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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - For a million bucks, how long would you last not doing the deed?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29284points) May 9th, 2012

Having sex or masturbation. Say, there is a contest and the winner gets a million bucks for the longest time he or she could keep from boinking? How do you think you would fare? Nuns and priests are disqualified from the competition, of course.

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34 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Very, very difficult to keep from it for longer than a few days.
Keep in mind that my girlfriend regularly wears a nuns outfit though.

ragingloli's avatar

With that currency, not worth the effort.

wundayatta's avatar

Do wet dreams not count?

mazingerz88's avatar

@rebbel A few days? I think I win, dude. I’ll wear the nun outfit myself. Lol.

@wundayatta No, involuntary squirts are fine.

@ragingloli Ok, 10 million!? Lol.

SillyGirl's avatar

now that I’m in my forties I’d say about three weeks….maybe four…..:)

Cruiser's avatar

It would be no contest as I don’t need that kind of money that bad.

Trillian's avatar

I am completely master of my domain!

Seaofclouds's avatar

We’ve had to go 9 months when my husband was deployed. So I suppose we could manage for quite a while if we really wanted the money that badly. As of right now though, the money wouldn’t really be worth it compared to enjoying each other.

syz's avatar

Seriously? As long as I needed to. It’s not like breathing and eating, guys. Going without is not that big a deal.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

For a million dollars? If my husband were agreeable, I could go for half a year maybe.

mambo's avatar

Shit, I could go forever.

SillyGirl's avatar

thing is the competion could go on for years!

zensky's avatar

No problem… months, maybe years.

SpatzieLover's avatar

No problem. I’d become a Sister or a Nun and commit to the thing.

$1 mil isn’t enough to solve the world issues I’d like to solve, though…so I’ll commit to this for $1 Billion

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’d cap it at 5 years, maybe.

Brian1946's avatar

In 2009 I was doing it about 4 or 5 times a week, but then I became afflicted with inguinal inflammation.

As a result of that, I went almost 7 months without doing it.

ucme's avatar

Come into a ton of cash?
Nah, i’d rather come into the wife’s lovely gash.

josie's avatar

If I really thought I had a chance, I’d give it a year, then re evaluate. Personally, I really enjoy sex. But but the problem is, in spite of all the hype about sex, there are plenty of people who really don’t care that much about it. My best friend is married to one of them. Somebody will always be able to hold out one more day than me.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

A mere million? If it is tax free, I guess I can go 3 maybe 5 (in my mind, I may forget and choak the chicken then I would lose)

Haleth's avatar

I could hold out until the end of the contest.

mrrich724's avatar

I would LOVE a million dollars, but the sacrifice would be too great, and I wouldn’t even take up the challenge, that’s how difficult it would be for me.

I might be able to go three days without either, but I’d be GRUMPY

ETpro's avatar

Now there’s an angle I hadn’t explored. It’s beyond clear I’m too old and ugly to get paid for having sex. Maybe if I struck up a relationship with a truly rich lover, they’d be so disgusted by me that they’d pay me not to have sex.

I could hold out as long as it took to win. Wet dreams will kick in—and with what I’ve recently learned here about lucid dreaming, I’d jump start that process.

linguaphile's avatar

I’d rather go without and take that million bucks than spend a minute with someone who is horrible in bed.

But if I had to choose between my friend-with-benefits that runs on batteries or going without for money, sorry, the friend wins.

mazingerz88's avatar

@ETpro Well…you’re not ugly. Lol. : )

ETpro's avatar

@mazingerz88 Got a million bucks to prove it? :-)

Thanks for the good strokes even if you’re as broke as I am.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@ETpro Ummm, I beg your pardon, but… did you seriously say that you’re ugly? I find you quite handsome, just so you know. And I know I’m not the only woman who is attracted to older men. Hell, I’d sleep with Sean Connery in a heartbeat, and he’s old enough to be my grandfather!

wundayatta's avatar

Forget it! Even if I’m allowed to have wet dreams, there is no way I could compete with nearly anyone here. Sex is too important to me. As far as I’m concerned, making love with someone I love is the most important thing I can do in life. It is only when doing that that I feel truly at peace with myself. I feel validated and complete and whole.

Without that feeling, I get progressively worse in terms of self-esteem and self-acceptance and eventually I get depressed and start feeling so much pain, I don’t know if I can stand it much longer. I might win a million dollars, but I might also be dead.

I don’t know if anyone else out there feels this strongly about the importance of sex to mental and spiritual health. It is crucial for my life.

Even if I didn’t have a partner, or if my partner isn’t interested as often as I am, masturbation is very therapeutic in between. It isn’t just fun, for me. It really changes my mood and makes it possible for me to stay stable. So to give it up for a mere million dollars would be crazy! Kind of ironic, coming from someone who is diagnosed as crazy, but perhaps that is why I am like this and most other people aren’t.

Wait. So I’m thinking you’d have to be insane to give up masturbation for a year in order to get a million dollars. Most people here seem to think it’s a slam-dunk deal. Does that mean I’m crazy for not even considering it? Wtf?

ETpro's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate My goodness your story has touched my heart. Now where did I put all that chocolate?

rooeytoo's avatar

I think it is interesting that the answers with the most lurve are the ones that say they could go for a very long time. Apparently not everyone is obsessed with sex regardless of what Madison Avenue thinks.

ragingloli's avatar

those who claim not to be obsessed with sex, are liars

mazingerz88's avatar

I’m not obsessed with sex. Oh, wow, look, my dick is growing longer! : )

CalHoncho's avatar

A month maybe.

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