Social Question

fundevogel's avatar

It has begun. Are you ready?

Asked by fundevogel (15511points) May 29th, 2012

It seems that we might be witnessing the first violent pangs of the zombie apocalypse. Are you ready or were you just telling yourself that this day would never come? Act with speed Floridian jellies, we’ve all seen how quickly everything will go to hell.

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33 Answers

filmfann's avatar

It doesn’t surprise me that the first zombie outbreak in the states would happen in Florida, due to its proximity to Haiti, its high concentration of the elderly, and its warm climate.

fundevogel's avatar

I agree Florida is an unsurprising place from the first zombies to pop up. Though his behavior wasn’t consistent with the sort of zombies I associate with Haiti. That bunch are really just cheap, unskilled, undead labor for their zombie master. It seems to me that Florida just has a way of fostering crazy shit.

Jeruba's avatar

It’s denial for me. I’m a big fan of denial. I don’t know how I’d have come as far as I have if I didn’t have a pretty competent denier.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Hahaha, I’m so glad you posted this question; I’ve been reading about this off and on all day. I’m still trying to remember who borrowed my deer rifle…

I’ve already got my famous shovel. And a big knife. And pepper spray.

fundevogel's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Does pepper spray work on zombies? I’m not sure that they have functioning nerves.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

If all else fails, I can just jam the bottle into their eyes, therefore blinding them…

Sunny2's avatar

Is there a handbook about working with zombies? Or is it to late to learn? Any favorite foods they like? Colors I should wear? Greetings to use or NOT use?

jrpowell's avatar

The zombie meme is stupid. Please stop doing it.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

The Boston Police department has assured the public that when the zombies truly come, they will notify us via twitter.

ucme's avatar

A man has been shot & killed here, through actions almost certainly drug induced & the other innocent victim is left scarred & traumatised for life. I see the oppurtunity for humour in most things, but this isn’t one of them.
I’ve always thought the word itself (zombie) sounds kind of pussyish, not nearly sinister enough.

FutureMemory's avatar

Another article on that page talks about Anthony Bourdain having a fantasy about sodomizing someone. :P

Michael_Huntington's avatar

my body is ready

josie's avatar

Bring them on

elbanditoroso's avatar

@ucme, normally I might agree with you, but in the case – the victim was already dead and all the moaning in the world isn’t going to bring him back.

So while the flesh eating may not be your cup of tea (bad metaphor!), talking/joking/ridiculing it isn’t going make a particle of difference to anyone involved.

erichw1504's avatar

That’s only one of many incidents in the past month:

Hide yo kids, hide yo wife.

ucme's avatar

@elbanditoroso Nobody moaned, can’t think where you got that idea from, simply offered a point of view, which last time I checked was kind of the point around here.
I disagree with everything you just said, but that’s okay because I don’t care & neither should you.

Dutchess_III's avatar

NOT AGAIN!! We went through all of that in the 60’s only it was in San Francisco!

Berserker's avatar

The article says that the officer fired around twelve shots. That guy took twelve shots before dying? They all hit him? :O If he was actually a zombie, then yeah, but he wasn’t, so what gives? Can cocaine do that to someone? I wonder if they’ll ever release the autopsy reports to the public, this is a bizarre story.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

@Symbeline Actually, you have a very small chance of dying from gunshot wounds.

Berserker's avatar

@Michael_Huntington Yeah, but it says the guy didn’t even flinch. Never saw anyone get shot, but I’m assuming you’d get knocked back or hit the ground. I have heard that some badass drugs can make you feel no pain at all, but what about impact? Wouldn’t that guy have been knocked back or something? Unless I guess pain reaction is the only thing that makes one topple or fall, if it’s not too powerful of a firearm.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

@Symbeline I guess it depends on the caliber of the bullets. I dunno

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I have no clue what is going on lately with all these drug-hyped psychotics doing insane shit. Some of this stuff just blows my mind, like the guy who stabbed himself and threw his guts at the cops. WTF?

Berserker's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate say wut? O_o

I just saw a news broadcast about this on YT and it says both men were naked, and both were fighting before this happened.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@Symbeline I just read one article where witnesses claimed that Zombie Man was ripping the clothes off of the other man. In photos posted on the internet, it doesn’t appear that the other man was fully undressed.

Berserker's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer Yeah. I saw one video where you could see both men’s legs, but the rest of their bodies were hidden by concrete.

@WillWorkForChocolate We live in one fucked up world is all I gotta say. :/

wundayatta's avatar

Just imagine how scary it would be to see someone eating a live person’s face. What was with the person being eater? Why were they unable to move or defend themselves?

Then, when you shoot them, they don’t stop eating? That sounds like it would have gotten the cops heartrate going way fast. Maybe even wondering if he had a real zombie on his hands if he had an once of imagination in him. I can imagine this scene causing serious PTSD.

I hope it turns out the “zombie” was using some strange drug. It’s still not going to help us understand what was going on in his mind, since he’s dead now. Probably doesn’t matter. If he did return to normal, he might not remember what he was thinking.

I feel bad for the guy whose face was eaten. He’ll probably have a long recovery and lots of plastic surgery. I hope it doesn’t get infected. he might not survive that. Human bites are supposed to be as bad as Komodo dragon bites, I think. Yech!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Here is the surveillance video of the whole incident. It includes the attack, witnesses passing by, and the police intervention.

erichw1504's avatar

I’m investing in a shotgun…

Dutchess_III's avatar

That is one video I will never, ever tap in to.

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