@ETpro Of course I agree with your points. I am only saying in the mind of the Christian Conservative they are not taking in all that information and thinking about it in that rational way. @Qingu made it sound like some Christians are sitting back saying God is punishing people with poverty, because tha person deserves it, who are we to question God? I don’t doubt some take this atitude, but I think it is a small percentage, I hear more of what I put forward.
Plus, back to the specific points you made, there are conservatives who want to do away with tax money going to infrastructure and privatize everything. Let alone get rid of money “handouts” to people. They do link it to religion and God, that part I do believe. Because they also associate morality and ethics with working hard and supporting your own needs. Since for them morals and ethics come from their religion, it’s easy to see how they draw the line to link everything.
One of the other big problems in my opinion a good portion of those who are very religious seem inclined to follow someone’s word. Once they choose someone, a leader, as a good guy to be listened to, they will go along with pretty much everything that person says and start paroting it to others. So when their Pastor tells them what to think, and it just happens to apply to political issues, they just go along. Or, when a politician they believe is good makes a statement, that becomes the gospel. Does there really need to be a rational explanation for the followers to follow? Nope. I am not saying they all follow along blindly like sheep, and some do have some good arguments, definitey worth us having a debate over in the cuntry, but many don’t. Too often the arguments are based in untruths or not analyzing an entire statement, like you and I both pointed out about infrastructure that we all use.
There are people who abuse the system, there is no question, and it is frustrating. They make sure they don’t earn too much money so they can maintain services once they have already started getting them. Some really do feel entitled, and they have no regard at all that they are using other people’s money. It’s about the atitude some people have. I am all in favor of giving people shelter and food, I don’t want Americans living on the streets and in squalor, and I want education for all and safe roads and bridges. But, when you see girls and women having 2,3,4,5 children they cannot afford financially or handle emotionally, and the children are all screwed up, well I think people who hear and see it all too often, and see it generation after generation, they just want it to stop. Want to figure out how to make that pattern stop. Anyway, they believe not incentiviszing them to have children, and not incentivizing them to work a limited amount, will mean they will stop having all the children and work harder.
I am sort of understanding about some of the viewpoints. What would happen if we told women, every year you don’t have a baby the government will give you $5,000, and if you have one you get nothing for five years. What if companies started paying really good wages? The government assistance would pale in comparison. That’s the trick on that latter point, they want to take away government assistance to getting a job is more attractive, but I fight back on that point saying, then you have to pay a decent wage, and they are all hell bent on the top people being able to make fortunes in salaries while the wee people make next to nothing. I think it’s awful.
Are there people who don’t abuse the system and truly need it? The mentally ill, the disabled, those who hit a hard time in life? Definitely. We should as a society to help those people in my opinon. The elderly, I want them cared for, but when someone squandered their money, never saved, and had made plenty to save, it’s annoying to some people that they get carried by those of us who did sacrifice and save. That is why I am in favor of social security, and the conservatives should be too in my opinion. Because the person has paid into the system, a forced savings of sorts.