Social Question

ucme's avatar

If you could wield global influence, what things would you have banned?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 24th, 2012

Yes I know it’s simplistic & yes, it deals with absolutes, not to mention hypothesis, but hey, humour me.
Can be anything at all, be it deadly serious or just for laughs.

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17 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar


MTV, and all programming associated with it (I think MTV is responsible for Jersey Shore, for example).

wilma's avatar

Mosquitoes, flies, wars and loud rap music.

flutherother's avatar

Every day I would think of something new. Today it is litter.

mazingerz88's avatar

Star Wars movies written and directed by George Lucas. ( except episode IV )
Nuclear weapons ( except against canibalistic aliens and rogue asteroids )
Ethnic cleanings
George Clooney’s line-up of women waiting to be his 3 year squeeze

ragingloli's avatar

religion having any influence on government whatsoever.

fremen_warrior's avatar

Passports – as in unrestricted travel would be allowed

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m a libertarian; we’re pro-choice on everything.

I’d ban state-enforced bans.

CunningLinguist's avatar

Hungarian sitar players.

They know what they did.

josie's avatar

Nothing, except capital punishment.
As soon as you ban something, you create an underground movement that festers in the dark of secrecy. When it emerges, it is more of a problem than when you pretended to eliminate it by “banning”. Banning is really sort of a stupid notion when you think about it. Nobody can erase a human impulse by declaring that it is banned. IMHO, it requires a sort of immaturity to imagine that banning some thing is a solution to anything.

As stated, I would ban capital punishment. No institution that is dumb enough to imagine it can effectively ban anything should not have the power to snuff a life as a result of the occasionally incorrect and/or corruptible judgement of a fallible judiciary.

woodcutter's avatar

Hedge funds

ucme's avatar

Myself, i’d ban racism, homophobia, sexism & sales assistants who immediately pounce as soon as you enter the shop, “Can I help you sir?” Yes, fuckoff!

Charles's avatar

Myself, i’d ban racism, homophobia, sexism & sales assistants who immediately pounce as soon as you enter the shop, “Can I help you sir?” Yes, fuckoff!

Sounds like sales_assistantsismphobia.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Leaf blowers

“Sagged” pants

Breeding without financial responsibility.

wilma's avatar

I would say ditto on what @Neizvestnaya wrote.

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