What do you think of traveling alone?
Hi everyone,
I wanted to post a question on here that asks what you think about traveling alone both in the US and globally. As many of you may know from my previous questions, I am a gay, single guy who loves traveling, photography, and writing. Anyways, since I recently discovered these passions I have a goal to visit all 50 states and travel around the world before I die. Its basically my big bucket list!
Anyways, today I traveled about an hour from where I live to a town that has an old downtown area with a westernized theme and an art district. I absolutely enjoyed it and got to take lots of photography of the various art statues around town. The best part about it was that I got to travel alone and experience the area by myself?
So I wanted to know what does everyone on here think about traveling by yourself around the US? Now as far as traveling around the world goes I know there are group trips you can schedule online with other solo travelers to foreign countries. Would you travel by yourself if given the possibility? I like it because you get to do what you want. Also, how do I make myself fit in when I do travel to these places alone such as on a group tour or in a museum? What should I do to overcome the self consciousness feeling I sometimes get about when people notice that Im alone?
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41 Answers
What is there to “think” about your choice to travel alone? Are you asking for approval? I think it’s a cool bucket list, definitely. And you’re lucky that it is a possibility for you to achieve this.
In theory I don’t like to travel by myself, because I have many safety concerns, having both a chronic disease and being trans. I like to know someone is there to have my back. There are also a lot of countries that I will not travel to for these reasons. But I’m going to travel alone internationally soon because I have to, for work.
I don’t think you can make yourself fit in when you’re traveling and it is obvious you are doing touristy things. If you get self conscious about being alone, er, going to a bar helps. Or at least it has for me.
I enjoy traveling alone, but I prefer traveling with others. Who do you talk about your experiences with? Especially globally.
Sounds great to me so long as you’re enjoying yourself. Just be safe. Plan ahead and have some street smarts.
Go for it! Life is an adventure. I traveled in Asia a few years ago and my traveling companions got on my nerves so I just started taking off exploring on my own. I’m a blonde, blue eyed american female and I went all over by myself. It was great!
Met some really nice locals, learned the metro system, train system, cabs and often I would just go out walking all over and never had an issue.
I am not a paranoid type at all, I expect good experiences and I have them!
Keep a journal, I had the most fun with a Taiwanese cab driver that only spoke about 3 words of english. We chewed betle nut together and he taught me how to chew and spit. He had the most toothsome grin and he called the “Sherwood” hotel the ” She-wa.”
It became a joke with the cab drivers, I’d say ” To the She-Wa! lol
What a wonderful item to have on your Bucket List!
I used to work for a worldwide hotel company in their Quality Assurance department. There were ~25 of us that traveled all over the US, and some globally, by ourselves for weeks at a time. About ⅓ to ½ of the inspectors were gay. It was a pretty tight group, and I never heard one of them voice concern or about any challenges experienced. I don’t think any of us ever got the feeling that people were looking at us oddly because we were alone. Some might strike up a conversation, and I suspect it is because they are often alone as well.
The best way to become accustomed to being on your own is to start of doing it in small doses. Start by going to restaurants, movies, museums, etc. on your own. Being able to choose what you want to do can become quite lovely.
I read much more when I was on the road than I could do at home. @Coloma‘s idea of keeping a journal (I’d go with a blog where you can also upload your photos) is good. My sister suggested that collect something along the way, which I started to do.
My best adventure while traveling alone was when I was in a small town somewhere near the Kentucky/Ohio border. I decided to leave the hotel and go exploring for a place to eat that wasn’t a restaurant chain. The town’s main street was about three blocks long. There was a B&B with a sign that said there was a restaurant inside. The dining area was in a room in this old house. After the meal, I had a quick chat with the owner. He showed me several of the vacant rooms and talked about all of the renovation work he did.
Then he mentioned that he had recently purchased the house across the street and that it used to be part of the Underground Railroad. He asked me if I would like to see it. I should have turned down the offer, but I couldn’t resist. We crossed the street with a flashlight, he unlocked the door, and we went down into the basement. It looked plausible as a potential place to hide people migrating north. Nothing bad happened. He claimed to have paperwork proving that it was true, and maybe he was duped, or I was, but I’d like to believe it. How fantastic was that?
One more recommendation: You might enjoy reading some of Bill Bryson’s travel books. Not only are they humorous, but they describe traveling alone for long periods of time. Good luck with this, and please keep us posted.
Life is too short to care so much about what other people think about this. Go for it!
I love traveling alone. Freedom is underrated.
How do you plan to fund this adventure? What will you eat? Where will you sleep? Do you expect to crash with whomever you find? How old are you and what is your general state of health? Are you sociable and willing to talk to strangers? The answers to these questions are important.
There is a big difference between taking a week off to sight see vs. backpacking for a year into the unknown.
Traveling alone gives you lots of freedom and offers the opportunity to meet other people freedom.
I did it for a short while and loved it but, I had the funds to cover everything.
My daughter and I traveled to the Redwoods a few summers ago and picked up a couple of couch surfing kids from Europe on their way to meet their hosts. We had a great time driving together for a few hours.
People all over the world volunteer to host travelers for a night or few days. Like private hostels.
I think it is really awesome, and a great spiritual experience. I think it’s good for the human soul. Good luck on your journey, let us know about it!
Sounds great, and…...you can even do stuff that your friends won’t be around to tell others about lol.
I travel on my own quite a lot though I prefer company. I’m going to Italy on my own this year with a company that specialises in singles holidays so we will see the sights together.
If you’re comfortable traveling alone, go for it. I traveled in Europe with a friend on motor scooters. I felt needed of an escort and he needed someone to help make decisions. He went back the following year alone and had a great time. You’ll meet other people traveling alone too.
I always loved traveling alone. Then you can go where you want, spend as much time as you choose, eat when and where you want and have no one else to worry about. Just be safe and let someone know your approximate itinerary and arrival times.
> “As many of you may know from my previous questions . . .”
Do we know you under another name, @clarson19? According to your profile, you’re a new user as of today and don’t have any previous questions.
I don’t see any problem with traveling alone if you’re comfortable doing it. I was fine with it in my twenties but wouldn’t care for it now that I’m considerably older. As a young person I really relished the freedom to go where I liked and spend my time as I chose. One thing I dreaded was traveling with anyone for whom shopping was a high priority.
One thing I’d do, though, is make sure someone had my itinerary, and I’d keep in regularly scheduled contact with someone back home—someone who’d follow up if I weren’t heard from as expected.
@Jeruba Here, here…OMG! I had that experience with friends in Asia. Jesus, all they wanted to do was seek out Coach purses and other crap. I couldn’t take another minute of following the shopaholics around. Gah!
Who the hell travels around the world to go shopping? lol
@jeruba and coloma – You mean you don’t love wandering through the markets and see local wares and art? I always found that to be an excellent way of learning cultures and interacting with local people.
@rooeytoo Oh yes, I bought some art and local crafts, but not the Asian equivilent of Walmart and the pursuit of goods like Coach purses. I do not get the obsession with those purses, I think they are all ugly! haha
I am alone in Paris right now – although visiting family, I am in a hotel on my own. Have become more and more comfortable with it over time, but I have always loved walking on my own in cities. When I was younger and traveling, I often “hooked up” with other people for parts of the time. If you are looking to find some gay social life abroad, there are travel guides for gays.
@janbb – you should go to Roland Garros and watch the tennis. It is getting good now!
@Coloma – gotcha! You always struck me as the market type. :-) I have a mental image of you wandering about wearing lots of beads and in a sari.
@rooeytoo, local markets are one thing. I’m talking about people who make a beeline for the department stores and boutiques, whose trip to Edinburgh has only one must-see and it’s Jenner’s. I wanted to go to the art museums in Paris and not go looking at clothes.
@rooeytoo LOL..close, very close. I had all the vendors laughing in an asian night market when I bought a buddhist house blessing amulet on a chain and wore it as a necklace. haha
I’ve never tried it. It sounds like fun, but I think I wouldn’t really enjoy the destination as much on my own.
I travel alone all the time, and mostly out of the country. I am single and a lot of the time my schedule does not coordinate with friends, or we are broke at different points lol. There are downsides, but honestly, I don’t care about them. I want to get out and see new things. It forces me to talk and meet new people on vacation, I can go see and do whatever I want to without worrying about other people. It’s good times. And I always seem to meet a friendly bartender to boink and keep me warm at night :D
I love travelling alone, in fact I think I prefer it, because I can do exactly as I want without having to accommodate anyone else’s wishes. As for having someone else to talk about your experiences with… that’s what a travel blog is for.
If you feel self-consious when you are alone, you might want to re-think the plan. Traveling alone is a great choice for a person who is self assured and confident. Perhaps you would be better off joining a traveling club and taking advantage of their group rates.
I love traveling alone.
I love traveling in a foreign country and having people come up to me.
Yes you have to be more alert but I enjoy the freedom of waking and deciding where I want and how I want to travel.
If you backpack you will meet friends in hostels, etc etc. you can choose to talk with them or not.
I’ve backpacked in Europe, Nepal, China, etc. friends are fun too, but – well, it’s a different kind of fun….
I like a companion, and being young and a female, I would not travel alone to a foreign country. It would cause me unnecessary stress which is not what you need when traveling. As far as the US is concerned, it’s pretty safe here, but definitely there are some cities and some extremely desolate areas where I would not want to find myself alone, broken down, in danger of whatever form it might be in. I like having someone to share things with, good or bad.
I love to travel and prefer to be alone. I dress casual street clothes and live out of a backpack. It is a great opportunity to observe people and nature.
Also I will randomly just get on the next train or flight that I can get on. I do not worry about what I will find when I get to my destination- I just go. Life can get ruined by too much planning. Of course the downside is occasionally having to sleep in an airport or staying up all night in a 24 hour cafe. But that is part of the adventure.
Get a small Moleskine notebook and keep a travel diary. Notice the subtle differences in culture and the new terminology you encounter. Press leaves into it amongst your observations. Also do not forget to seek out different insects and birds. One thing I have noticed is that no matter where I go I see a new type of bird or bug.
Life is short- have fun!
Hi you, travelling alone can evoke all sorts of feelings and emotions, I have traveled alone I know how I felt it’s not nice. Lets start off your going to the airport on your own with no-one to share your thoughts and expectations, who you going to meet on your way, eating alone, sleeping alone safety issues, the feeling of isolation and loneliness, what if I get lost who will find me what if I get ill what if, those are just some of the things you need to think about.
On the other hand it is difficult to find someone to go with, because other peoples lives are going in different directions even a partner has different ambitions wants and needs. I had to make the choice go on my own or not at all ! You will meet other people if you are out going enough but I found eating on my own the worst experience of all! But you may be outgoing and once you have tried it you will be ok, your big advantage is being young another advantage is knowing other languages, There are always lots of gay communities you can seek out, pubs clubs etc everywhere you go, so you always find someone to talk to , be careful what ever you do and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@deni C’mon girlie live a little!! I’m a young adult female and as mentioned, travel alone a decent amount. Just do your research and don’t be stupid. Use common sense and don’t go to clubs by yourself and walk in shady areas. And when in doubt – go for the jugular!
@Ponderer983 I’m glad you’ve had positive experiences, but even here in the states I was almost kidnapped in a convenience store in Oakland/Berkeley when visiting my brother once…that, obviously, freaked me the fuck out! Men like my big ass too much for me to feel comfortable traveling alone—I’m not joking here. I’m not a skeptic, and in general I believe people really are generally good and I love meeting new people, going new places, trying new things, I ain’t scared much. And I do pack a punch….But, at least for the time being, if I’m going outside the country, I’m probably not going alone. And I’m totally okay with that!!
@deni Well that would make sense why you wouldn’t want to do it. But what am I – chopped liver?!?! My big ass attracts a lot of attention but I just learned how to deal with it. Also, the key is to not look like a scared, lost woman. I carry myself with confidence and and quick witted in response. But like you said, basically to each their own!
Isn’t it sad that women have to live in fear of men. That they can’t walk down a dark street at night without fear of being attacked or molested. Maybe we should all start carrying guns. I like to run at night but am often wary even with my dog.
@Ponderer983 Hells no gurl you aint chopped liver. Hey, I’m not saying I’m a hot shot. I don’t like my ass, I don’t know why guys seem to! I would probably in the end categorize it as a generally negative thing!!!!!!! Is this off topic! hah
@deni Embrace your ass!! Be empowered by it LOL!! I’d rather have my larger than normal ass than none at all!
Off topic but relevant in the moment :)
@rooeytoo It is sad.
GO FOR IT! Sorry for the “caps” but I’m passionate about traveling alone. I’m not a recluse and I have many wonderful friends. Nonetheless, when I travel I enjoy going it alone. Why? Because it’s easier to meet new people, see interesting things and experience places that mean something to you, not just to every other traveler. I’ve driven cross the US and Canada (Coast to coast and back again) many times and every single time has been amazing. I’ve traveled with friends and family and enjoyed it, but, in all honesty, the best experiences have happened when alone.
Having said the above, it’s important to know a few things before you decide: are you the type person that finds it difficult to talk to strangers? Do you become nervous or anxious in strange places? Can you handle a day or more without talking to anyone but a server in some rinky-dink restaurant or a motel clerk? What happens if your car breaks down, you miss your flight, the train leaves without you or some other disaster occurs? Do you panic or just roll with it?
As a fellow writer/photographer (I actually do this professionally now) I’ll make another suggestion: depending upon your age, willingness and knowledge, consider talking with someone at your local paper or news station (TV or Radio) and see if they are interested in a series of reports on your travels, places seen, people met, etc. Good luck and never let fear stop you from following a dream.
Oh yeah, one last thing: I’m a 60 year-old single female and have been traveling around for years now. I’ve had a few scary moments, but many, many, many more wonderful moments. Attitude matters.
@Ponderer983 Flat butts are terrible. Hope you see this before it gets modded.
I do fairly often. I would never let not having a travel companion stop me from going somewhere I was interested in. When you travel alone, you get to see and do exactly the things that most interst you. You also have the flexibility to change plans on the fly if you run across an interesting festival, exhibition, concert or other event. What I do depends on the specific trip.
There are always people to talk to on buses, trains, river cruises, etc. Occasionally, I travel briefly with people I’ve met along the way, but often I spend the trip by myself. Either way is fine.
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