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6rant6's avatar

What's the best surprise you could hope for?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) May 18th, 2012

Imagine that the next person you saw had a great surprise for you. Nothing that defies the laws of physics or biology, but something really welcome, something that shows that the next person was really extending themselves.

What’s the best surprise that person could have for you that might conceivably happen?

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36 Answers

Mariah's avatar

Surprise! I read your test results wrong. You’re fine.

Your gastroenterologist

YARNLADY's avatar

They turned out to be a job agent who had full time jobs for everyone in my family who wants one.

We currently have one unemployed for over a year and two part-time workers getting minimum wage, plus a student who wants a part-time/summer job, or more people buying her art work..

tups's avatar

A trip around the world.

linguaphile's avatar

Full funding for my upcoming schooling and the move I have to make to get there.

6rant6's avatar

@marie, you must live in a nice neighborhood.

tups's avatar

@6rant6 What’s that supposed to mean?

Charles's avatar

No bad surprises.

6rant6's avatar

@marie, just saying there is no one in my house/hood who could give away a trip around the world. More power to you.

rebbel's avatar

“We decided that we will turn your volunteer job (that you love so much) into a paid one thus lifting you out of welfare!”

tups's avatar

@6rant6 Not at my hood either, is this supposed to be a realistic hypothetical surprise?

syz's avatar

The best surprise? A lawyer telling me that some long forgotten family member had left me millions. I would make an outstanding rich person.

6rant6's avatar

Yes, @marie, that’s why I wrote all that stuff that explained it. I was trying to avoid the inevitable “zombie apocalypse” and “penises made of pancakes” answers.

Ela's avatar

The winning lottery ticket for this weeks drawing.

DaphneT's avatar

A lovely surprise would be a new laptop computer or a really really great tablet computer. Because I want one. Even better would be enough money to pay off my outstanding bills. But I really want the new computer.

6rant6's avatar

@eiram, That’s what I’m talking about!

linguaphile's avatar

I must live near @eiram then. Ah… something more realistic? That someone at work has done all the end-of-the year paperwork for me, or that some papers due have been waived. That would be the most realistic best surprise possible.

tups's avatar

@6rant6 I would say that there’s a bit of a difference between ‘zombie apocalypse’ and a trip around the world. A trip around the world can be done, I don’t know about a zombie apocalypse.. No one I know of have experienced that.

6rant6's avatar

@eiram Hey if it’s real to you, that’s what counts. Don’t mind me.

gailcalled's avatar

Surprise. We can now do spine transplants; here’s one belonging to a 15 year old athlete…strong, springy, and straight.

Paradox25's avatar

Rip proof socks.

bewailknot's avatar

No more pain

AngryWhiteMale's avatar

Fantasy: a check that guarantees my life will be comfortable regardless of what happens in the future, til the end of my days.

Realistically: my boss drastically reducing the amount of stress I’m supposed to have over the next few weeks. That’ll do it for me.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

A “good” check for a million dollars.

wildpotato's avatar

I could conceivably hope for my friend to pay me the couple grand he owes me.

Cruiser's avatar

‘68 Camaro in the driveway or a Strat and Marshal Stack in the basement.

Sunny2's avatar

The trials I’ve been going through would be over.

ucme's avatar

Santa Claus is not only real, but he’s my father….....bawls his out like a genuinely upset child of 4 :¬(

6rant6's avatar

@ucme “bawls his out” – that just says it all.

ucme's avatar

Well it doesn’t, eyes is clearly conspicuous by it’s notable absence….bugger me sideways.

6rant6's avatar

@ucme Still. Think I’m going to steal it. Fits every occasion.

Bawls his out!

ucme's avatar

“Every occasion” surely not a child’s nativity play!

6rant6's avatar

@ucme give me half a chance…

Neizvestnaya's avatar

A gigantic payraise at work, including any one of my bosses to treat me to a lunch or dinner.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Related to my previous answer- my in-laws gave me 6 lottery tickets today, as a belated birthday gift. :D They rock.

cookieman's avatar

A new, well-paid full-time job.

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