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JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

(NSFW) Would a hologram be considered cheating (see details)?

Asked by JeSuisRickSpringfield (8651points) May 18th, 2012

Imagine we had the technology to create virtual environments akin to the holodecks of Star Trek. For all intents and purposes, the holographic objects in these environments would look and feel exactly like real objects—including the people. If you were to create a holographic person to have sex with, would this just be a form of extremely realistic masturbation? Or would your significant other(s) have grounds for accusing you of cheating?

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13 Answers

Earthgirl's avatar

I suppose that for people who consider porn to be cheating this would be cheating. I think it would be bad for personal relationships. I would consider it a form of “extreme masturbation”. Like every technology we create, it would have implications for human relationships. But of course, it wouldn’t be a real person no matter how realistic it was so I would not consider it cheating. That doesn’t preclude the probability that I would be insanely jealous!!

Coloma's avatar

If the simulation feels real, well….then, yes, it could be considered a form of cheating.
Virtual affairs would still employ the desire for someone other than the primary partner with extremely lifelike sensations, therefore it could be grounds for cheating I think. I agree it would not be good for most relationships.

DeanV's avatar

It’s a hologram, which to me implies intangibility. Anything tangible is a robot, IMO and I’m not sticking anything into any floppy disk drive, no matter how good it feels.

ETpro's avatar

@JeSuisRickSpringfield Are you kidding. My SO would consider it cheating if she caught me jacking off in the shower, and here I thought I was just having a bit of good clean fun.

Ela's avatar

I see porn as a one-sided activity while a holo would be interactive… in that sense it would be cheating in my eyes. I agree that if it feels real and involves sensations it would be cheating.
I think it’s pretty sad when couples can’t find sexual satisfaction within their relationship and look outside of it to find it. While sex is not the foundation in a relationship, for me it is a cornerstone. The sexual desires, passions and appetites should be pretty evenly matched and shared, not taken elsewhere to be fulfilled.

trailsillustrated's avatar

I thought you were talking about tupac. Haha guess I better go to bed oh well….. and ps. no it wasn’t cheating

marinelife's avatar

It depends on if you became emotionally involved with the hologram.

6rant6's avatar

Semantics. Clearly some would call it cheating and some wouldn’t. All that matters, really, is whether the partner 1) is hurt by it, and 2) will do something in response.

Most of us don’t want to hurt our partner’s feelings. All of us must consider the consequences of our actions.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

For me, cheating would be if I felt my partner was giving attention somewhere else that I believed was something he and I usually shared, just between us and within our relationship.

nikipedia's avatar

It becomes cheating if the hologram is conscious/self aware.

blueiiznh's avatar

Cheating or better stated as robbing their relationship of the focus.
Any energy like that focused to another is not appropriate or healthy.

JeSuisRickSpringfield's avatar

@ETpro I’m sorry to hear that. Jacking off in the shower is surely one of the basic rights of man!

@6rant6 Yes, some would call it cheating and some wouldn’t. That’s not the question. Some would call all masturbation cheating, but they would be wrong. People can say anything, but not everything is equally rational. So while we don’t want to hurt our partners, that doesn’t mean anything that hurts them really is cheating.

ETpro's avatar

@JeSuisRickSpringfield So is locking the bathroom door. :-)

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