I know that people have questions about the LDS church or mormons. So what are your questions?
Ask your questions about the LDS Church or Mormons! I will answer your questions the best I can!!
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24 Answers
What is (are?) the LDS Church or Mormons?
Do you speak for all Mormons? Do you all have the same understanding of your doctrine?
Does the fact that your founder was a convicted conman make you doubt the validity of the religion he founded? If it does not, do you not think it should? If not, why?
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I am not Mitt Romney. I do share the same beliefs that other mormons do except for Polygamist. Those are fundamentalist mormons. Our first prophet was convicted for many things even though they were false because people did not like us or our prophet. I do not doubt the validity o of the religion that he founded because it came through revelation. If you saw God and Jesus in person would you be able to deny that what you saw was real or true and they told you to not join any of the churches because they deny the power of God and that he still appears to people today? He was a very honest man. Read some of the things that he has written about Mormons or LDS members. We are often seen as non christians and that we do not believe in the God that you believe in but we do we believe in that same christ who died on the cross for the sins of the world. I do not speak for all mormons because some of them are fundamentalist and I am not a fundamentalist.
Not all of us have the same understanding of our doctrine!! I have a very great understanding of what I believe!!!!!
Joseph Smith went around and convinced gullible farmers that there were treasures buried in their land and that for a fee, he would dig them up for them. Then when he inevitably found nothing, he used the excuse that a demon was guarding the treasure and that this demon disappeared with it.
that is a false statement. He told people that he was to get gold plates with historic engravings on them and that he was to get them one day!! He got them and translated the plates into the Book of Mormon that Mormons use as a companion to the bible! Have any of you ever been to a mormon church?? If you haven’t and the person who provided a false truth than you need to and ask a member of our church about the Joseph Smith story and really get the truth otherwise you will never understand the true meaning. Things you read on the internet are not always true so the citation you gave is useless!!!! Quit being lazy and go to the right source for information such as A MORMON CHURCH!!!!!!!!!
It was witness testimony at a trial.
And no, I will not get the “truth” by going to a mormon church. Churches never tell the full story.
Go to the church of scientology and I guarantee you, they will not tell you about the evil alien overlord Xenu who dropped countless alien captives into volcanoes and dropped fusion bombs on them and then collected their souls and reprogrammed them with all the religions that exist today, and these souls then possessed the bodies of primitive humans. They will not tell you any of this, yet this is what they actually believe.
A priest at a regular Christian church will only pick the nice and fluffy parts of the bible for his sermons. Many former Christians have recounted that all the bloody parts of the bible never came up during church service.
I do not trust churches, I do not trust what they say, and I do not trust the mormon church either, not just because they are, when it comes to telling the full story, the same as any other church, but also because its founder was a fraud.
And finally, while you may think you tell the “truth”, you only tell us what you think is the truth, and I am pretty certain that you were not told the whole story behind the Mormon Church and its founder, as you have amply demonstrated already.
I ask that you and your fellow Mormons stop soliciting, please. Most people don’t want to talk to you. It’s desperate and rather invasive. Enough already. That is all.
Where are the golden plates that the Angel Moroni revealed to Joseph Smith? How is it possible to baptize people who are dead? Wasn’t Joseph Smith actually a small time grifter before his run-in with the Angel? Why did the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints change their name to the LDS church? When did the LDS actually come out against plural marriage? It is my understanding that Mr. Smith approved of and practiced plural marriage, how is ti ok to go against the teachings of your prophet? Do you actually claim Glenn Beck as one of your own or do you make clear that he converted later in life?
Also, I am confused, your question invites The Collective to ask you questions about the Mormon Church then you call them out for asking the questions. How does that work?
Are there more feminists now within the church than there used to be?
Well Joseph Smith did have several wives!! The time when we stopped in 1889. Before then multiple wives were not illegal. When Congress passed a Manifesto that made plural marriage illegal we stopped! Another reason was that the church was not ready for that part of the gospel but in this life we will not have multiple wives!!! If you really know mormons than you would not say that you do not trust us because we all tell the full truth. Not all mormons are like that but I am always honest with my dealings with my fellow man. It is also a commandment and most mormons hold true to all the commandments. The reason that you cannot trust any other church is because they always sugar coat their doctrine because they want you to join and push you and push you to join their church!!!!!! We do not sugar coat our doctrine like those of other churches and we do not have a paid preacher because God was not paid to preach and provide miracles. The Golden Plates were taken back up to heaven because of the fact that they would be hunted for treasure and not be used as a sacred document. Joseph Smith was confused about which church to join so if that is what you mean by “grifter” than yes but he found a scripture in James 1:5 that seemed to have more power on him than any other scripture. We did not change our name from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints because LDS stands for Latter-Day Saints and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints still appears on all of our churches. He converted later in life but we still consider him one of our own. I try to explain the truth but when people tell us something about us that isn’t true I try to correct that philosophy and set people straight about what we believe. We understand that sometimes it can be an invasion of privacy as you say it when we solicit but it depends on how you view it. We are the fastest growing religion in the world because of our “soliciting” as you call it!! We are not soliciting! We use the phrase every member a missionary and we try to spread our gospel like any other church. And we always tell the full story!!! NOT EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE INTERNET IS TRUE PEOPLE!!! CHECK YOUR SOURCE BEFORE YOU BELIEVE!!!! I do not know it there are any more feminists now but I will find out and get back to you Simone!!! Great question though. I hope that I answered most of your questions and that it helps!! If not please let me know and I will get back to you!!!
You probably wouldn’t believe this but I am 15 years old and know more about my church than any other person of my age from another church!!
And the demon thing was a false accusation!! the person who was a witness was a lying nitwit!!!
Well, @hurricane92596 I hope you’ve learned a lesson here. This was a big, ugly can of worms you’ve opened. You may now want to go peddle your papers somewhere else. Sorry if the reaction you got wasn’t the one you expected.
@hurricane92596 Before I tear into you, welcome to Fluther. I gave you a Great Question on this because it shows thought and guts.
My main question is how can so many people, and I am not just referring to Mormons here, be so incredibly gullible. Of course, if you go to a Mormon Church, you will get a long list of proofs (all basically tautologies) about how Mormonism is the one true religion. Go to one on Sun Myung Moon’s Mooney churches, and they will tell you in just as convincing (and circular logic) terms how they have the one true way. Mary Baker Eddy’s Christian Scientists have yet another take. And we have all the Christians following not the teachings of Jesus, if he ever actually lived, but those of the Roman Emperor Constantine; who put his own brand on the budding new cult and used it to justify his consolidation of power in the Roman Empire and his persecution of Jews. Go to a Mosque, and you will hear a whole new set of tautologies about how Mohamed is the final Prophet of the Abrahamic God. Check with a Jewish Rabbinical scholar and you will at least get the truth about what the God of the desert actually was purported to have revealed to man. Lo and behold, it doesn’t even come close to matching up with the teachings of ANY of the sects aforementioned.
Now, one thing is abundantly clear. All these sects cannot possibly be right, because while they all claim to worship Yahweh, they have wildly differing interpretations of what He requires of man. However, it is possible that all of them are wrong. And since they purport to worship a God who is omniscient and omnipotent and who revealed himself in the Torah, and they refuse to follow the Torah, my guess is that they all are wrong.
That begs the following additional questions. Why would an omniscient and omnipotent God need over 3,300 years of successive prophets culminating with Joseph Smith to finally work out what he, the omniscient one, really meant to say 3,313 years ago? Why would his final revelation in so many ways contradict his earlier ones. I might add, why would we even believe the God of the Desert’s original revelations when they were full of contradictions and statements that have proved to be wrong?
Did Kolob suffer the same fate as Krypton? Did Elohim send Jehovah to planet Earth for the same reason that Jor-El sent Kal-El? Did Jesus have a secret identity when he wasn’t attending to His supernatural duties?
I have not read The Book of Moron. I was wondering if it uses a lot of exclamation points!!!
@hurricane92596, actually a grifter is a conman. It is my understanding that until he met up with the Angel Moroni Joseph Smith was a conman out to make an easy buck. Why did the church stop using their whole name and begin using just the initials LDS? Also, can you explain how people can baptize folks who are already dead?
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