Social Question

Will you play the "Give me a clue!" game?
I was walking with a friend the other day and we got to talking about Alexander Dumas’ Three Musketeers. I think my memory cells are slowly drifting away because it took me 45 minutes to recall the name of the third musketeer, Athos.
I then had to try and think about the name of another main character, the young man whose father was a musketeer and who came to Paris to become one and ended up dueling all three legendary musketeers, Athos, Porthos and Aramis.
The game is this…instead of posting this character’s name, please just give me a clue. A not so obvious clue that might be fun for me figuring it out. A one word clue or a phrase maybe-?
For others to play the game…post anything that you find yourself having difficulty to recall and other players, including me, would leave clues until you post with the correct answer.
Rules I guess are…
1. Please don’t forget to include the name of the jelly in your posted clue so he/she would know the clue is his/hers.
2. Jellies who are forgetful and posted a question, please no cheating and figure out the answer by figuring out the posted clues.
3. A single question may take hours, a day or two before a jelly recalls an answer so patience please…
( Right now, the name of this character from the Three Musketeers is not even close enough to be “In the tip of my tongue”. You might say it is down deep in my small intestines at this point. I just can’t think of his name even though I knew Gabriel Byrne played him in The Man in the Iron Mask movie where his character was much, much older. Lol. )