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How do you get a 2 month old to nurse better during her fussiness period?
My beautiful darling is 2 months old and still has an extremely fussy time – its not as bad but now she almost doesn’t eat – she feeds but only for one let down and then pulls off – if I offer her the breast again she cries but she cries with her mouth over it and every now and then will latch but during let down will pull off and cry so I’m very confused – are there any tricks to help her feed longer?
She normally goes 5 hours of just really quick snack feeding – is this ok?
I’ll phone my la leche woman tomorrow but thought I’d ask here as you guys are extremely helpful.
She’s putting on weight and generally a very happy tear free baby just her fussy time is confusing the heck out of me and I’m worried she isn’t getting enough food.
ps : If I give her a bottle she does exactly the same thing.
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