Well, thanks for your feedback, people. I take it as constructive. I’m not sure what I want to do about it.
I often try to phrase things as being about me—using “I” statements—to get around this issue. But sometimes I forget. It may or may not be a drawback of my method of not editing myself.
I do, of course, judge people. Sometimes, though, people think I am judging them, when I’m not. I suppose there are other times people don’t think I am judging them, and I am. And hopefully most of the time I judge people, people understand me correctly.
There are times when I judge people and I like them, even if I don’t approve of what they do. There are times when I judge people and dislike them because of what they have done. Sometimes I respect people I dislike because I think they believe what they believe out of a good heart, even if I think they are going in the wrong direction. I tend to think that just about everyone has a good heart, even people whose points of view I really disagree strongly with.
But I don’t think I’m better than anyone. I think I’m just a person who is as good as anyone else. Except, of course, when I’m depressed, and then I think I’m worthless, but because I’m worthless, it doesn’t really matter whether I say what I think or not. If people don’t like it, they can beat me up, and that suits me, when I’m depressed.
So I met with my client today, and we are coming to a greater understanding. I told her what happened with my contractor and she had some interesting information to provide about questions. She is a psychological economist, and even though she is fighting off memory issues, she is fighting very hard and she can still remember a thing or two. I respect her battle because I can see myself like that in a few decades.
Anyway, she said that people who ask questions do it as a way of asserting power.