addition she had a lot of make-up. The tan made her look like she was stretched over a frame. Then the mascara and other stuff seemed like painting a totem pole.
The spy’s girlfriend in TV’s *Burn Notice” looks much older than she probably is because she’s skinny and tanned. Tanning probably ages a person more than being thin. To me, neither of those conditions is attractive.
@Ron_C Gabrielle Anwar is in her early 40’s. Probably 43 or 44, I know she is a little younger than me. Do you think she looks older than that? I usually agree thin can make women look old, but I think Gabrielle looks great. Fat makes women look old also, especially very young women. A fat 17–30 year old can easily look 10–20 years older. I’m talking 40+ pounds overweight.
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