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zensky's avatar

A day without __________ is like a day without sunshine?

Asked by zensky (13421points) May 8th, 2012
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43 Answers

john65pennington's avatar

A day without a kiss from your soulmate is like a day without sunshine.

Good question.

wundayatta's avatar

The Inquisition

Salem88's avatar

@FutureMemory – Coca Cola in the little glass bottles sigh

Monty Python

Salem88's avatar

@Lightlyseared – hey, you wrote my answer while I was daydreaming about pretty little green coke bottles.

Blackberry's avatar

Learning something new.

tom_g's avatar


marinelife's avatar

my husband and dogs

chyna's avatar


Hawaii_Jake's avatar

A day without Fluther is like a day without sunshine.

mambo's avatar


Neizvestnaya's avatar

A day without my dog peeing on the floor is like a day without sunshine. In my state of residence, it’s about that rare.~

whitenoise's avatar

A day without traffic is like a day without sunshine.

At home, the sun shines 360 days per year, the temperature here is 102… I love days without sunshine.

yankeetooter's avatar

getting to talk to him…

Berserker's avatar

Hugging pillows!

ucme's avatar

My kids company

Dutchess_III's avatar

Egg McMuffin.

rebbel's avatar


Blackberry's avatar

Bacon, two fried eggs, cheese, and a hashbrown on a kaiser roll.

majorrich's avatar

The Internet

Dutchess_III's avatar

Judge Judy.

hearkat's avatar

genuine laughter

bkcunningham's avatar

orange juice (at least that is what the Florida Citrus Commission said)

jazmina88's avatar

and sex

King_Pariah's avatar

The Moon

@jazmina88 you’re not mixing those three, right?

Lightlyseared's avatar

the smell of napalm in the morning

zensky's avatar

A day without a Gay thread on fluther…

Dutchess_III's avatar

WHERE’s a gay thread?? Where? Where?

tacres's avatar

Pet hair in my food.

Salem88's avatar

Long fingernails

Dutchess_III's avatar

I guess I live in a cave!

Brian1946's avatar

Solar radiation

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