General Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What do you value?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37790points) May 31st, 2012

As asked, and how can you show us that value?

For example, I value live theater, and I spend a lot of my spare time raising money for my community theater group. I also act, direct, and manage productions.

As another example, I value beauty, and I wear colorful aloha shirts and jewelry to support that love.

What are some concrete examples of what you value?

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8 Answers

AshLeigh's avatar

I value bright colors, and modesty. It shows in my wardrobe.
I value the time that I have with the people I love. I spend as much time with them as I can.
I value Makenna, my niece, who will be coming into the world in October. I value Jade, my four year old niece that I will most likely never get to meet.
I value my personal thoughts, late at night. I value the time I have to think them. I keep them all written down in a green notebook.
I value the days that I am not in pain, because today is not one of them. Ouch, ouch, ouch.

JLeslie's avatar

I value my free time. I haven’t worked for over three years and I am extremely grateful.

I value feeling free. I felt imprisoned for several years when I had a lot of chronic pain and for me being out of pain and relatively healthy is amazing and precious. I show it by being appreciatinf and being aware of how nice it is to be pain free, enjoying my environment and doing what I want to do while I can do it.

I value good service and hard work and I encourage it by letting people know, and thei bosses know when I have received service that exceeded my expectations, and I tip well where appropriate.

I value my friends and do my best to nurture those relationships.

I value the relationship with my husband and I do my best to be supportive of him. I wish I was better at some things that would make his life easier and calmer, I want to work on those.

I value the earth, and try to recycle, and do little things to encourage a greener existence, but I fall much shorter than I desire too.

Only138's avatar

What do I value? Family most of all…Friends, awesome music, a good bottle of vodka, my health, my solitude and my freedom. :)

rooeytoo's avatar

I value animals, I hate live exports from Australia. I hate factory farming of any kind. I hate animal abuse. So I work in assorted organizations, hands on, to do what I can and I contribute to many others monetarily.

I also value people being able to live healthily so I contribute to well digging, fresh water in under developed countries.

On a more personal level, I value creativity I understand! I just saw a show by an upcoming “creative genius” which consisted of single unmade beds strewn with assorted detritus???
I love what I consider to be “real art” of any medium including your love Jake, theatre, carving, paintings, especially watercolour, photography, and on and on.

stardust's avatar

I value education. I am involved in a programme which provides tutoring to other students at the university I attend.
I value creativity. I’m involved in an artistic group comprised of artists, writers, musicians, designers, etc. which hosts public exhibitions, the aim of which is to make art more accessible and thus remove any “elitist” associations with creative pursuits.
I value my health so much. I invest time into making myself as emotionally and physically healthy as I can be, through therapy, exercise, a hearty diet and fresh air.
I value my family and friends. I don’t spend as much time with them as I could as I love my own space a lot, but I do tell them how much I love them and time spent together is all the more special.

laineybug's avatar

I value creativity like @stardust, I’m friends with so many people that sing, draw, or play an instrument and have fun doing it. I also play an instrument in my school’s marching, concert, and graduation bands.
I value myself. I don’t change to please people and I don’t let people touch me in ways I’m not comfortable with.
I value my family. I defend my family when someone says something bad about them and I like spending time with my family.

King_Pariah's avatar

Other than a few people, nothing.

augustlan's avatar

My husband and children, most of all. I love them and tell them and show them often.

Education. This doesn’t so much come through in my own life, but in my childrens’ lives. We made a lot of sacrifices so they’d have the best educations available to them, and made sure they valued it.

Compassion and empathy. I wish I could help everyone in the world, but I can’t. So I cry, instead.

Creativity. When I can, I paint, draw, write, and use power tools to make stuff.

Language. I read like a fiend.

Being pain-free. It happens so rarely, I am extraordinarily grateful when it does.

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