In my job, I deal with a lot of experts in a wide variety of fields. I can’t know enough to keep up with people in all these fields, so I have to ask questions in order to help them. I’m a methodologist, so my questions are about how they plan to do the analysis they want to do.
Sometimes I organize meetings where people present their work as a favor to the community, and others comment on it and try to make suggestions to make the work stronger. Often, all I can contribute is my ignorance. That’s true here, too. I ask questions based on ignorance. I am trying to understand. But it seems, some of the time, that people read more into my question than is there. They think I am laying a trap for them. I have an agenda.
Sometimes, at work, my questions, coming from ignorance as they are, do seem to open doors for other ways of thinking about it. It seems that people have not thought about these questions and that thinking about them is helpful.
Sometimes, I do ask question of the trap variety. Not because I want to trap people, but because I want to know if they have thought something through. I don’t want to assume they haven’t. But if they haven’t, it is usually a problem. My motive is to help them fill in an area of ignorance and most of my clients take it as such, but every once in a while, it seems like they don’t take it well. As if I want to hurt them by pointing out the holes in their work, even though that’s what they come to me for help on.
On fluther, too, I will sometimes ask trap questions, particularly in the political questions. This is because I am tired of butting heads with some people. It serves no purpose. But if we can open an area of investigation in a non-defensive way, maybe they will learn something, and, if I keep an open mind, maybe I can learn something, too. I try to keep an open mind, but I don’t always succeed. I don’t know what my reputation is for on that point around here. Probably mixed.
But I guess some people are more suspicious of me than others. Some of that has to do with differences of politics. That doesn’t bother me. Some of it has to do with people feeling judged by me when I am not judging them. That does worry me.