I’ve had a lot of serious stuff going on in my life over the last 4 years or so, that is precisely why I changed the way I am. I used to be very quiet, not exactly shy, but I would never have dared to spark up a conversation with a stranger. And because of the stuff that was/is going on in my life, it seemed better to just keep to myself.
But then I realized that one of my best friends, who has had way more worse things going on in her life, for as long as I can remember is also one of the nicest and happiest people I know. Then I looked at the way she behaves. She looks upon every person as a potential friend. She’s not intrusive (and I don’t think I am either) but she always says something to whomever she happens to be standing next to, whether it’s on the bus or in line at the grocery store, or in line at the agency where she had to go to fill out forms to take custody of her 3 grandchildren (because her daughter is sick). Even if it’s just to acknowledge their presence. Usually she just points out something that is obvious or something they have in common, or something that might be a little bit funny or silly or she asks if she can help the other person to hold something heavy, or get the door for them or help them to fill out a form, whatever. People gravitate to her, because she’s simply friendly and kind and amusing. She’s not trying to force anyone out of their grump or force anyone to stop thinking about their own troubles, but you’d be surprised, that’s exactly what happens when she talks to them.
I’ve tried to emulate her behavior, and I’ve found that by putting myself out there to other people, in a casual friendly way, that I’ve become less focused on my own troubles. And hopefully, in my own small way, I’ve given a stranger a few minutes, or even 20 minutes, where they too, didn’t have to give all of their attention to their troubles.
It’s pretty obvious when other people don’t want to have a conversation, I don’t intrude on those people.
But I’ve met some of the nicest people and had some of the most interesting conversations (and even made a few new friends) with people because I was willing to give, or take a few minutes of my time. And I made a conscious decision to be that way, because for me, the alternative was rather grim.