Social Question

Aethelflaed's avatar

Jellies Unite For Good! What charities and causes are important to you?

Asked by Aethelflaed (13760points) May 16th, 2012

Who do you send money to (or, wish you could send money to, after you were done eating ramen)? What causes and charities tug at your heartstrings? What non-profit would you like to pimp out to other jellies? Please feel free to list the controversial ones – that’s half the fun ;)

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28 Answers

AshlynM's avatar

My number one cause is preventing animal cruelty. I love animals and hate to see them being tortured and in pain. Even though I eat meat, that still doesn’t mean I like to see them physically and emotionally suffering.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Scholars At Risk, an international network that ensures academic freedom and provides sanctuary to scholars who are threatened (usually with imprisonment, torture, death) for their words and ideas.

The ACLU and Planned Parenthood.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@AshlynM Are there any groups you think do a really good job of helping with that?

AshlynM's avatar

@Aethelflaed Replied to you via pm.

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m a member of the Yellowstone Park Foundation and Sierra Club.

I use for all my internet searches to benefit a charity.

I was clicking on every day, but it seems to have been canceled or is experiencing technical difficulties.

Cruiser's avatar

I give money and needed items to the local shelter and organize and coordinate an annual river cleanup project for my local waterway in partnership with a local preservation group. Good Will and Vietnam Veterans get a lot of stuff from us as well.

syz's avatar

I donate blood. And I help build fences with the Coalition to Unchain Dogs. And I volunteer with Habitat for Humanity. I donate items to Goodwill. But I don’t tend to donate money – except to Planned Parenthood each time some moronic politician talks about cutting funding (it’s like a drinking game, only more expensive and enraging).

Kayak8's avatar

I volunteer with Search and Rescue and my favorite causes are usually related to public health (HIV, Planned Parenthood, etc.).

bongo's avatar

Guy’s Trust set up in memory of a friend of mine who died last year. He was an amazing guy and helped me lots though out my degree. This charity is building and then running a school in Nepal where Guy travelled to and where the children really got close to Guy. They are also paying for 2 Newcastle uni Marine biology students to volunteer with MantaWatch, Indonesia every summer (another place which Guy felt at home)
I also give blood when I can however my passion for piercings mean that I have to wait 4 months after a piecing before I can do that.

TexasDude's avatar

I have supported the following charities and causes before, both financially and through volunteering and other means:

Wounded Warrior Project – I’ve donated to them before. I feel like the government doesn’t do enough to take care of wounded vets, and that the WWP does good work to help make up for this deficiency.
Habitat for Humanity – I’ve volunteered construction time, donated, and regularly support their local shops. Habitat changes the lives of struggling people on a regular basis. Good stuff.
God’s Planet for Haiti – I was in charge of organizing local volunteers to collect school supplies and backpacks to send to Haitian kids through this charity. I also helped organize a benefit art auction and some other events. I personally know a lot of the God’s Planet folks, and they are good people who make sure their charity is efficient and goods actually get to the Haitians.
The Salvation Army – I’ve donated money regularly because they do a lot of good in my area. Their views on gays suck, though.
Pink Pistols – Speaking of gay issues, I haven’t supported this group directly, but I have trained a group of LGBTQ friends of mine who are working on strengthening the local chapter.
Theodore Roosevelt Association – A given.

Being the chairman of my local chapter of the NLA for two years has put me in contact with numerous other causes and charities as well. I also have worked with numerous local historical preservation and educational outreach programs that have charitable aims or a political rationale that I support.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Almost anything that promotes free speech and inquiry.

Nothing that promotes religion.

None of the big megalith charities like American Cancer Society or March of Dimes – they are institutional and I don’t think they do mcuh good work for the money.

Up until this year I contributed to the Komen fund for Breast Cancer – not any more. I have directly to Planned Parenthood now.

janbb's avatar – Enables micro-development of agriculture in developing countries.

Southern Poverty Law Center – Exposes hate groups and fights their actions. Promotes the teaching of tolerance in schools.

Planned Parenthood, Sierra Club, ACLU, National Resource Defense Council and World Wildlife Fund as well.

Judi's avatar

I do Kiva loans. I can continue to reinvest the same money and add to it as the money gets paid back.
I check my charities through to make sure they are responsible with the money.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@judi – that link does not work. Misspelling?

Blackberry's avatar

I’ve donated the most to Doctors Without Borders.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I was able to click on today. It’s working.
I regularly support Goodwill and Salvation Army by donating what I don’t need and shopping in their stores for thins I do need.

ucme's avatar

Alzheimer’s Disease Society, I used to work for them & the British Heart Foundation.

downtide's avatar

My favourite charity is the Royal National Lifeboat Institution which rescues people at sea. Many of my ancestors (and one or two living relatives) have served in the lifeboat service.

Aethelflaed's avatar

Jane’s Due Process. In Texas, you need parental consent for all abortions (yes, your father can knock you up and then refuse to let you get an abortion), so they help minors get judicial bypass.

National Network of Abortion Funds, who help you pay for abortions if you’re short on cash.

Community Alliance for the Ethical Treatment of Youth, who advocate for people enrolled in residential treatment programs for at-risk teenagers.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Habitat for Humanity- I’ve volunteered before and thought it was a fantastic learning and also sharing experience.

The Peace Corps- always wanted to join and those I’ve known who have, they have great lives, great experiences and help a lot of people.

Planned Parenthood- my mother used them, my friends and I used them and they seemed easily accessible and identifiable anywhere I ever lived versus other types of women’s services.

Linda_Owl's avatar

When I can afford it, I give to the various Homeless Shelters, the Salvation Army, & to a Native – American School in Montana. People who are hungry & homeless need to be helped, even though some of them may be addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. The Native – Americans have almost nothing & most of their traditions have long since been wiped out through actions of the US government.

TexasDude's avatar

@Blondesjon big lurve for St. Judes. I met the president of the St. Jude’s hospital in my city. He was one hell of a guy.

Blondesjon's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard . . . They’re a hell of a charity. One of the few that hasn’t been rocked by scandal or any of that bullshit. They take the money they collect and help children with cancer and their families. Period.

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] This is our Question of the Day!

Paradox25's avatar

Others have taken my answer, and posted the link already for it, St. Judes Children’s Hospital. Yes, I donate to them. I also support any organizations that focus on fighting bullying. I’m also a big supporter of youth sports programs such as baseball and football.

Bellatrix's avatar

I donate to World Vision and sponsor a number of children.
I give through KIVA.
I give to other charities that catch my eye.. the Fistula Foundation for instance.

I also give in other ways though. Donate goods I don’t need to charity. Cars I don’t need – even if they scrap them, they get money. I buy presents for people from charities like Oxfam. I give presents to underprivileged children at Christmas.

I don’t really give to any ‘controversial’ charities. I would really like to give more time to people in need in my community.

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