Have you ever seen something like a flash light?
Ok, it’s kinda weird but I’ve experienced this three times already.
The first time I was in my bedroom, at night, I have blackout curtains so, my room is completly dark at night, no lights can be seen from the outside, so once, suddenly I saw this light, like the flash of a camera, it lasted just a second but it was a very bright light, it illuminated the whole room for that tiny moment.
The second and the third time also, I was in my office, at noon, with my co worker, and again, that flash light out of nowhere, and me and my friend saw the very bright light.
Maybe, it’s nothing, maybe not, but im just curious, since a googled it and many people have seen it too.
Have you? or what could it be?
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31 Answers
Never heard of or experienced anything like that.
What’s your blood type?
I expect that the light in your bedroom was from static. It can look very bright in a very dark room. I was going to suggest that you may have a problem with something pressing on you optic nerve if you saw the light during the daytime. If you co-worker also saw it, the light could possible lightening. Dry lightening is very common in places like Arizona and New Mexico.
I am not saying it is aliens…
But it is aliens.
Ancient Aliens.
Flesh and Blood extraterrestrials.
I have heard that you may sometimes see a flash of light before a migraine strikes.
Other than that, I really don’t know.
I would see your doctor. Did you recently receive a blow to the head maybe? It could be an eye problem, as @Ron_C mentions, possibly a retinal tear (not good) or a migraine as @Argonon. I advise would see your physician and an eye doctor, particularly if you are seeing the lights with one eye, that could be very serious, and ruling out earthly explanations first. Really, see a doctor.
What on earth is “jajajajaajajaja” ?
@FutureMemory jajajajajajaja = hahahahahahah
@lillycoyote I already went to the doctor!! and everything seems to be fine with my eyes..!
if you want to express laughter, use “kekekekekekeke”
I agree with @Ron_C.
My cat has had static in the middle of the night a few times. It lighted the room.
If you know it’s not static, I too would suggest the eye doctor.
@MrsLorraine Got anybody that is wants to spy on you and is dumb enough to think you wouldn’t notice a flash camera?
December is coming up quicker than we realize. It was definitely some kind of probe so sleep on your back.
[Do aliens visit more in December @woodcutter?]
My answer would be to see your doctor. Seeing flashing lights would seem to be a vision or brain problem. If you have done that though… back to the aliens or perverts.
@Bellatrix You know what is scheduled to happen this December right?
@woodcutter Christmas and Hannukah? Is it Santa?
He sees you when you’re sleeping
He knows when you’re awake
He knows if you’ve been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake
Is this how he knows?
It is the end of the world AGAIN. The conclusion of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. This is when ancient aliens will apparently return (to pick up a spaceship they forgot or something!)
Oh damn.. and I had a big list for Santa this year too.
@Bellatrix Don’t worry too much. I’ve been through the end of the world numerous times at this point now. Haven’t we all? And neither the day the world ends nor the day after the world ended seem to be all that much different, to me at least, than the day before the world ended. Maybe that’s just me though. I don’t always pay as much attention to things as I should.
True. I probably won’t notice much difference either. I will write my list as usual and not cancel any Christmas activities. If aliens arrive, they probably like to party as much as anyone else. Perhaps we should keep a few ‘guest’ presents under the tree.
My Bloody Valentine strikes again?
@Bellatrix Just be careful. If you exchange gifts with the aliens and they give you a necklace and they want you to try it on and offer help you with the clasp don’t let them. That’s when they insert the probe into the base of your brain.
I thought they inserted it… never mind :-) I will keep this in my @lillycoyote.
@Bellatrix That’s an entirely different kind of probe. They will usually abduct you under those circumstances and you won’t be able to resist at that point.
@lillycoyote Why do the aliens insist on inserting things? If they have the technology to even get here why can’t they just do a scan or something like an MRI that we have? I think they just like ass play. It’s just totally sick.
So they can track/monitor/control you while you are not in their spaceship?
Also, from what I have read, they tend to shove it up your nose.
@ragingloli But we don’t cram things up Al-Qaeda’s noses we just look at them with predator drones. We see everything. So this ought to be easy enough for space travelers I would think. They should just get flying spy things and keep tabs on their subjects. What more information could they still be after ,after all this time? Maybe the govt are aliens.
The drones are only used once we know where they are. Before that, there is intensive work by intelligence agencies, you know, agents, operatives, informants, bugs, trackers, etc.
well I still don’t like it.
@woodcutter I’m pretty sure that is what they are coming here for. I mean the chemicals and minerals that we have here are everywhere in the Universe. Why travel a billion light years to get gold, or water? No, it’s boinking they are here for, and the perverts like man as much as women. There ought to be a law against inter-species boinking.
Yeah, and their offspring they leave us with is just over the top irresponsible.
Why does it have to be an alien, or UFO? what about.. an interdimensional vortex?
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