New here...any tips?
I found this place by searching Bing to find out what the phrase “no homo” meant. I actually got my answer and read a few clever comments. I’ve never heard of this place but was interested enough to join. :)
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89 Answers
You have landed in the Meta questions, what a way to begin ~ ~ lol.
We need to have more joiners and intelligent members.
Err…was Meta not the place to post?? I get a break for being a newbie right? :)
I found this place the exact same way you did. I Googled “ways to stay in shape” and this popped up.
The only thing you’ll have to expect from us is our criticism, silly-ness, awesome-ness, and our inquisitive, helpful answers. Some of us are old lumps, some of us are fresh jellies, and some of us are just plain old freaks.
Don’t listen to @Tropical_Willie, it’s all good bro! I’m actually kidding, you landed in the wrong spot girl. :)
Welcome to Fluther!!!
It’s all good; you have just asked a question that is – - > internal to the Fluther Jellies.
The question is automatically put in Meta because it involves the culture / members.
People are friendly. The place is a stickler for proper spelling and good grammar and asking questions that are questions, not statements with a question mark, like “Shirts with fancy stitching?”
The lurve system is a little funky. You’ll learn about it as you go along. There are a million questions about it. Read them before you ask another one.
We are moderated to keep the place civil. You can talk about anything you want. You can use any language you want. Just be civil. If you ask about a sexual subject, put NSFW in the title.
I love it when people are both silly and serious. I like quirkiness. I like thoughtfulness. I like hidden layers of meaning. I like philosophy. I like people who are willing to share the stuff they usually don’t share in real life. Here, because you are anonymous, you can share anything. People might judge you, but they will be civil, and most likely you’ll find people like you, or who support you.
Don’t take anything personally. People are people. Sometimes we say things that are hurtful, but usually it isn’t meant, and the mods will take care of it if you really don’t like it.
I tend to say too much. I am unapologetic about that.
Hopefully you weren’t left more confused than enlightened by a few of the posts above.
If you have questions about Fluther, then Meta is the right section to ask those questions.
Thank you wundayatta for the good information. Yes, even though my time has been very short here I have already witnessed all the things you like and love. Each individual comment has either made me smile, ponder, cringe, gasp, intrigued, and or confused me but i’m assuming that’s what it’s all about.
Note to self: double check spelling numerous times, search question before asking, put senstivity armor on.
Lol! Yes FutureMemory, I’ll have to admit I was confused. That does happen often. Thank you for clarifying. And thank you for the welcome!
Welcome to Fluther!
You are already doing well by asking this question and posting it in the right category (Meta), since it is a question about the site.
Joining Fluther is like becoming a member of an active group that has existed for quite some time. If you have ever changed schools, work environments, moved to a new area, etc., then being a new member here brings on a similar feeling.
The first step is to read through the links at the bottom of the page. These provide some top-line information, as well as an introduction to the culture here. The second recommendation would be to read through the existing questions and answers posted on Meta. It can also be beneficial to find a buddy, or what we fondly refer to ourselves as, a Jelly (short for jellyfish), that is willing to answer any questions. This can be carried out by private messages, or PM’s.
Again, welcome, and I hope you stick around.
We have our usual assortment of friendly folks along with a few weird or prickly ones. Just explore and figure it out what works for you!
Have fun here and welcome!!
No homo? I thought it was no HMO.
Hopefully you’re not as confused as I was. Welcome to Fluther.
PS: I like reading about half of the stuff that @wundayatta writes. The only problem with that is that you have to read all of it to find out at the end which half that was.
Hey @LovinglyMiscontrued. Great advice so far from the other jellies. The only thing I can add is if you have questions you can always ask our Fluther or Jelly Mother @augustlan. You can also ask one of the mods too. Just click on the Help tab and you will find the names of all the mods.
Lovely to have you here anyway. Welcome.
I’m pretty drunk and doing calculus. Welcome to the monkey house.
Use the @ sign – the names of those who have contributed to the thread appear and then you can write to them directly, @LovinglyMiscontrued.
P.S. I’m the boss.
@zensky Sweet! Was wondering how that worked. I’m on my first step to not being the akward new classmate.Thank you everyone for making me feel so welcomed.
I think you’ll fit right in!
P.S Zensky lies. He is not the boss. Here. Maybe someplace else, but not here.
But he is a good guy.
Be prepared to have your views challenged. Forget everything you thought you knew or know as of now. :p
I figured that much @Sunny2 . Especially since he whispered it instead of announcing it. :)
People don’t look like their avatars. ;-)
I’m Blackberry. I’m actually kind of a big deal around here, so make sure you clear things with me first.
If you have any dead bodies, hide them in the frizzer.
If you make frequent grammar mistakes, you might be corrected.
Help yourself to my chocolate, just not the stash that’s in [REDACTED]
Augustlan is the community manager, and a sweetheart with a whip.
Some jellies are very touchy about politics, religion, animal abuse, and parenting.
There’s an orange tree around here somewhere, but I’ve never found it.
My room is the coolest, most comfortable room in the Fluther mansion.
I’m bigger than Blackberry. And meaner. And I carry a shovel.
Welcome to the madhouse!
Oh and to head off being emotionally crushed, not to mention hours of fruitless searching for droids, some of the awards aren’t working properly and you may never circumnavigate the flutherverse.
@LovinglyMiscontrued: See how your lurve score has gone up and up and up so far?
You’ll learn people’s personalities as you go. Hopefully you stay!
@Adirondackwannabe is a raving psychopath who eats babies with garlic, and likes to watch the muppets while he attempts to turn his neighbors into zombies great guy.
Everyone on here is super awesome. In case you haven’t noticed yet, I’m one of the younger ones here. The others are older-than-me-farts.
Even though I love every one of them. :)
I do NOT! I smell like blueberries.
I cheated and changed it.:)
That’s right. Now go put more garlic on that baby; it doesn’t smell right yet.
@LovinglyMiscontrued If you play on this sight for a while you’ll find you can trust some jelly’s so so much, and there are others that suck. All of the ones I mentioned you can trust.
But ^^ sucks. In the best way possible. With lots of funny jokes. And silly flirtations. And general kindness.
I love it how @Adirondackwannabe acts as if he can be trusted. I would never tell you you can trust me. You have to read me and decide for yourself. I would do that for everyone here. Figure out who is worth reading and who you can trust, but never trust someone because they tell you they are trustworthy. That, you do at your own peril.
Don’t trust ^^ him. But don’t trust me, either. :P
We’re mostly wondering why you haven’t asked us to follow you on Tumblr yet.
@Adirondackwannabe I can’t think of a reason why you can’t trust me. Is there anything in what I said that suggested there was one?
People are friendly at times, vicious at times (Ex. religious questions are almost always hot spots for conflict and disrespect).
Overall, we’re a decent Q&A site, not perfect but what fun would that be?
@King_Pariah I wouldn’t say vicious, maybe just passionate? Lol.
Hmm…what’s left to say? Just don’t say Grumpyfish’s name three times.
Grumpyfish. Grumpyfish. Grumpyfish.
Nothing’s happening…
Heeeeeeere’s Johnny!!
…sorry, wrong place.
I didn’t do anything! I said Grumpyfish. Grumpyfish never showed up. It’s just some ghost running around Fluther, and there’s some guy who calls himself “Candyman” hanging out in my shower… but no Grumpyfish.
Yeah there might be a bug in the Matrix or something. Just now, some zombies appeared in my garage…and I don’t even have a garage.
I’m getting a sense that the people here are like a little tight nitch family…..drunk dad, bitchy mom, slow brother, sluty sister, pervy uncle….oh wait, that’s my family.
@LovinglyMiscontrued LMAO! Yep, that’s us. Sometimes I’m the bitchy mom, sometimes I’m the slutty sister, and sometimes I’m the truly odd aunt that no one likes to mention. :D
It really is like a family here, though. A dysfunctional family, to be sure, but a family nonetheless. We have passionate fights, and we sit around and sing kumbayah laugh together. We’re also a bunch of smartasses.
Yeah, we don’t hurt anyone, we’re just nuts. Also, I’m the pervy uncle. Want some candy?
Ooooh, I do! Got any peppermints?
@CWOTUS what’s tumblr?
Oh wait! Was that on my note to self comment: search question before asking. Oops.
I’m the cool uncle that you don’t want to leave alone with your kids (A. spoil them rotten, B. if bedtime comes around and they’re not going to bed, I’m pulling out the flashbangs)
@King_Pariah You’re just some creepy dude in the corner with a chainsaw, and you know it. :p
Chainsaw? Psssshhhhh!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY Overdone and too noisy for my taste. :)
pulls out flashbang, “I don’t know, can you?” >:)
Try me! I mean… hides in sleeping bag
hmmmm… don’t want to burn or kill her… you want some scotch @Symbeline (I “swear” it’s not roofied)?
Oh my… this has suddenly taken an… interesting turn.
I’ll claim slutty sister
Oh yeah, and how can we forget, we only want the nice people to answer our questions
Oh my God, you said “pancake” <shudder> I need a smoke.
As long as you’re not trying to use Fluther to sell your unwanted fish tank, you’re golden :)
I’m a total perv and @Symbeline is mine! All MINE!
We like to hang out at an online tea party site (no, not that tea party—the kind with actual tea and scones and teacups made by artsy relatives).
And just remember this, if anything gets too intense, just start talking about food! Anything from barbecue to popcorn balls will calm the savages.
I first read that as Tri-tits.
@blueberry_kid As it happens, @Symbeline and I have the same name, as well. Only I have it for both my first and middle name! And also my last name, if necessary! So,nyeh!
No, @blueberry_kid. You were not @blueberry_kid before. So when you change your fluther name, you must also change your real name. Therefore you are no longer who you used to be. Your claims have no validity. Besides which, you’re not old enough. You’d be breaking laws in 203 countries and 94 states and municipalities, not to mention the law of the sea.
While you two are fighting, I’ll just claim @Symbeline for myself. I’m the one with the biggest, fluffiest, most comfy pillows anyway.
The way to my heart is through pillows. ^^ I’m totally larvaing everyone fighting over me.
Shoot! Naked pillow fights with hot chicks! What’s not to lurve?
Ummm…. there’s no fighting going on. @Symbeline is reclining across my pillows, as I feed her grapes and fan her, and treat her like the goddess she is.
Saving people from zombies sure has its merits.
Ah @WillWorkForChocolate You clearly have no idea what is going on inside my head. We’ll just keep it that way. Enjoy your pillows. @Symbeline and I have better things to do. As her reward for saving the world from zombies.
Although we are going to have to have a discussion about bad movies!
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