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mazingerz88's avatar

Marooned on an island, what would you do with the pig?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) May 8th, 2012

Say, you ended up all alone in an island and looking forward to many years of stay all by yourself. There are plenty of trees, fruit trees, too…and you are smart enough to learn various ways of catching fish and other life sustaining skills…

But as for animals, there aren’t any except this one pig. What would you do with it? Would you keep it alive as a pet/friend or slaughter it for food-?

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29 Answers

ucme's avatar

I’d pork it, only after I became desperate mind, maybe 2 or 3 days in.

jazmina88's avatar

It depends on if he was a friendly pig…........

Bellatrix's avatar

Lol@pork it… ewww

I think I would keep it as a friend. Someone to talk to. Aren’t pigs quite sociable?

augustlan's avatar

If there was plenty of other food, and the pig was decent company, I’d keep him alive.

lillycoyote's avatar

I’d let the pig live. Even if I couldn’t tame it I would probably give it a name and say Hi to it whenever I saw it.

Bellatrix's avatar

I’ve dated a few pigs over the years… I am sure this one couldn’t be worse than some of them.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Knowing wild pigs as I do, I would try to kill and eat it before it killed and ate me.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

We’d be friends he and I, who knows, I might even teach him to speak, then we’d be inseparable!

ucme's avatar

Paint Wilson on piggies flank & play volleyball with him, could forge a bond betwixed man & bacon.

elbanditoroso's avatar

There’s a second level question you need to ask here.

Same situation, but in this case you are an orthofox Jew or a devout Muslim – in either case, the pig is not kosher (or Halal). Yet you need the nutrients that eating the pig would provide.

Do you slaughter and eat the pig?

majorrich's avatar

Pigs can get mean when resources get scarce. And can be dangerous. i believe I would fatten it up and lull it into semi-domesticity, then kill him and have bacon sandwiches.
Part 2 Andrew zimmerman is Jewish and eats pork ll the time.

Cruiser's avatar

The pig would only provide nourishment for a few weeks to a month IF you were successful in curing the meat. So there is no long term benefit to scarfing down pulled pork sandwiches but having a pet to provide some form of company would be psychologically a benefit. I would name him Wilbur!

CWOTUS's avatar

What happens on the island, stays on the island.

What I do with a consenting pig, and don’t ask how I got ‘consent’ from a pig in the first place, is between me and the pig.

By the way, is there any hypothetical liquor on this hypothetical island? We might both need it… hypothetically, of course.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’d keep it as a pet if I could eat fruit and fish. I don’t really like pork anyway and the idea of having to kill the pig would be enough to turn me off pork completely providing I wouldn’t starve. I love fish and, whilst I don’t like killing animals, I think I would find that easier than killing the pig.

I think a pig would make a fun companion, they are intelligent creatures which can be trained in similar ways that a dog can.

wundayatta's avatar

I’d call in an air strike from a CIA drone.

Then the machines would put me back together and we’d do it all over again.

Nullo's avatar

If the pig is domesticated, I’d try to keep it around for company. Otherwise dinner, especially once I worked out salt extraction – no sense in letting the thing go to waste.

@elbanditoroso Judaism permits one to eat pork (among other things) if he has no other choice.

SillyGirl's avatar

I’d skin it and make me a waterproof raft..and enjoy the crackling to the bone.:)))

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

I would eat it for sure. I was raised in an agricultural area, so eating your pets is not a big deal to me.

mambo's avatar

Seriously, nobody has made a Lord of the Flies joke yet?

Strauss's avatar

I’d let it live as long as I did not have to kill it.

josie's avatar

If there was other food, I would keep it as a pet.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Porcine buddy.

Berserker's avatar

I’d keep it alive. He could lead me to truffle so that I may eat, he could lead me to carcasses, so that I may fashion weaponry from the bones, and fell the odd starving feline or cannibal that would come for me! Are there any warthogs on the island? The pig could breed with them, and soon, I would have my own crazy army of tusked suidae, and oh then, would life be grand. To war I would ride them, to war!

mrrich724's avatar

I’d keep it as a companion. “Someone” to interact with, kinda like crazy ladies humanize cats. It has to be better than having NO LIVING INTERACTION WHATSOEVER.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline From one pig to an army of warthogs! Ha ha ha! Never thought about that. Best cure for solitude, prepare for battle!

bewailknot's avatar

I would keep it as a companion, live and let live. If it was aggressive I would try to stay out of its way, and appreciate the extra exercise when running away or climbing trees to avoid becoming pig chow.

Only138's avatar

I would give it an interesting name, and keep it as a pet.

@Symbeline Hell yeah! You go on with your Bad ASS!! :)

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