Should we be able to name names in meta?
Asked by
jrpowell (
May 30th, 2012
Some people are dicks and need to be called on it. It would give both parties a place to vent instead of shitting in questions. Do it in meta instead. It works well at Metafilter.
Some accountability might be nice in this place.
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49 Answers
Yeah, why not?
Dick, you’re a fucking pussy!!
I think there’s enough whining and wah-ing on threads and plenty of let me shove my opinions down your throat going on here without ‘calling people out on it’ in Meta.
PMing or a walk outside seem like better ideas to me.
I am not disagreeing that peeps are dicks @johnpowell. I just don’t think calling ‘em out will help
@SpatzieLover :: That is my point. Move the shit over here so the other sections aren’t dick-waving cesspools.
And maybe if people were called on it there would be less “let me shove my opinions down your throat” type shit.
And Obama was born in Kenya.
Maybe you’re correct @JP. I see most of it as a mod issue.
I spend less and less time here because of this nonsense. It’s completely out of hand.
It’s certainly the case that persistent argumentitive tools should shut the fuck up.
I’ve always thought they’re just spoiling for a fight, do it in PM because it’s boring the shit out of me.
Sure. While we’re here, I’d like to call out that bitch WillWorkForChocolate. She won’t share her cookies and I fucking hate her!
There is accountability to the guidelines via the mods. No we should not be able to name names. You can name names in a message to the mods or the community manager.
Ugh. Sounds like more drama to me, and I hate that shit.
My opinion is if it is referring to an old Q, seems like it is out there in the public domain and all’s fair. If it is information or annoyance that happened in PM, I don’t care how much that jelly pisses you off, that is off limits.
But, at the same time I am ok with having the rule not to nake names. It isn’t that big of a deal and an old fight probably should not be dredged up. If the jelly is constantly being a pain, bring it to the mods.
There definitely does seem to be a bit of a prevention of venting on this site which I think causes more frustration and outbursts in regular questions. I don’t necessarily think it is a good idea, though, because I’ve seen sites with less restrictions and it does tend to lead to ongoing unending flamewars.
I kinda like this. I think it would be hilarious if this actually happened because there would be people spewing “Mods are fascists!” and then later “Help! Someone call the mods! I’m being attacked!”. Personally, I have a few things to get off my chest, but I am in no hurry. It doesn’t matter to me if this happened or not.
@DominicX :: The unending flamewars should be in meta. It is okay if they happen, they just shouldn’t shit all over the good parts of the site.
Yeah, I could see that. I mean, if a person doesn’t want to look at them, no one is making them…
Well….from the “old broad who shall not be named”, ya gotta let things go, who wants to get into a 500 response bitching session about an anonymous flutherer? We are all free enough with the understanding we might get modded to make our little snippet at another and move on. I agree, it would just create drama.
I’m afraid I’ve never seen one of these flame wars on fluther. Are you talking about fluther, or some other site? You seem pretty sensitive about this stuff, John, but you know what they say about shoes that fit.
I’m very upset with @marinelife. I showed up to her house to confess my love, and she had the audacity to call the police on me because she never invited me or gave me her address. True love knows no bounds. Do you know how many women would be thrilled to see a man make such an effort for love? Chivalry is dead, I tell you.
No @johnpowell—it’s out of bounds and you know it. Even though @ucme, Michael_Huntington & @Blackberry thought it a capital idea and you seem to have persuaded @SpatzieLover and @DominicX that it might be OK. @WillWorkForChocolate is a special case. I think we all should be free to call ourselves out whenever wh think we’re a raving A Hole and want to publicly tell ourselves off. And @wundayatta obviously thinks it’s unnecessary, but does it anyway.
Still you have @marinelife, @syz, @JLeslie and @Coloma saying NO! While that might seem a minority report, they are backed up by the Mods, so their 4 votes win.
Now I hope this has settled the matter and demonstrated that disagreements can always be handled without naming any names.~
No, no, no. Name names to me or another mod. Once we’re alerted, we look for a a persistent pattern. Flagging all of the instances really helps, in that regard. If there is a pattern, we’ll see it and we’ll deal with it.
I’ma take this opportunity to call @augustlan out, because every time I say something, it [REDACTED]
Dammit, Auggie, what the hell do [REDACTED]
Shit you son of [REDACTED]
Are you freakin [REDACTED]
Okay, I give up. I’m calm now, but I just want to add that [REDACTED]
Don’t make me hit you with your own shovel.
Like you could catch [REDACTED]
I just want to say I really like everyone who has posted on this thread so far, and that includes @WillWorkForChocolate, @augustlan, @ETpro, @Blackberry, @wundayatta, @Coloma, @DominicX, @johnpowell, @Michael_Huntington, and @marinelife.
@nikipedia Thank you for demonstrating how not to name names.
If we were to turn the Meta section the ultimate dick head cage fight, the uber “dick-waving cesspool” what are those of us without dicks supposed to wave? Did you think about that one, all you big stinking asshats? Did you think about that? And I am not going to name names. You know who you are. I don’t have a dick. What are the dickless supposed to do?
@lillycoyote, people without dicks can’t wave our dicks, but we also can’t get punched in the dick. Think about that.
This seems like fair game for someone to insult any person at any time, just for posting fringe opinions. Shouldn’t a variety of opinions and stances on many different subjects be embraced, rather than condemned on here? Also, the opinion shoving seems to work both ways on here, including those opinions or stances supported by the majority on here. I think that this would be a bad idea, just like the thumbsdown option which was brought before on here.
@nikipedia Food for thought certainly; I’m pondering it now.
@lillycoyote & @nikipedia You guys got no balls. And in a shit-kicking fight, that’s a distinct advantage. I’ve heard douche squirting is superior in many ways to dick waving in mixed company fighting.
@ETpro Exactly. That’s kind of why bullets, torpedoes and other sorts of phallic shaped missiles are generally the weapons of choice for modern militaries, as a oppose to pit traps or pitfalls, your basic camouflaged hole in the ground :- ). Dick waving, of course, has a lot of advantages; though the pit trap certainly can have it’s place in one’s arsenal and strategy.
@lillycoyote Having got snared in more than a few, I can testify that the pit traps do have their place.
The mods have no teeth. I just thought that maybe user input could help them see the direction that people wan’t to go in.
My breasts are more than capable of taking a punch, just cover your crotch cuz after you boob smack me I’m going to fillet you. Don’t mess with cougars, we have a lifetime of filleting skills at the tip of our claws. lol
That @Coloma is just a pussy cat! Here, pretty cougar. Here, pretty cougar! What big teeth you have, pretty cougar! Rawr!
I’m cool with it. At least it’d liven things up around here. :p
I dunno, before coming here I used to frequent a discussion site called AiROW that had little to no moderation. There was shitloads of namecalling. The owner decided to try to cut down on it in the main site by creating a subsection of the site literally called the “cesspool” that had no rules whatsoever and was where we were supposed to get our dumbassery out of our systems to spare the rest of the site. It did not work.
I mean, that’s different from what you’re suggesting, but I just don’t know how this would work in our favor.
I’m not naming any names here, but @blueberry_kid gave me my current avatar. What a doll!
I’m naming myself as Pussy of the Year.
What arguments? I’m clueless…
If I don’t like someone, I just move on elsewhere. Life’s too short to bicker. Create joy, invest in what matters, and all that…
I’m in that mood today—tomorrow, I might feel differently and want to hiss…!
@linguaphile I agree, but on rare occasion a swat is in order. lol
I love to swat. When you see vermin in your house, it’s natural to want to eradicate it.
I’m perfectly happy with how it is currently.. especially because with a change I’d be called out for being a dick quite a lot.
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