What advice can you give me to help me deal and heal with this situation?
I have been married for 2 yrs and my husband is 32 and I am 31 and we have a 2 year old daughter together. We seperated or he left 2 months ago because he could no longer deal with me not trusting him. During our 2 year marriage he spent the night with an old sex buddy after starting a fight, hid womens numbers in his phone, I read countless inappropriate sexual messages to other women, I found pictures of his dick on his phone, he took me out to bars only to spend half the night with his arm around other women whispering in their ear. I attempted many times to explain to him that his behavior was disrespectful to me and to our marriage and it was hindering my ability to trust him, only to have him respond with anger that he was doing nothing wrong and I needed to get over it. When he left he moved in with his mom, he has sent me text after text blaming me for us not working even though I still wanted to work it out with him and go to counseling. He recently moved in with a 19yr old girl we both work with and I had to find all of this out from patients I take care of and staff I work with. He says he was never in love with me and he is happy with her. What gets me is our 2 year old is around all of this when she goes and stays with him at her place and how can a person be so cold and uncaring to do such things. I am having a tremendously hard time dealing with all of this because I was truly in love with him and I would like some advice or suggestions on how to recover.
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6 Answers
First, hire the best attorney in town. Make sure you retain him/her before he does. You want to be the first one to establish custody. Regardless of your broken heart, take care of important business first and deal with your feelings later.
I have always found that making lists and taking care of business helps me get theough emotional drama easier.
Sorry you’re going through this crap. I hate it when men are cheating dogs. Talk to him as little as possible and only as it concerns your daughter.
Read what you wrote as if someone else had written it. He’s playing with your self esteem and trying to get you to question yourself.
You deserve better. It will be crystal clear in a year or two when you get some distance.
He’s obviously not the man you thought he was, and you’ll be far better off without him. In time, you’ll come to realize this. I know it hurts like hell right now, but it will get better.
In terms of your daughter, as long as he’s a proper father to her, I wouldn’t be too concerned about what he does in his dating life. Does he care for her properly? If so, don’t use her as a pawn to punish him for hurting you. At two years old, all she knows is that he is her dad.
Mourn the loss of the fantasy that you were in love with. The real man is a worm. Pictures of his dick on his phone? You have to be kidding me. Plus, him blaming you for his lapses in behavior is classic.
Consider that you are well rid of him. Think about getting another job where you do not have to see him and be reminded by others talking about him.
Get a lawyer and consider getting sole custody of your child with no visitation or supervised visitation.
Feel relief that you are away from him.
You need two things: a good divorce attorney, and a good counselor. Oh, and probably a new job if you guys work in the same area.
Going through something like this is tough, but seriously, this sounds like good riddance.
How did you ever marry this guy?
Just a thought on your daughter’s life… I think a lot of women in your place are seduced into playing the victim, showing the child, “look how miserable my life is because of what your pig of father did to me.” So the child grows up seeing two parents – one amoral and happy one righteous and miserable. She’ll get to pick between those two role models. Not what you want, I think. Show her the option of being loving, forgiving, moral and smart. Get away from him, but also put distance between yourself and the grief and anger. You’ve heard that living well is the best revenge? Well, it’s also the bet way to raise the kids.
That’s a great question, why did I marry this guy? Well he is a great liar and manipulator and you are also right I was in love with the fantasy. At first he was great, he would tell me I was the love of his life, how he couldn’t live without me, he would write me love notes and do everything he could to spend time with me and made me feel like I was the only one and so special. Then when we got married everything changed, he was no longer that sweet man I thought I married he was closed off and aloof and it seemed to bother him when he did have to spend time with me. I am trying to be the strongest woman I can for my daughter and move past this and live a happy life, it just bothers me so much that he can move on so quickly like I didn’t matter.
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