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tan253's avatar

Does this sound like post partum pregnancy mask?

Asked by tan253 (2958points) May 23rd, 2012

I am just wondering if anyone has experienced this.
I have these weird red circular spots, I noticed them since the birth of my daughter – only issue is is that they are on a rather personal part of my body – my inner thigh, just at the crease…. of my you know what – I noticed them when I shaved for the first time (sorry tmi!) but I have no idea what they are.
I keep forgetting to ask the obgyn and now I don’t need to go there again for another year.

They could be pregnancy mask but I thought that was normally on your face.
They are weird almost like perfect circles and red and that’s it – they don’t itch, they don’t seem to affect me in anyway other than just being weird alien red spots.
Any ideas?

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