Social Question

Eggie's avatar

What is a player?

Asked by Eggie (5926points) May 12th, 2012

What is your definition of a player, is a player someone who has to sleep with multiple girls or could someone be classified as a player by having multiple dates? Is someone a player by having multiple dates while in a relationship or is he a player by ending a relationship and dating another person soon after?

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9 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

Someone who messes around or cheats with multiple people, while leading those people to think he/she is exclusive with them.

tups's avatar

If life is a game, we’re all players. Unfortunately no one has ever told me the rules of the game.

ragingloli's avatar

Someone who goes around having sex with as many girls as possible like a hunter collecting trophies to show them off.
The male version of the slut/whore, with the difference being that being a “player” is somehow seen as being a good thing.

Keep_on_running's avatar

A person who chases, lays and dumps another. No level of intellect required.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@ragingloli I agree with your definition however I disagree about it being seen asa good thing. \
In some circles a “playah” is a positive term. “He be a playah yo.” These are the same people who show on the garbage Maury Show to find out Who Da baby Daddy.

Where I come from a “player” is considered a slimebag by both males an females.

I can’t understand why women mate/date them. Unless they pay well.

Paradox25's avatar

The term ‘player’ (in this sense) is really a sexist term. A woman in this scenerio would be called a slut, or a horde of other negative terms. This is why it is still not socially acceptable for a woman to ask a guy out, different situation but same concept behind it.

AshlynM's avatar

I define a player as someone who has sex with a lot of people.

ucme's avatar

A jumped up pantry boy who doesn’t know his place.
An arrogant cunt, serves just as well.

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