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ETpro's avatar

Have you invented any proverbs worth adding to a compilation of wise sayings?

Asked by ETpro (34605points) May 8th, 2012

There are books of pithy sayings that are often memorized and repeated in conversation and in print. Have you developed any simple, memorable way of expressing common wisdom, AKA proverbs? Let’s compile The Fluther Book of Proverbs.

To get things off to a nice ugly start, here’s one of mine: “With canabalism, you really are what you eat.” Now you can’t get much lower than that, so feel free to contribute whatever. Hit me with your best bon mot.

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26 Answers

Trillian's avatar

If you want sugar coating, go buy a doughnut.

majorrich's avatar

The best advice a man can heed, is to plant no more garden than the wife can weed.

WestRiverrat's avatar

I didn’t invent it, but the one around here is.

Cowboy up and put on your big boy pants. Usually just shortend to Cowboy up.

Sunny2's avatar

I’ve mentioned this one before. From my mother: ” Always turn off the oven before martinis.”
(I had ruined the Thanksgiving turkey by falling asleep because of the gin.)

ETpro's avatar

@Trillian That’s definitely worth remembering. Thanks.

@majorrich I’m glad it’s “can weed” and not “will weed” because if it was the later, I wouldn’t end up with much of a garden.

@WestRiverrat Oh, I have definitely heard that one. The rallying cry for the Boston Red Sox in the 2003 season. Get up, dust your lame ass off, and ride on to the finish. “Are You Gonna Cowboy Up or Just Lay There and Bleed?” It took till 2004 to ride across the finish line, but they DID IT!

@Sunny2 Mom’s are always good for sound advice.

lillycoyote's avatar

I’m not sure if it’s wise or if it’s actually a proverb but sometimes I say that “there are enough little injustices and insults; enough fools, liars, thieves, assholes and people who just no damn good in the world to keep a person angry 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, if he wants to be. I don’t want to be angry all the time so I just let a lot of that stuff just roll off my back.

I am a woman of many words; that’s why I mostly stay out of the proverb business. :-)

I don’t always succeed in letting stuff roll off my back, certainly, but I like having a goal.

ETpro's avatar

@lillycoyote Ha! Long for a proverb, but if rolling off your back is part of the bargain, it’s in. :-)

lillycoyote's avatar

@ETpro As I said, I am a woman of many words. If I were a superhero I would be Loquacious Lass. I would just talk to evil doers, tell them some long drawn out story about one thing or another, until their eyes glazed over and I could subdue them :-)

ETpro's avatar

@lillycoyote I can’t wait till the movie comes out.

ucme's avatar

A rolling stone never stops singing.

lillycoyote's avatar

@ETpro Yes. Think X-Men, Swimming to Cambodia, Dark Angel, My Dinner With Andre and Spiderman, with a little Blade Runner thrown in, all rolled into one. The movie’s going to be awesome! Destined to be a blockbuster if there ever was one.

jazmina88's avatar

Destiny beckons.
Turn the page with music.
Music answers questions we havent learned to ask yet.

harple's avatar

If it jars when you hit it, leave it on the beach.

(Originally relating to collecting and breaking up wood for fuel, but since used as a “know when to let it go” idiom.)

ccrow's avatar

If you pick all the ferns, there won’t be any left.
This was said by a high school teacher, who meant that we should leave enough fronds to support the plant’s regeneration. My friends and I gleefully mocked him for it(behind his back of course!), and I still occasionally use it lo, these many years later.

King_Pariah's avatar

-Man with big dick fuck hard!

-Oh? Then how does a man with a small dick fuck?

-You want find out? *wink wink

ETpro's avatar

@lillycoyote I’ll be there for the premier.

@jazmina88 Great. I particularly love the third one.

@harple “If it jars…” I’m not familiar with the meaning of that phrase. Can you explain?

@ccrow Laughed at or not, teacher was right.

@King_Pariah Ha! What is I say yes?

harple's avatar

@ETpro It refers to being physically jarred – kind of like a kick-back. You could go too fast over a particularly tough speed bump (designed to slow down you driving) and feel a bit jarred as a result. It can also be used to mean “not sit well with you”, like if you heard a three year old come out with a stream of swearwords, you may say it jarred you.

King_Pariah's avatar

@ETpro well… turn off the lights and bend over ;P

ETpro's avatar

@harple Thanks . Now I grok.

@King_Pariah Position assumed. Shoot your best shot.

harple's avatar

@ETpro Ooh, great word!

majorrich's avatar

There certainly are some jewels in here!

Paradox25's avatar

“There are two types of people in this world, those who want to be normal, and those who want to be individuals.” Pretty simple but true statement, at least from my own life experience dealing with all types of people.

ETpro's avatar

@Paradox25 I know you have heard the counter argument that, “There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who do not.”

majorrich's avatar

Beauty is skin deep. But sometimes ugly goes clear to the bone!

Sunny2's avatar

We have met the enemy and he is us.

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