Social Question

nikipedia's avatar

Little things about your partner you appreciate?

Asked by nikipedia (28098points) May 31st, 2012

To counter that other thread from earlier :)

My partner sends my netflix DVDs back for me. I had netflix for a year without ever watching the first DVD they sent me or mailing it back. Now I get new DVDs like magic.

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26 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

How much he enjoys watching sitcoms. He laughs out loud, they probably hear him down the block. He pauses the DVR after something funny to either rewind and watch it again, or to just make sure he doesn’t miss the next line. If I am not in the room with him and something is very funny he will yell for me, “JL, JL you have to come see this, I already paused 3 times in 5 minutes.” It cracks me up, and I like that he wants to share it.

His willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve what he wants. Along with that is basic work ethic.

His integrity.

That he thanks me when I cook him a meal, even though I cook for him almost every day.

There are many many more…

tinyfaery's avatar

She always anticipates my wants and needs. From food to entertainment to washing my clothes. She is always thinking about me. :)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Takes my dog out to piddle at 5am so I can keep on sleeping.

If he notices I’m fussy or shifty, he’ll bring me Ibuprofen because he knows I’m too stubborn to take any medicine by myself.

He thinks touching dog poo and pee is no big deal.

He is so thoughtful and kind about my mom who lives with us, they get along well and I get a kick out of watching them.

He often sneaks money into my purse. I don’t like to ask if I can help it but he thinks it’s no big deal since he has the bigger income. I feel like a kid when I find it.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

The big one: she puts up with me. :)

AshLeigh's avatar

Pre-planned spontaneity.
A trail of sweet smiles.
Calling to say goodnight.
Laughing at me, trying to kill him when we play video games, even though we’re on the same team.
Teaching me to shoot things.
Bringing me gummi worms, and Mountain Dew, because he knows they’re my favorite.
Making me stay home when I’m sick, no matter how many times I tell him I’m fine.
The way that he laughs out of pity. Because I’m honestly not that funny.
Not staying mad at me.
Spontaneous hugs.
He told me I looked pretty when he showed up at my house with flowers when I was sick, even though I know I looked terrible.

This is a really important one: Doesn’t get mad when I bite him, to make him stop tickling me.

BIRDistheWORD's avatar

The way she cooks the food.

josie's avatar

The little things I appreciate are her boobs. She is really beautiful, plus she is thin as rail and flat as a board.

Bellatrix's avatar

The list is endless, but I think the most important thing is he loves me as I am and never tries to change me.

woodcutter's avatar

The way she refills my straight talk minutes..usually a day late every time so the phone is quiet that last day. Anyway if you pay on a certain day in a month you have to pay on the same day the following month. And they always try to get you to pay early just to keep creeping the next due date up. I think they are hoping to get 13 payments a year. At the rate we are going, they’ll get 11.

Coloma's avatar

I appreciate that he catches mice and lizards and bites me when he wants attention. lol
Yeah, well, my cat is a much better partner than my ex. lol

Coloma's avatar

@josie She sounds like a plank of wood with boobs. lolol

woodcutter's avatar

@Coloma Your ex didn’t bite you enough?

Seaofclouds's avatar

The way he smiles when I walk in the door after being at work for 13–14 hours. The way he encourages and supports my career ambitions. His amazing cooking. The wonderful job he does taking care of our boys. How caring and considerate he is. I could go on and on.

augustlan's avatar

The way he gently cups my face, looks into my eyes, tells me how much he loves me, then kisses me. He lets me sleep for 15 hours when I need to. He couldn’t care less that I am not domestically inclined, and he cooks way better than I do, anyway. Sometimes he sniffs me, when he’s feeling very happy/lovey. Like a puppy. It’s kind of adorable. He dances with me in the living room, for no reason at all.

ucme's avatar


OpryLeigh's avatar

He makes me feel very safe and loved, for example, when we are being intimate, he will hold my hand and/or tell me how much he loves me. It makes it feel more than just sex.

When he is not with me he will often send me texts to say goodnight and call me first thing in the morning. Sometimes he will text me with a simple “I love you”.

I know my happiness is really important to him and there is no doubt in my mind that he loves me. I am so grateful that he makes sure I know that as I have seen friends of mine driving themselves nuts because they can’t make out what they really mean to their partners.

I lets me talk non stop about dogs and doesn’t show any sign that he is bored or wants me to shut up. He also comes with me to concerts of my choice (Barry Manilow for example) and, whilst it is not to his usual taste, he would never tell me that he didn’t enjoy himself. If I love something then he wouldn’t spoil it by expressing his disinterest.

He laughs a lot.

fuck I love that man.

AshLeigh's avatar

Holding me when I cry, and wiping the tears away.
I like his friends more than I like my own.
He’s warm.
Whispers to me, in the darkness, while he takes me home.
We want it all.
Making a compromise, so we’re both happy.
For the first time in my life someone says “You’re everything to me” and I actually believe them.
His face when he’s nervous.
Singing me to sleep, on the phone at night.

dabbler's avatar

She’s a talented and enthusiastic cook ! yum yum

annewilliams5's avatar

He lets me cry when I need to.
He enjoys when I laugh so hard I can’t get my breath, even more that what was making me laugh.
He still, after 25 years, needs me, loves me, likes my looks, cares about me and makes funny sounds to lighten the mood.

mattbrowne's avatar

They way my wife talks to our cat.

deni's avatar

im jealous

LittleLemon's avatar

He feeds my kitty in the morning even though the smell of shrimp makes him want to vomit.

Bellatrix's avatar

He is the sweetest, kindest man I know.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@nikipedia It has been a month since you posted this question. I’m so glad that you did, as that other thread was a bummer. Reading the others’ answers on here were a cheerful off-set.

The reason for not responding sooner is because it is difficult to sift through what is big and what is little as far as appreciation goes. They are all important and hold value. Another challenge is deciding whether a ‘thing’ is appreciated because it is something innate for him or is done to please me. I’m still working on that one.

So, here are a few little things that I’ve come up with so far:
* He likes to sing. He often sings to me when he is moved by a song or wants to share it. When he met my mother for the first time, they started singing a duet of “The Bluebirds of Dover”, a song I had never heard. It made my heart melt.

* As serious and logical as he is, there is a childlike, playful side to him.

* That he goes to bed when I do. He is a night owl and I am an early bird. I keep telling him to stay up, but for whatever reason, if I can no longer stay awake, he insists on coming with me. He also prefers that I stay in bed until he wakes up, even if I read or am on the iPad. I like that. We have some of our most personal conversations in bed. Once out of it, life can get too busy and conversation too clipped.

* He wants to hold my hand when we go for a walk. (We have no car, so walking is often.) When we are on the sidewalk, he always changes sides so that he is closest to the street. I assume this is a genteel gesture of protecting me from harm.

* He uses hankies instead of disposable tissues.

* He doesn’t hold it over my head or keep track of the number of times I am wrong and he is right.

These are just a few of the small things. The bigger things is a much longer list.

AshLeigh's avatar

Singing along to every song I play.
Waking me up when I have a bad dream.
My brother approves of him.
His smile.

Bellatrix's avatar

I just re-read @Pied_Pfeffer‘s post. I hope all is well with her and by now she will of course be saying pavement rather than sidewalk.

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