Social Question

robmandu's avatar

What are you backing on Kickstarter?

Asked by robmandu (21334points) May 15th, 2012

Just curious. There’s a helluva lotta great stuff on there. Wondering if you’re onto something I should know about.

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9 Answers

chyna's avatar

I must be incredibly out of it, but I have no idea what Kickstarter is.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here; OTOH, I know almost everything and never heard of it.

augustlan's avatar

When @pupntaco’s book was in development there, I supported it like hell. It got published! I bought two copies, too.

jerv's avatar

The last thing I backed was Shadowrun Returns. They wanted $400k, they were offering something I wanted, and they wound up getting almost $1.9 Million (not all of it from me, of course) between Kickstarter and Paypal.

robmandu's avatar

Sorry, folks outta the know… go to It’s a crowd-sourced way to back the startup costs for the production of cool stuff.

The Pebble: E-Paper Watch for iPhone and Android recently raised over $10 million (over its original goal of $100 thousand) making it the largest Kickstarter project to date.

There’s also art and film projects, video games, clothing, and a ton of other stuff.

augustlan's avatar

@robmandu That is a very cool watch! If I only had a smart phone. :/

gottamakeart's avatar

I’m currently following the fund-raising efforts of my friend Alo Moniz- he’s trying to raise $3000 for a Music album. Link:

I’m hoping he finds enough backers. The music from his 1st album can be found on YouTube under the name “Alo and the narcissist”

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