What did you think of The Avengers?
What did you think of the movie The Avengers? Did you like it? Comment about it. Should I go see it? :)
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19 Answers
I thought it was obnoxious, boring and uninteresting.
I hope to see it. I like the HULK, the silent green type.
LOL. Sorry, I haven’t seen it.
This is the first thing that pops into my head when I think: The Avengers
That’s what I thought your question was about until I read the details.
I am so old. :-)
I enjoyed it, and the eye candy (male and female) was yummy. I thought it did a pretty good job of tying together a ridiculous number of threads. And the scene where the Hulk slams Loki was awesome.
Let’s face it. The premise was ridiculous, the action predictably over the top, and the jokes hackneyed. But it moved so fast, who cares. And the writers did an admirable job of wiring togethjer so many disparate superhero stories to come up with something that, if you admit superheroes and demigods, makes sense. I let myself enjoy it instead of sitting there playing film critic. And it totally worked. I had a great time. Here’s the Hulk versus Loki scene, for instance.
I think it was a harder story to tell because they brought so many characters in. There were some really funny scenes and think overall they did a good job.
But it wasn’t the best movie I’ve seen. Personally, I liked the Iron Man movies more.
@victoriasalcedo9907 If you ever read a comic book in your life and liked it, then you have to see this movie. People who put out hundreds of millions of dollars ( possibly a billion ) can never be wrong. Well, except Titanic. Heh heh.
Eee eeee eee eee eee!!! Omg, nerdgasm! No, but really, I need to go see it again – this time in 3D, and with more people to squee with.
I saw it. It was alright. I personally am not a fan of long, drawn-out battle scenes you can imagine how I felt watching Lord of the Ring.
The super fast movement made it difficult to get a good look at the details of Loki’s army.
Another thing, I don’t know what was the big deal about Scarlet Johansen’s jumpsuit. All the hype about her having to lose weight to fit it. I always thought she was beautiful as is.
I love Robert Downey Jr. I think he is a great actor.
I am not a comic book reader so I am not even sure who the archer character was.
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I enjoyed it, and I’m notorious for picking movies apart. The only things that really bothered me was the 3D felt gimmicky to me at times and I can’t figure out why Hawkeye would need a laser sight on his bow. I even liked it enough that I’m looking for an excuse to see it again.
Reasonably good story. About 20 minutes too long – too many special effects. Filmed in Cleveland, Ohio – you can recognize some of the buildings.
Story is meaningless but entertaining. A couple of clever laugh lines.
Better than Borat. Worse than Gone With the Wind.
Saw it with my daughter last week and yes, I loved it! Great fun!
I want an Iron man suit so bad. I could be middle aged Iron Woman. lol
It was okay, Stan Lee’s ugly mug was a downer though.
However as far as comic book heroes go, I’m looking forward to The Amazing Spiderman (I’m so happy that they seem to be sticking fairly close to the original storyline, Toby Macguire’s spidey sucked sweaty, fungal infected balls) and The Dark Knight Rises much more than I ever did for the Avengers.
LOVED it. Movies are primarily meant for entertainment, and I can tell you that it was exciting and funny most of the movie.
Considering how I wasn’t really into the Avengers DC>Marvel!! growing up, I actually enjoyed it.
Mark Ruffalo did a really good job as the Hulk.
@Nimis Of course since he’s a Wicked Cool local guy, I liked Chris Evans from the Boston suburb of Sudbury. I particularly liked that after the ego-maniacal group of avengers finally got done fighting among themselves instead of concerning themselves with the threat Loki posed, Captain America—the most ancient of the Avengers, kind of stepped up and issued orders to save the day.
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