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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - Have you followed on the scent of a possible erotic encounter if ever there was one?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) May 12th, 2012

Have you ever encountered an unexpectedly thrilling and potentially erotic situation where you thought it might actually lead to some sexual encounter, or maybe not? Did it take hours, days or months? Whether it came into fruition or not, would you share the story?

Three years ago, I was walking down a path heading to the back of the apartment building where there was a basketball court adjacent to a woodland. On my left, I had to pass outside the sliding glass door of an apartment neighbor who lived on the ground floor. On my right, there was a man-made lake with lots of trees around it.

This neighbor was a lady around 30. I didn’t know her name. I just knew she was military based on the uniform she was wearing every time we chanced upon saying hi to each other in the hallway.

Passing by her place that time, she was standing by her glass door wearing a tight t-shirt while reading a book. She wore nothing else. Our eyes connected. I kept on walking. Five minutes later, I made another pass and she was sitting with her legs tucked under her as her hands held the book down on the carpet.

She then raised her behind. That sweet and shapely nakedness of her, generously revealing all her secrets, I must say…that was rousingly generous. Lol.

Less than a year later. I chanced upon her in the hallway with some movers. She was moving to another base in another state. Casual talk. I did not say anything about how lovely her secrets were. I regretted that.

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8 Answers

syz's avatar

I was afraid that you were using “scent“literally, in which case I was going to be a bit grossed out.

dabbler's avatar

@mazingerz88 Great story ! Sorry that went no further for you, chapter two could be interesting.

mazingerz88's avatar

@dabbler Lol. Thanks. I really should have said something. But she was military!

@syz Sorry. This is what happens when one has read three werewolf novels in a row! Lol.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, every time I fire up the turbo jets in my spa. lol
I did have a UPS guy bend over backwards to hit on me a couple of Christmases ago when delivering a giant beanbag loveseat. I think he had some serious fantasies going on about a beanbag love in. haha

deni's avatar

Why was she standing and reading a book? That is VERY ODD.

augustlan's avatar

I’ve always had this…thing. I don’t know what to call it. If I’m single, I know instantly if I’m going to sleep with someone. Like, the second I see them, even if it’s across the cliched ‘crowded room’. I’d go to parties, and within minutes of walking in, I knew who I’d be ending the evening with. I was never wrong.

Anyway the point of this is that it has happened in very unexpected circumstances, too. Because of that, somewhere out there, there are two guys who have Penthouse Letters stories about me. An air conditioning repair man and a cable TV guy not at the same time, mind you. Each arrived at my apartment unexpectedly, and I immediately got that jolt. Each of them returned on their lunch breaks, and… Well, use your imagination. ;)

mazingerz88's avatar

Well, that sure beats my sliding glass door lady story to the pulp. The only review I got was a vicious rant at Craigslist. Excuse me, I need to turn my air-conditioning on. : )

DrBill's avatar

Once I had a past student meet me (accidentally) and she just said “I’m not your student anymore, make love to me…”

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