Can you interpret this dream for me?
Lately I’ve been thinking of a dream I have had a long while back. I keep looking back at it since I find it…Interesting. And I do wonder what the significance could mean. So I decided to ask all of the people on Fluther here today.
The background info of the dream is basically I’ve grown to love American Sign Language as a language and the Deaf/deaf culture. There’s a girl that I’ve had quite a few dreams on and it basically revolves around me and her. So…That’s some information.
Here’s the dream itself (it is relatively short.)
It starts out with me and the girl, and her name is Paige. Fair skin, with medium length hair, blond with hints of brown towards the end. She was wearing jeans, and o We were in a back seat of a car going through a some what poor neighborhood. We were in the back and my mother seemed to have been driving, and I assumed that we were driving her back home. (Not too sure if she lived within that neighborhood, or if we were just taking some short cut) We were signing for majority of the time there. Saying things like how are you, what have you been up to lately, etc. Basic questions that deal that you would normally hear. Towards the end of the dream though, we got onto the subject of us getting married, and her agreeing to it. After that dream I seemed to be happy. And that’s the end.
After I woke up I was very confused. Not only considering the fact that I’m taken, but what the dream itself could mean…I do have a certain liking towards her, but…Not to the point of being married, and to that extent. But none the less could any of the dream experts on here give me a little insight of what this whole dream could mean? Thank you so much everyone.
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8 Answers
It means you have a crush on her.
Also, what gives you the impression there are dream experts here, or anywhere, for that matter?
@FutureMemory Well…When the impression that comes upon me is since there are many people in the world, let alone lurking within the web…So I’m only assuming there are a few that have studied dreams, and interpretations of dreams, nightmares, night-terrors, etc. But I am also looking for opinions also?
While I do think that dreams “mean” something I believe the meaning of dreams is peculiar and particular to the dreamer. Certainly there a dreams that are fairly common, like anxiety dreams about school, for example. I think a lot of people have probably had dreams where it is the end of the semester or quarter and you have three papers due and an exam and you realize you haven’t attended class or done any of the reading, that sort of thing. Those kind of dreams probably mean the same thing to all the people that dream them. But whatever this dream “means,” that meaning is particular to you. There is no universal “dream meaning” code.
I don’t think it is uncommon for people in relationships to think about or wonder about or consider other possibilities. Maybe, perhaps, you are just doing something like that in your dream, merely speculating and musing here. And just because you dream about wanting to or possibly marrying someone doesn’t mean that that’s what you really want. It’s just a dream. Dreams are not reality, they are not conscious acts; they are just dreams. I wouldn’t read too much into it.
Here is an interesting experiment. Why don’t you develop an interest in the French language and culture and see if you start dreaming about French girls. If you did, that would explain a lot.
If the characters in the dream represent different aspects of yourself, what would the dream mean?
The one thing you can rule out is that anything the real life characters say in your dream has anything to do with what they would really say in real life. It’s in your head. It’s your fantasy. These characters may look like people in your life, but they are merely aspects of yourself.
Using that filter, what do you think your dream means?
It means that you have a crush on her, and because you are taken, your conscious mind won’t let you think it while you are awake, so it comes out in your dreams.
I have had similar dreams. I was also happily married, but we got a new swim coach at the school where I work, and I thought he was the cutest thing (much younger than me) so it was really a surprise when I had a really sexy dream about him. I didn’t know I felt THAT way about him. Ha-ha.
@FutureMemory Dreams are interesting and many people enjoy studying them. I personally don’t think they tell the future or anything, but they can tell you more about yourself than you realized. Dreams are very symbolic for some reason, and I find that interesting, because that is not how a person’s conscious mind works.
@Skaggfacemutt I also think they’re interesting, but there’s nothing scientific about dream ‘interpretation’.
@FutureMemory Agreed, nothing scientific, but with common sense, you can usually see what your subconscious mind was thinking. And because of the symbolism factor, you have to take that into consideration. For instance, if you dream that your cat poops on your boyfriend’s head, your mind is thinking “shit-head.” Ha-ha.
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