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Bellatrix's avatar

Do you feel guilty when you take a sick day off, even though you are sick?

Asked by Bellatrix (21320points) May 13th, 2012

I have a bad cold and I am not going to work tomorrow because a. I don’t feel well and b. I don’t want to infect my colleagues.

So why the heck do I feel so guilty?

Do you feel this way when you have to take a sick day?

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19 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

Nope. Also due to the fact my contract was written by idiots I get paid extra for being off sick. Which is nice.

flutherother's avatar

Very much so to the extent that I am hardly ever off sick. Many of my colleagues see taking sick days as a kind of entitlement and they are off all the time. It seems to be accepted but I couldn’t do it.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

When I was working, no, but I was rarely sick.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Yes, but I was rarely ill. Unless I was running a temperature, I went in. There were a couple of times I left early to go to the doctor’s for an ear infection.

marinelife's avatar

I used to, but I don’t now. Of course, I work for myself now.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Sounds like your drone training went smashingly, then.

I don’t feel guilty, but then again I don’t have a “real” job. Not surprisingly, I also don’t get sick since I stopped working at stupid jobs. Work is for suckers.

harple's avatar

I do as I feel I’m letting people down, but as I’m self employed and don’t earn a penny on days I’m off sick (worse, I have to give money back to those who pay up front) I feel more fed up than guilty.

mangeons's avatar

I don’t have a job, but I’ve started feeling really guilty when I miss a day of school for being sick. In the past, I’ve missed a ton of days and not felt bad, but this year I think I’ve only missed about five or so. I don’t like missing stuff when I’m not in school, because then I have to worry about getting my regular work done plus my makeup work done!

Cruiser's avatar

I used to and apparently also in my dreams! How odd that last night I actually dreamt about this very thing! I NEVER take off when I am sick as I figure I can sit at my desk and be miserable just as much as sit at home and be miserable. I did this out of sheer stupidity and dedication to a boss I knew expected as much. Now that I own the business I know I can cut myself some slack and take a day off if I truly need one. Apparently in my dreams my partners think otherwise as I dreamt I was sick and called in and my partner said “Are you kidding me?” And guilted me into going into work!

filmfann's avatar

During the bulk of my career, my job required me to go into dirty places, sometimes in standing water and fowl air (manholes), and I have no doubt they led to illnesses. My job has also ruined my back, which still gives me trouble.
It was their fault, and I feel no remorse taking time off when sick.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I do feel guilty because I hate knowing that if they don’t find someone to replace me on the unit, that the other nurses will have to have more patients than they would’ve had if I was there.

woodcutter's avatar

No. Back when I was an employee at a shit job, I dropped a cordless drill with a bit straight down through my foot at home. Went clean through to the floor. So I got the whole week off and used up all the sick leave I had accrued. I knew I was going to leave that place soon and sick leave wasn’t one of those bennies that had any cash value upon leaving so it worked out perfectly. But even for worthwhile jobs sick leave is there as a nice way of not sucking up your vacation time. People don’t want to have you there blowing chunks at the job so just use them wisely. Everyone will get sick or hurt eventually.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

No. I’m rarely germ sick so when it happens, I believe my co workers actually appreciate me not coming in.

Ron_C's avatar

Definately not!. I’m salaried and have been trying to get back some of my compensation time. My original plan was to take off every Monday but I have only had a chance to take off two Monday’s this year. I have had a couple accidents were I was ordered not to go to work. I went anyway because there were some things only I could do and I ended up back in the hospital. I don’t feel guilty only frustrated that I couldn’t do what I had planned.

Bellatrix's avatar

Thanks everyone. I can see why some of you feel absolutely no guilt whatsoever and fair enough too. I think for me the issue isn’t the organisation – my not being there won’t affect how that operates. It does mean issues people are waiting to be resolved, aren’t resolved. Nothing I need to do is a life or death situation though so any worry is ridiculous really. Stay well everyone.

stardust's avatar

No. If I’m sick, my priority is getting myself well again. Feel better soon @Bellatrix

Bent's avatar

I used to with my old job because my boss would be a jerk about it. With my current job I have a much more flexible working arrangement which makes everything a lot easier for me.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I don’t feel guilty as such but I always worry that my boss or other work colleagues won’t believe me. I don’t know why because I am not off sick very often (the last time was in February and I can’t remember the time before that).

augustlan's avatar

Always. Even when I’m on ‘vacation’, I work! I am lame.

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