Does this mean anything specifically (dating-ish stuff)
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May 14th, 2012
I’m just wondering, when dating someone, if they casually mention possibly having kids at some point with you (can’t exactly remember the situation), does it specifically mean anything? Does it mean that they can see that sort of a future with you, even if you’ve only dated a couple times (for like, 1 or 2 weeks)?
Also, if they had said that they wanted to wait a month before hugigng/holding hands/phsysical contact for a month, but then want a hug after hanging out for a dya/seeing a movie, what does that mean? (without hugging casually, like saying goodbye or greeting them in the morning)
really just bored and need somehting to do. Going to make a sandwich now.
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9 Answers
Wanting to have kids but wanting to wait is not a big deal, it means nothing.
Wanting to delay contact with you is a big deal and you should assume she is not that into you.
@Imadethisupwithnoforethought thing is, she isn’t opposed to it all that much, and she wanted it after we had a good time, from what she’s said she’s had some not so good relationships (some guys that were kind of wierd apparently). We are also in high school,(I’m 18 she’s 16) if that plays a factor into it.
That’s kind of what I was thinking though, either she’s not all that interested, or she is evaluating me a bit, she said she wants to get to know me better before things pick up, so possibly she wants to build somehting longer term and wants a firm foundation first.
I’m a bit more inclined to the more serious, mature thing, it goe sin line with the fact that basically all teenage girls set their facebook to in a relationship at the dro of a hat, where once again she wants to wait until it gets more serious. I’ve already casually met her father.
Just rambling, I woke up a bit so theres more info that should be in the q.
I think it’s a good sign that she wants to hold off getting physical with you, she’s acting a bit more mature than a lot of 16 year olds. A hug goodbye is not the same as cuddling or being closer, but it is a sign that she is interested in you.
Be patient, she likes you, but you’re both young. Give her some time.
It means that they like what they see so far.
I would be concerned if someone mentioned casually that they want to have kids with me someday after 2 dates. I would actually run far far away. I am not a baby factory O.O
In high school, I would not take this as a sign of much. It’s just random thoughts and fantasies. There’s way too much ahead of you before that to think that thoughts about this mean anything.
My daughter is 16. She was talking on and on about what country she is going to live in last night. Norway is the front runner, I think. She’s 16. We’ll see. No one, least of all herself, is taking this as an actionable plan at this time.
@abysmalbeauty Well it was after a bit of joking she said it would be a long time from now. We also see each other pretty much every day since we go to the same school and hang out at break.
Baby thing doesn’t mean anything really. I used to muse that my teenage lover boy was the only person I’d ever consider having babies with. I can’t remember if I ever actually said that to him. But I think it was more of a you’re cute, our kids would be cute, sort of thing. Maybe she meant it as a compliment. Anyways, don’t worry about it.
The no physical contact thing isn’t a huge deal either. I mean hello/goodbye hugs are one thing. But honestly this girl sounds smart. I personally decided to take up a pretty firm stance on the sorts of physical contact I allow with people and usually make it quite clear when I first start hanging out with someone. I’ve got on this ‘Cuddling leads to sex’ thing, lol.
Basically, I don’t want to give guys the wrong impression, so I’m not just gonna get cuddled up with someone just because we’re chillin on a couch watching a movie or something. That’s just opening the door for someone, and why would you do that if you don’t want them to come in. (ha)
She wants to get to know you, see if she’s really that into you. And see where things go. And that’s a smart way to go about it if you ask me. So if/when she does start wanting to hold your hand or have a little more physical contact you’ll know she actually means it.
@xnightflowerx excellent answer. She seems to be getting more comfortable around be (like today she pulled out her shirt and adjusted her bra a bunch with me right there lol), but yeah, we’ll see what happens.
She is definitely smarter than the average person her age, surprisingly we have almost everything in common, aside form one song I found good that she didn’t care for, I haven’t found any differences between us.
(am I dating my female clone? lol)
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