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Jeruba's avatar

I wish there were a restaurant that . . .

Asked by Jeruba (56256points) May 9th, 2012

I wish there were a restaurant that

•  had a spigot of ice-cold water installed at every table

•  promised a menu with nothing that would leave a greasy spot if it splashed or dripped on the front of your clothes

•  allowed you to adjust the volume of the music heard at your table

What do you wish for when you dine out?

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29 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

Waiting staff that would go away and leave me to eat with out continually offering to please like some lost little puppy.

marinelife's avatar

had a silnet button at every table that called the server who did not come around unless called. (I hate it when they leave you with empty dishes sitting in front of you. I also hate it when they hover.)

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

…had adjustable seats. Ones that could be raised or lowered, pushed back or closer to the table, inflated or deflated to an individuals’ comfort level. It would also be beneficial to have the ability to widen them for plumper people or those with a handbag. I dislike putting mine on the back of chair or on the floor.

gasman's avatar

…had a no-crying-babies section (besides the bar).

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hey…Just having someone do all the cooking, then wait on me, and then doing the dishes afterward is plenty for me!

ucme's avatar

urday job around here, but there thimply are none.

Blackberry's avatar

There’s not many places with outside seating here.

Charles's avatar

In all seriousness, I don’t understand why more restaurants have something that Joe’s Crab Shack has – a playground or entertainment area for kids. Taking it a little farther, it could be staffed by high school kids to chaperone the kids. Parents would love to save on babysitter costs. It sucks taking little kids to restaurants.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ucme WHAT?? Take your thumb out of your mouth!

Michael_Huntington's avatar

@Blackberry Outside seating is overrated. I mean, I’m already outside my house, what’s the point?

Berserker's avatar

@Michael_Huntington Haha, yeah. We have a bazillion terraces and outside eating here, and it really ain’t all that great. You hear cars constantly, your drink tastes like gasoline and insects go on your fries, and sometimes it’s too windy and you get all this crap blown your way. I went to this one place where there was flies all over the table, they just wouldn’t go away. Asses were sucked by that situation.

Also I wish there was a feature kind of like deciding how loud the music is…but for people. I don’t like hearing other people’s conversations, especially not from the kind of people who think everybody around needs to hear it. I’m sure people don’t like overhearing me describe some gory movie that I saw, either. People voice volume. That would rock, if it could exist. And it wouldn’t affect anyone but you, so even if you turn it really low, the people could hear themselves normally, and everyone else around them could too, unless they fiddled with their own people voice volume as well. regarding said gripe, I might as well stay home, eh?

Brenna_o's avatar

i wish a restaurant had a room for each couple/table so you could do what ever you want say what you want and waiters knocked before they came in. lol

Blackberry's avatar

@Michael_Huntington Lol. Yeah, but then you’re inside another building, usually full of random banter, music, and TV. There are many places on the beach here, but few decent restaurants that also have outside seating.

Sunny2's avatar

A mix and match menu with low prices. Oh, wait. We used to have them. They were called cafeterias. They have them in schools still. My favorite was at the YWCA in Elkhart, Indiana. Or the Automat, with all the little glass doors to choose from.

Haleth's avatar

More bars and restaurants with outdoor patios by the waterfront in my city. There’s plenty of water here, but a lot of the waterfront is federal land/ parkland or it’s all built up with office buildings and highways.

I wish we had something like San Antonio’s River Walk. Or… I miss the Florida Keys, where there were all these cool little canals with boats pulled up, and people actually enjoyed the water.

Kayak8's avatar

I have been to several restaurants that offered interesting opportunities (but some never made it). The features that I liked included:

1—a restaurant that had this little monorail system that ran past every table. There were plates on the monorail and each white plate had a different colored ring around the edge. The food was various Asian appetizers and a black rimmed plate was $5, a blue was $4, and a red was $3. As you made selections and ate the food, the wait staff would not bus your table mid-meal. They used the plates to determine your total (which you had been determining with each plate choice) and you paid and left. I LOVED this place as the food was good and the portions were excellent for the price.

2—There was a Mexican place that let you pick your own price (from three choices for each meal) based on how you liked the food. They lasted about 5 years.

3—There was a fancy Italian place that addressed @Brenna_o ‘s desire a bit differently. Each table was privately curtained. If you kept the noise to a minimum, there were no questions asked. The wait staff would ask before breaching the curtain. I thought it was nice for a quiet, romantic dinner but was not thrilled by the obvious activity in the booth seat backing mine . . . just sayin’


JLeslie's avatar

I agree with @Blackberry about where I live now, not near enough outside seating.

I Wish there were restaurant without so much hidden fat in the food. I am so sick of steamed vegetables being made with a big hunk of butter. Seriously? Even visible fat is annoying. Last weekend my husband splurged and ordered mashed potatoes instead of baked, and the mashed potatoes arrived with a big dallop of butter melting on top? The potatoes themselves were made with heavy cream or tons of butter already. I am not even talking about wanting more “health food” restaurants, just reasonable fat content. I like the idea of calories and fat content being listed on menus. Just the nationawide chains, I think it is too much of a burden for the local restaurants.

ucme's avatar

@Dutchess_III Go on, mock a perthonth lithp…tut, tut.

downtide's avatar

@JLeslie I agree. I’d also like to see more information on menus about calorie content and fat content. I remember reading a review of a restaurant oce where it turned out that the salads had more fat than the burgers, because of all the dressings they put on.

Plucky's avatar

A place that only serves delicious healthy meals for reasonable prices – why can’t good food be more affordable?!

poisonedantidote's avatar

Had clowns that try to tickle you while you eat.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I wish there were a restaurant that was . . . close, clean, cheap, and had great wifi.

Kardamom's avatar

I would just be happy just to have more vegetarian items on the menus at any restaurant.

It gets really old ordering the “Buddha’s Feast” at Asian restaurants, which consists of broccoli (if you’re lucky) water chestnuts and canned straw mushrooms in a gelatinous sauce.

At most other places you get your choice of a grilled eggplant (which to me is the nastiest vegetable on the planet) sandwich topped with sliced zucchini (the most bland vegetable on the planet) or a “garden salad” with iceberg lettuce, mealy pink tomatoes and stale croutons.

I would love to see a nice Greek salad with romaine, Kalamata olives, ripe fresh tomatoes, feta cheese, pepperonicinis and a tangy lemon vinaigrette that could be served either as an entree or a smaller portion as a side dish to an order of hummus and pita bread.

Or just a nice plain old cheese and marinara pizza. Throw on some wild mushrooms for extra points!

Or a big stuffed burrito with lard-free beans, cheese, guacamole, shredded romaine and house made pico de gallo salsa.

Or vegetarian chili served with garlic bread or home made cornbread.

Or a grilled vegetable flatbread wrap (without eggplant or zucchini!!!) maybe with garlic sauteed carrots, portobello mushrooms, broccoli, and cauliflower with a pesto sauce and fresh basil leaves.

For the Asian restaurants, maybe a vegetable pad thai, or fresh spring rolls stuffed with tofu, mint, cilantro and glass noodles served with a peanut dipping sauce.

I would even be thrilled to find some soup, like corn chowder or bean soup, or hot and sour soup, or cream of mushroom soup, or cream of broccoli soup that does not contain chicken broth.

And last, but not least, for the fast food restaurants, a good veggie patty, a quesadilla or a bean burrito. Thank goodness for Taco Bell and Del Taco. I know there’s hope for the fast food industry, there’s a chain called Baker’s in the high desert area of Califonia, out near Victorville that has an entire vegetarian menu, in addition to their regular fare. Yea!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ucme I don’t think that a perthon with a lithp can say “tut tut.” I’m just sayin. I think you’re faking it!

ucme's avatar

No thit therlock….geniuth, thimply geniuth.

Dutchess_III's avatar

lollll! I’ll keep my mo’th thut, K?

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